Why does it matter if the US becomes an extension of Latin America? Whites live well in Latin America...

Why does it matter if the US becomes an extension of Latin America? Whites live well in Latin America. Better than they do here.

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thats ALMOST a good point
White Latin culture (Santa Cat-Rio Grande do Sul /Uruguay/Argentina) is high culture but overall Latino culture is flooded with Amerindian-Negroid influences. so, no.
the US is an Anglo-Celtic-German nation. It will need to fight.
Canada is an Anglo-Celtic-Gallic nation. It will need to fight.

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>Whites live well in Latin America
because there aren't many kikes here.
Literally every kike-free country got it over race, slavery, colonialism and all that pointless shit.

The Jew is the king of divide and conquer

If whites dont like it, go back to Europe

Full retard

Because I don't feel like having a bunch of cholo retards parading children around to fuck near my neighborhood.

I for one welcome all qt Latina women into our country. White women's standards have gotten out of control. I've been able to date 8/10 sexy Latina women just by being light skinned with green eyes while mediocre white girls won't even give me the time of day.

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do you understand what happens when you shit in the gene pool? no, of course not....how could you possibly....

your vagina and low IQ are showing

Wtf is that trash whore


Dilate a tranny incel

The indios ruin everything.

What gene pool? America's founding fathers were of British descent. And then the Jews brought over African slaves who race mixed eventually.

Less than 10% of Mexicans look this way.

So? You dumb nigger

Same for whites looking like proper Aryan

she's not white.

why don't you go live in Latin America then oh wait its because it's full of crime ridden shitholes where you get shivved for 20 bucks

>Average Mexican women

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Thanks Boomers

Same thing with Brazil. People think that Brazil is a very shit mixed race country, but they actually have segregation in Brazil and the police always assume that the person responsible for the crime was a nog or a native. Even the mixed race and mestizo populations are redpilled about the groids and the natives, while the whitest brazilians are in charge of the country.

This goes to show you that America's race culture is completely cancerous and self destructive. Even in Algeria, the Berber populations frown upon people marrying blacks, and will kick people out of their community for doing so, they also occasionally lynch blacks if they chimp out. America and Western Europe are the only places where people are programmed to oppose their natural emotions.

Why did Austria steal Peru's flag?

nice half moon tattoo
fucking shit I hate kikes, please run a car in your garage

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Extremely poor people tend to be fat.

Tell that to Africa you retard

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You mean compared to China?
In a shittastic future where nobody from Europe is competent at anything, I'd rather live under the jews, at least they'd still have doctors and will let you talk shit about them to each other. Chinks get uptight about children's comics, and Spics don't build anything.

Unironically, listed to Bronze Age Pevert's first podcast. I unironically think I had a hand in the Brazil 2.0 meme, but after listening to his take, I'm pretty sure that was just optimistic. Not even being wealthy and copious amounts of pharmaceuticals will spare you of the misery of living in the existential dead end that is approaching. Perhaps that's all necessary though, for it to finally be corrected.


We're coming for you gringo puto, America will be communist one day you'll see.

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i've been off twitter for a few months. poast a link to the BAPcast

Because beaners are terrible.

Oh my sweet summer child. If only it were that easy. You have to be either non white, or have a masters degree plus hundreds of thousands of dollars to get European citizenship.
>t. I've tried it

Because this shit doesn't happen in white suburbs.

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Oh wait, your a beaner. Nevermind.

Same for Europeans wanting to come here from what I’ve heard. Really gets the ol’ noggin joggin.

Because it’s primarily one country that’s on the border
Mexicans in the US become and extension of Mexico
There are 40-50 million Mexicans and 90% live in the states along the border
They are invading and conquering.
The others “assimilate” but Mexicans don’t.
They don’t learn English, they practice their weird Aztec/catholic religions, and they vote for socialism and larger governments

*Extremely Mexican people tend to be fat

It's ok as long as it isn't a democracy, as most people are to dumb.

Yea I know. I had a friend in college engaged to a french exchange student. It took them two fucking years to get her visa renewed. INS literally told them "we're concerned that you just want to enter the country so you can get married and obtain citizenship". I shit you not, exact words. If she was a beaner it would be a non issue.

Moat of Europe is a nigger infested shit hole at this point

>cresent moon
go on

I dont most of Europe is as bad as here though is it? We went from over 90% white to 56% white in 40 years.

Controversial opinions on Jow Forums:

Hispanics are good and a net benefit for the US

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We whites are still a majority in the country and the minorities here are gypsies, sand apes and niggets and they are responsible for most of the crimes especially the gypsies they are a fucking plague that needs to get gassed

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Whites live like shit in Latin America, you have no idea what you are talking about. You can only avoid getting robbed if you live in a gated community. You are surrounded by the poverty and crime of the Mestizos and Negros.

kys Fred Reed tier boomer

Oh, the lies people tell themselves just to get through the day. The entirety of Latin America is shithole tier, and that goes for the corrupt white people who live on the backs of the indigenous poor.

