Accelerationism is delicious

>"Our services are open to all people who were born female even if they don’t identify as women.”

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100% guaranteed some assmad tranny that's 6'0" and 240 lbs did this shit. SEEK HELP.

nobody wants to have sex with trannys so why are the trannys mad that there is a women only rape shelter?

i bet its the trannys who still have their dicks and are just guys in wigs who want to have a sleep over with rape victims

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Why do Jews still do this and post this shit to Jow Forums pretending it's legit.

You kikes do this WAY TOO OFTEN.

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is that a rat?

Looks like they scooped up one that had been dead for some time.

Trannies losing it

Marker and paint on glass is a sure sign of a false flag. Nailing a rat to a door is pretty crazy though. Could be real.

yeah it probably died up xer's anus

The fuck is a terf?

Feminists who don't like men pretending to be women

Some mentally ill guy who probably assaulted women in the bathroom did this.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist

Basically trannies want to kill women who oppose to their mental illness

>Be woman
>Get raped
>Go to rape shelter
>Get raped by unhinged lunatic in a wig
You know this is what happened.

See the man hatting lesbian? The pant-on-head feminazy type?
Now, a terf is the portion of them who agree a tranny is a man passing as a women, and for them it's the patriarchy trying to infiltrate their safe space and it's men who want to force lesbians to have sex with them.

This happened like 5 min from my house. I'm not claiming it wasn't a false flag.

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By using the term accelerationism you've given yourself away as a kike.

Funny how you Zionists are focusing so hard on (((Accelerationism))) and spamming White Nationalist psy ops...meanwhile THE UK IS GONNA HAVE A HARD BREXIT AND DECLASS IS COMING.

Stupid kikes like you really have your priorities in order...

Of course

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Term happened basically because most Lesbians refuse to have sex with someone who was born a man, and the tranny men are extremely pissed about it because the lesbians are refusing to validate their life choices and shit.

You can google articles of incidents taking place at pride parades where Lesbian groups actually "hijack" the parade by marching at the very front without permission and unfurling unapproved banners with shit like "WOMEN HAVE VAGINAS" or "LESBIANS ARE WOMEN", etc.

They're protesting the fact that the whole LGBTWTFBBQ "community" is trying to force them to accept these tranny men on every single level including the most intimate. I'm a fag and I completely agree with them. I think trannies are fucking gross and that this has all gone too far. The west had gays and lesbians for literally ages and it only became a social problem when the fucking Jews got involved in everything, weaponized it and created perversions like Transgenderism, pulling apart and picking at the very notion of gender itself until there's fucking nothing left.

guise I bet this is the work of right wing nazis

how many drugs do you have to be on to think nailing a rat to anything is a valid political statment


I can't even tell which Jew is jewing the other jews at this point. All the more reason for people to remember the allegory of the two headed snake.

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Expecting men to take care of women is patriarchy and sexist lmao

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Based trannies

Reminder traps are women, real women


Canada has already fallen

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That might be why mtf is MUCH higher then ftm. Some guys see that as the solution to getting a girl.

Like chris chan, going transbian is just a straight guy hoping for a decent shot at some hot lesbian puh.

Not a single politician from the 90s has come forward to apologize. Everyone who said normalizing faggotry with marriage and making sexual orientation a protected class would lead to all you degenerates exploiting children and subverting school curriculum and media.
>No no, we just want to have joint tax filing and pension benefits.
You all fucking lied and everyone you voted for lied and you know it. If you didn't lie, there would be public apologies to all the people destroyed by calling out degenerates for what they are. Don't play games now and try to carve off some fringe wing of your bullshit. This is all your fucking fault.

The translation of all the tranny nonsense is: "Why won't anybody pay attention to meeeeeeeeee!? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?"

This is awesome. Shit only changes when women are affected. Look at divorce and alimony laws. There is finally a debate on how they are unfair because there have been a few women that have had to pay men. Now it's unfair.

Women will react when it affects them. They have little empathy, more like sympathy, so they can only know how shitty something is if they are personally affected.

3 drugs, big ones, you fucking retard

I always figured it was people who lack identity or direction, so they latch on to something. Thanks to the fucking internet and the fucking Jews and the goddamned tranny shit on television and the goddamned left wing parents encouraging this shit, a lot of them get it into their heads that to be happy they have to cut their dicks off.

As to why it's more prevalent? What else is as devastating to the life of a people than to attack their conception of masculinity and male-ness? Women fucking around and being useless isn't unusual, but when the men not only start fucking around and being useless, but they even decide they don't want to be fucking men anymore? Now you have problems.

That's pretty funny desu.

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lol. I hope the LGBT insanity eats these assholes alive.

While trannies are mentally ill, its just lesbians who were used to stealing all the attention from pride faggotry not getting as much attention as trannies are.

gas gas gas

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What is "terfs"?

Women's shelters should operate more like dog shelters imo.

What is "terfs"?


It means read the fucking thread, retard.

