Alayhi s-salām (عليه السلام)
Death to the west and the white man. Your end is coming.
Allāhu akbar (الله أكبر),
Alayhi s-salām (عليه السلام)
Death to the west and the white man. Your end is coming.
Allāhu akbar (الله أكبر),
Whatever man. Larp or not.
I will rape your face
He's a Sikh, brainlet.
Mohammed The Prophet was a weak, neurotic, faggy pedo who had to rape a 9 yr old Aisha just to feel like a man. How does that make you feel?
I am not sick I am perfectly healthy thanks to Allah
Based hmd
whats weird about this particular troll, is the dude in the pic is a Based Sikh, not a faggy Arab. does the OP troll not know this?
Sikhs kick faggot Arab ass.
nice gay lips. you suck with them?
If you're gonna bait and LARP at least post an accurate picture
>That man is a Sikh
That's a Seek you tubular seminiferous buttnoid.
You look like a right sharmuta, you bacha
fight me
Dimwit, that's a Sikh you fucking moron.
Sikh hat bro
Amerimutts don’t have as many Sikhs as us, haven’t met one who isnt pretty cool
Marshmallow my brother
Sick hat dude
>seminiferous buttnoid.
You must be a gen-x'er
We will slaughter you all.
Saged. All Muslims are subhuman. Lower than pigs.
Sikh people will smash you and your goat to the floor filthy arab
Allahu Akbar!
I love this thread so fucking much ironic or not