White women love thread
White women love thread
>White women
Question for mutt anons. do normie white girls in the US legit and unironically hate white men like Jow Forums seems to say? As a bong who lives in a 99% white area I find it very hard to imagine desu But with everything I see here, it seems like most white girls are fucking blacks and browns constantly + spend all day talking about how much they hate you online and want you to die. Obviously that cannot be true but what’s actually going on irl? Do they hate you for real? This is so bizarre as someone looking in from the outside. Do zoomer white girls hate you guys?
Yes I love me some white women.
Show the love or white women boys
I love traditional women..
U forgot your flag chink insectoid
And now she's a single mother.
love is for women and gays and it is in fact tool that jews used to enslave white population
dont do that faggots
Not even her kid faggot. White women don't like you. Cope!
No leaf
Whites make up the majority where those studies about white loyalty were based so the results aren't exactly telling the whole story.
Imagine a hypothetical village with 10 people who are all married. The 10 people are made up of 6 whites and 4 blacks. Every inter-racial marriage is going to increase the rate of inter-racial marriage by 25% for blacks, but only 17% for the whites.This is obviously much more complicated with >2 races, but the effect still exists.
If these studies were redone somewhere where whites are the majority they would likely find contrasting results.
What is so complicated about asking people about their preferences?
Is it really some shock to you that Most white people find members of their own race attractive?
There have been plenty of studies done on this and they all show the same thing. White prefer Whites.
Even in places like South Africa where whites are minority they prefer eachother.
Hell, when given a choice most whites dont even want to live with non-whites. Ever hear of white flight?
Graduated high school with these girls.
Notice anything?
The one on the far left might be a niglet or just tanned idk