>false flag

Lesbians who demand attention only for themselves

I don't know who's gaslighting and false flagging who anymore

and that's a good thing

>You all fucking lied and everyone you voted for lied and you know it.

I didn't lie to anyone about shit, lol

You're not talking to someone who cares for or is involved in the "community" of gay people. In general I can't stand it and I've always minded my own business. You can choose to blame homosexuality all you like, but the fact is that it has been present in western culture for centuries and centuries. People weren't turning their cocks inside out or cutting their breasts off for fun back then. What is different now?

Leftism and Jews control the west now. You can even look at that sick 'sexuality' institute in Berlin that the German government destroyed, they were trying it back then too.

Jews. THAT's the difference.

seems like a false flag Jow Forums attack imho

trannies are usually harmless

feminazis that think trannies are not kosher

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists

>meme flag
>he doesnt know about trans lifeline

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LMAO as if anyone is going to rape a fucking tranny

>I'm a fag and I completely agree with them. I think trannies are fucking gross and that this has all gone too far.
Fags and dykes are fucking gross and it went to far before trannies even showed up. You deserve trannies

Wtf trannies are based

You all belong back in the aids riddled slums fucking each other in the shady nightclubs you came from. No marriage. No adoption. No faggot sex ed for kids. No employment protection. None of it.

This is why I think this shit is real

so..regular females then..they want to kill all real females

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laughing right now

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Why "radical"?

Does this not include self-described feminist women who are opposed to stuff like trannies in women's sports, etc?

Fake hate crimes are perpetuated by high status people against low status people to get more opression cred. Its usually blacks or jews who are untouchable LARPing as "victims" of MAGA white working class people who get shat on by the whole system.

Trannies are actually another high status "opressed" minority fromthe LGBTQ stack. Fellow progressive victims

They are also completely deranged and known for violent outbrsts against biowomen.

This one may be real

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I'd support everyone going back to the shadows if it would keep kids safe from trannies, but like I keep saying, you are dealing with a JEWISH problem. You can take the gays away, but the Jews will still try to convince your son he's a girl.

if you consider man hating bull dykes regular females then yes

get off my terf newfags

It looks so fake. Not even a window broken.


Where the fuck do you get a rat? That doesn’t look like a pet store animal. It’s seen some hard times.

Terfs are the only feminists I acknowledge. They might not be based, but they show some shred of sense

you know how much of "feminism" today is actually a bunch of queers of assorted gender smoking weed and jerking each other off?

well, TERFs, Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, take feminism back to its second-wave roots: hating the absolute fuck out of men

Do you really think the average tranny can break a plate glass window? Even if they had something to hit it with?

they only say radical because TENF isn't as catchy
they would otherwise call them nazis

There’s a very real chance that this group vandalized their shelter themselves to gain public sympathy.

It's kind of complicated
'TERF' is the brand of feminism that says trans people are not real women, that xir that has wooly armpits and shaved her head has a uterus so that makes her more of a woman than passing trans person on the street. There's other feminists that think that trans people are fine, but in all honestly they virtue signal flavor of the month and would go from being 'TERF's if they saw a stefonknee and "lgbt ally" if they thought they got social justice points for being a trans person's friend.

oy vey something else for you kikes to exploit.

I doubt that Jews had to fake Feminist infighting. This was probably just some Tranny that hates TERFs.

Have you ever been in a city? Rats are apparently common in cities know. Just find one on the road that's been dead for a week. Never heard of rats in my downtown 10 years ago though.

the future is trans

why are women fighting it?

they don't fight muslims raping them

what's going on?

the left eating itself

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Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
When you don't get something, just look it up.

This user is kike. Don't trust him.

Yep, nothing to see here

The Left has constant infighting, but the notion that they're eating themselves is an absolute Boomer meme.
When it comes down to it all these niche degenerate factions still fall in line and support the same causes in a way that Right wing groups are absolutely incapable of.

This is obviously fake

>I'm a fag
Opinion discarded

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To their credit many have stopped supporting Planned Parenthood since they started catering to trannies so at least they’re capable of some logical consistency

terf war

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I can't wait to see who the responsible party is.
>inb4 unsolved forever


look at what happened to the women's march or google stalin's great purge

leftists eat themselves and always finish eating themselves, that's why they always lose and we keep having hierarchical governments as opposed to classless utopias

>pulling apart and picking at the very notion of gender itself until there's fucking nothing left.
The term “gender” is newspeak
It doesn’t exist as a word
The word was invented from the beginning to tear apart families and instil sodomy and homosexuality in society

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No, terfs just hate all men, they want to kill white males as much as they want to kill trannies. They are, like their name suggests radical feminists
I gotta side with the trannies on this one..

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There is nothing false flag about this, trannies really are this nuts.

You think a place that's been complaining about this shit for this long wouldn't have just gotten security cameras already?

Not likely in Vancouver. The terfs gain nothing from this.

Most TERFs are against circumcision because they support bodily autonomy for everyone. The non TERFs are usually the craziest ones.

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>passing trans person
No tranny is 'passing' IRL. Only in staged and edited photos can they pass.