ALL politicians are subhuman rats the only way out is through a National Socialist Revolution
Connor Price
At this very moment US Congressmen and Senators are discussing the 2nd Amendment. It is up to "We," the American People to help them make the right choice in preserving our right to bear arms. Contact your Congressmen. Write them letters, Email, and Phone. > Contact your Senators. Write them letters, Email, and Phone. > Contact President Trump. Write him letters, Email, and Phone. > >1 - 2 0 2 - 4 5 6 - 1 1 1 1 These organizations have many contacts in Washington and can also help your message be heard. Email, Write In, and Call GOA, Gun Owners of America > NRA, National Rifle Association > Of particular importance in this Debate are the leaders of the Senate. Mitch McConnell Leader of the Senate > Chuck” Schumer Democratic leader in the Senate > Finally, the top House members. >
>a subsidy is for investing in your company >a fund is for investing in your company Mexican intellectual here
Brandon Mitchell
My dad has Alzheimer's, Trump definitely does not.
Anthony Cook
Hey Agent John, how are you doing this fine day? I hope you had your cup of coffee and is drinking proper water, beware of those kidney stones and those stress ulcers.
Matthew Jones
John Sanchez
whoever made this should be fired. its fucking terrible
Why are nibbas saying its a dictatorship in the catalog?
Jack Young
>that's wrong because more women in the workforce increased the total productivity of the economy Not in the same proportion of the downward pressure on wages they created. 1965 had women entering the workforce, "diversity" immigration replacing "european" immigration and it took a toll on wages. From there mechanization and automation of more labor intensive jobs didn't allow for wages to keep up with productivity because > MACHINES DON'T TAKE WAGES
As I said even having a Federal Minimum wage is a mistake, there is no reason for the lowest amount to be paid for a worker in Cornfield, Iowa to be the same to be paid for a worker in SanFran or NYC. There is a reason the founders made it a federation with the State being the most powerful jurisdiction. One size doesn't fit all
>You're way too optimistic on their influence. American politics was always on the backs of the regular media and the regular jane and joe doing the legwork, canvassing, calling friends and family and doing GOTV.
Trump managed to kill the former in the process of making it "me and you against the establishment" and the social media crackdown is just helping push this message forward.
notice how the scumbag mexican nigger keeps moving the goal posts and muddying the waters after being BTFO
Josiah Bennett
I just realized something, there was always a lot of images of Obama relaxing. I remember seeing him laid out on a couch in a ton of pictures and video. I don't think I've seen a single image of Trump laying down that isn't 30 years old.
no, the government gives the company special permissions in exchange of job creation. It has nothing to do with personal liberties unless it's specified in the agreement
Kayden Lopez
>there are people in this thread who watch fox news
>UK gov PM asks Queen to hold off Parliament throughout September >Queen says "ok" It's just a narrative, changes basically nothing but still good for salt mining
Nolan Smith
Because the queen gave the wild haired dude i can't remember right this minute the permission to suspend parliament to get it done, and they are saying they are not being represented by not being able to further fuck it up.
Brayden Peterson
How will your opinion on Big Tech Change if Trump loses? Especially badly?
Dominic Bennett
>subsidy is a special right granted to a company willing to invest money in a certain area Like this?
>a subsidy is for investing in a economic region >a fund is for investing in your company
ftfy bro
Isaiah Torres
That's because King Nigger didn't realize he was projecting an image of weakness. How many (((world leaders))) have tons of pictures of them just laying back and doing fuckall?
Xavier Campbell
Everything has to do with personal liberty, lad. This is still the United States. You cannot violate peoples rights with money from the govt. Plain and simple.
Charles Perry
Remoaners salty As fuck they got outplayed.
Gabriel Howard
Oh. Damn it I kinda hoped 'ol Boris was gonna be a fat Mosley for a second.
Levi Price
Personally I like them little. My type is 5' tall, athletic body with small perky tits.
Nicholas Miller
JOHN JAMES FOR MICHIGAN SENATE! The nigger is gonna carry Trump over the line.
This is also false. Subsidies are for companies as well. Farmers live off of them and have for years, Tesla was/is heavily subsidized.
David Long
I love Trump and I hate gun control Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this:
Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be. Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea.
The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE. But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base.
>How will your opinion on Big Tech Change if Trump loses? Especially badly? Not an inch. Trump's victory or defeat hinges on two things 1) ***mainstream*** media and his ability to counteract their 24/7 narrative building against him 2) his job performance
All Trump needs to win 2020 is one landmark victory, be it legislative, executive, judiciary, anything that will make his 2016 voters to say > well, I'm glad I voted for him and will do it again
He not only needs to do but needs to make sure the word gets out. Trump manages to do that? He can have the whole Hollywood, social media, cable TV and even porn studios, chinks, ruskies, norks, everybody 24/7 saying "orange man bad" and he would win anyway
As of right now he is trying to make the wall this one issue, which is smart. He has options outside it tho
They're just salty they can't filibuster until there's enough """asians""" larping in the countryside to completely organically and totally fairly change the vote
no limits to how many conversions you can make in a day
Logan Evans
funds aren't the same as subsidies you fucking idiot, no matter how many times you say it
Lincoln Miller
Kek the average is has got to be almost 70. Sleepy Joe has a sleepy crowd.
Daniel Powell
They want Google to spy more
Carson Carter
Still wondering why are you fags replying to Mexifinn and his swap of proxies, if you ignore him enough he will just go back to regular bait left-wing blog headlines.
yup. they got BTFO finally. and they have the fucking nerve to say it's like a dictatorship
Alexander Taylor
Using the apple macintosh?
Adrian Rodriguez
>the unpaid intern screeches as he realizes he's lost
Cameron Young
Did they summoned the entire teacher's union?
Samuel Cook
Pffft. A simple comparison of our country, and the world for that matter, in 2016 with today is enough to declare a so-called 'landmark victory'. Nice of you to keep urging for that extra mile, though.
Asher Evans
notice how the scumbag mexican tries to muddy the waters of the original refuted point about telecommunications infrastructure monopolies
Ryan Lee
user the entire point was to drag their feet while they worked to astroturf enough votes to force a second referendum that they could rig to cancel Brexit.
Gabriel Gray
Thx. Bookmarked, I need to find one that will do fractions of a second. The Liz Wheeler webm that I made annoys me because of her hand going town at the end to grab her book. If I made it 1 second shorter tho it would have not been as good.
Justin Hall
tapping out for the day. Use muh copy pasta and this picture if you'd kindly.
yes ofc the end game was obvious. >we need a new vote that will be the more reliable one!
Xavier Powell
>All Trump needs to win 2020 is one landmark victory, be it legislative, executive, judiciary, anything that will make his 2016 voters to say needs to be several months from now, because either gorsuch or kavanaugh alone would qualify for that hopefully ginsburg dies soon