I'm saying you're bigger nigger than me, nigger.

I'm gonna have to decline on that offer. But as far as Hispanic immigration, I've changed my mind from 2016.

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LMAO an American complaining about Negroid influences, in the USA of all places, the most blacked country outside of Africa. Half the whites here are wiggers and black culture drives the culture completely.

good point

The south American countries with kikes are the most successful ones (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay) it's the countries without kikes that are shitholes (Bolivia, Peru, etc)

>net benefit for the US

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>Whites live well in Latin America. Better than they do here.

Except for all violence, crime, and official corruption.


Not too much wrong with small numbers of actual White hispanics, coming in. Problem is, 95% aren't actual White hispanics.

That's not how you spell 'retarded'


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>all this shit and still don't have proper gun laws
latin countries are fucked beyond reparation

>Not too much wrong with small numbers of actual White hispanics
That seems reasonable enough, but it leads to what we have now. A flood of non skilled drunk beans pouring into towns and turning them into the same bario they fled from.

so you’re admitting to being a fag


Hence the second part of my post

I disagree.
Nothing wrong with all Hispanics in general. But the White Hispanics are quite easy on the eyes.
Judging by the amount of (You)s I'm collecting, I'd say this is the third rail of Jow Forums.

>Nothing wrong with all hispanics in general
>t. A spic, kike, or both

Love the knee jerk "HE MUST BE A SPIC,KIKE, OR A SPIC KIKE BOOMER GLOW IN THE DARK NORMIE FAGGOT RETARD" name calling and the same stupid reaction images from people like you every time I post something to the effect of "Hispanics are good." Your rhetoric and insults ring so hollow, so empty, no weight, no meaning.

It just tells me I'm on the right track.

this, they might even get 100% pure German towns like those in Mexico or Bolivia


Can you name one area that has improved after having an increase in hispanic population?

Off the top my head: Phoenix, Miami, Dallas, Austin, San Jose, Tampa Bay, Raleigh, Reno.

>Better with spics

Miami was a fucking dump before the Cubans came in

And it's twice as bad now

Miami is fucking heaven compared to an 'all white' haven like Mechanicburg, Pennsylvania.

Not familiar with Mechanicsburg, what's wrong with it? Opioid crisis?

Opiods, Meth, no sense of community, no job prospects, no opportunity. A dead town, despite being over 90% white. Beautiful, good looking people, in a passed over, destitute area of the country.

Is this supposed to be an argument? You do realize back in the day when the country wasn't totally kiked to death and was 85%+ White, small towns weren't like that. What do spics offer that improves anything?

I don't know man - the Cubans are allright - it's the central americans that came in the 80s - but they are few really - but, the amount of business and money that pours in here from all the rich from latin america is incredible - now a lot of russians coming. This is nothing like say, El Paso Texas.

>Whites live well in Latin America. Better than they do here.
Then why do we want to go to America instead of staying in our countries?
His right. Feminism is not a big thing down here, only in Chile and Argentina where the Jews have a bigger presence. There are less than 1000 Jews in Ecuador. There are like 180k Jews in Argentina and there18k Jews in Chile.
>The south American countries with kikes are the most successful ones (Argentina)
Argentina is the second country with the highest inflation in South America

>Why does culture and sovereignty matter?

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>Santa Cat-Rio Grande do Sul /Uruguay/Argentina is high culture

Check out the cope on this guy.

You have a poor notion of what really goes down here these days.

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>Argument is just materialism
Jesus fucking Christ user, you are a souless shill.

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>extension of Latin America?
I think you have that backwards

only hot latinas should be allowed to come here

First segment youtube.com/watch?v=SB4mMMNbYfc

You're sexually intimidated by the virility of my post, I understand.

>Whites live well in Latin America. Better than they do here.
then why are they tiring to move here if it's so good there?

>You're sexually intimidated by the virility of my post
oh shit

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just sayin it's not really a shithole user.

because spics are subhumans that turn whatever area they are in into garbage hell holes.


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r a r e

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What's gonna happen, my cockbiting friend, is we're gonna re-purge this motherfucker of you cockroaches. Then you're gonna wonder why you didn't just behave when we extended the hand of tolerance.

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Whites just want their own country's. Is that so wrong.

Every single one of those cities are high crime overpriced dumpster fires

Disgusting tattoos

What possesses women to tattoo themselves? If you have really nice clear skin as a woman that's such a massive plus, why would you ever draw shit onto it? For men I can understand a little I guess since it's less important to their physical attractiveness to have really nice skin.

I got one over my vag, but its hidden basically until I'm naked. I don't see an issue with those kinds of tattoos