Ok so 4 years after this great board successfully memed a president into office who had zero support from the...

ok so 4 years after this great board successfully memed a president into office who had zero support from the establishment or the media, it's the primaries and you're all just sitting on your asses letting the DNC snub the one candidate who would actually have good policies.

what the fuck is your excuse? the time is now, we need to meme another candidate into office.

Attached: Tulsi_Gabbard,_official_portrait,_113th_Congress.jpg (1363x2048, 1.95M)

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She's a shithead and she has hair growing around her asshole. Ask any of the niggers who have fucked her.

dnc is shit and corrupt, her choosing to run in that party was political suicide.
we either back trump or go libertarian

You know what nigga

We need to get Tulsi back into the limelight

wheres her deep fakes?

>jew shilling for Trump

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She'd have better luck dropping the anti gun and pro immigration stuff and running Republican or independent, I'll probably write her in instead of blormf after what a dumb zioboomer hes been.

Always do the opposite of what a jew says

She says she supports due process, meaning she is against red flag laws

She's a gun grabbing wealth redistributionist who wants to decriminalize illegals and give them free healthcare. She's not 100% pure kike shill but she's still cancer.

>She says she supports due process, meaning she is against red flag laws

She literally wants to expand the restrictions on the terror watch list (which has no due process), and somehow claims she supports due process? How does that work?

ok whos a better candidate then

>zero support from establishment
>only the establishment can elect the cunt
Kill yourself yid.

she is on the other hand a 100% pure garbage candidate

>muh policies
spine plox

T*lsi is Zionist anti white

President Trump. Zion Don may not be perfect, but he's leagues better than literally anybody else running.

Yup. She exists only to try and siphon off the easily swayed moderates from voting for President Trump.

I'm wearing my Tulsi 2020 T-shirt right now.

Because I dont want a woman, even more so a non white woman, running the nation ever.
Especially in a crucial time like this

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Forgot pic

Attached: Tulsi.jpg (1494x1019, 725K)

>zero support from the establishment or the media

Attached: 1555024036541.jpg (488x399, 66K)

Probably an accurate representation of her blown out asshole.

Attached: meh.gif (498x298, 2.33M)

Unironically kill yourself.

>hey /pol help me meme my liberal lost cause gun grabber because she is centrist enough to beat Trump.

Nah. We team Trump

Tulsi is a good candidate but poor memetically. So sadly there is little we can do for her.

Also you have to go back.

She seems kind of dumb, not as dumb as Trump though. She'd definitely be an improvement for sure.

>expand the restrictions
Doesn't that mean she wants more limits on it, so something approaching a process as opposed to what Obama was doing?

Memeing Presidents has a poor return on investment.

>if you just pick the right person THIS TIME things will BE DIFFERENT

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At least she won't shut down the press for saying things she doesn't agree with, or pressure massive internet companies to ban people who are speaking out against your children's lineage.

Attached: LibertyTulsi.jpg (424x599, 110K)

her policies are shit domestically, a complete 100% no-go

>the press

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Nice try Slaaneshi scum.

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She very clearly doesn't actually believe in any of that.


Are any of you faggots ragging on her for that actually employed? You can't show off your power levels like that in public.

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Trump has what Tulsi didn't: media coverage
Shill all you want for her here, it won't change the fact that the MSM hates her and wont give her coverage
Trump played into their hands in 2015 with so many controversies it led to free campaigning

red vs blue
so you dont see the jew

Hi, Tucker

Attached: Tucker Carlson.jpg (500x522, 53K)

This board had absolute fuckall to do with Trump getting elected, it was a matter of the people voting against Hilary. There is no such thing as meme magic and aligned digits mean absolutely nothing. The only thing missing from your display of autistic mental retardation is a kekestani memeflag

i'm ok with anyone the establishment hates or who isn't a pol. it probably won't change much, but it keeps them preoccupied and exposes weaknesses.

She should run third party, the DNC is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

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She's already the establishment's choice, why do we need to help?

She's not even polling at 2%

You kikes are sick

I didnt even say anything about guns you nigger

That applies to everything you're bitching about.

What a retard.

>zero support from the establishment or the media

Attached: Harvard-Hillary-email-study.png (934x614, 67K)

I'm on here errday supporting her. Her fall within the DNC is planned, though, for optics. She is literally on Team Trump, and anons know this.

Tulsi is "taking one for the team" to prove just how fucked the Democrat Party is. She's user, and part of MAGA. Make no mistake about it.

>Doesn't realize she's advocating for things that are already law.
>Speaking point to placate the "D" party stance on guns

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>recycling "muh 4-D chess" for a democrat who can't even crack 2%

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>Believing that 2%

Attached: Nate Silver.jpg (1024x646, 141K)

>Tulsi's 2020 campaign is comparable to Trump's in 2016

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This. The system has been hacked by bankers. Elections are a waste of time.

go read the bill of rights, socialism doesnt apply and Berniedette Lite doesnt cut it just cuz she surfs and was in the mil