Hey Jow Forums how many of you support Israel?

Why or why not?

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You're asking me what I think about satantic talmudic khazar kikes?

They're not Khazars though.

oy vey


Well they aren't, they're inbred semites not steppe Asians or whatever that stupid boomer conspiracy says. I'm also asking about ISRAEL not the Jews. Israel is a stat, faggot.

Israel is Jacob. Don't you fucks even study the Torah?

No, because I'm not a kike.

That's a terrible way of trying to promote the idea that retarded moron inbred and incapable kikes have an IQ anything over much more than a moldy lemon.

Two thirds of the Jews in Israel are not Ashkenazim and thus have no 'Khazar" blood.

Jews don't follow satan.

In general, you are a moron.

I don't support any state that actively subverts the will of other nations. Or has implemented a violent, murderous campaign of apartheid.

That's just wrong. That's very wrong. That's basically an invitation to get sterilized.

I don't support illegitimate terrorist states.

I support their destruction

I support the right of israel to get NUKED.

New york should also have this most quintessential right

I support Israel because lefties hate Israel

I support Israel

They run my countrys banking system, their white skinned, and their 4 points above the average white iq

Who runs your country?

Catholics In Action

Ye better cause because your living in one.

Israel has common values with the west and they deal with muslims the way other countries wish they could.

Good goy.

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>common values

Ah, the myth of Judeo-Christian common values. Pic related.

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Don't care much either way. We should kick Israeli dual citizens out of our government, stop giving them billions of dollars every year, stop fighting their pointless wars for them, get out of the middle east, and let whatever happens happen.

My fellow Jews, we have a responsibility to MIGA and bring in as many diverse peoples and muds into Israel as possible. Especially with war with Iran looming, we could use the extra man power. And let us not forget that wars can be very expensive and some goy cattle to pay into the coffers might be nice also.

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The Jews can only have Israel in it's full glory once they convert to Christianity, otherwise enjoy your Muslims.

I do support, easily. Jews can be sometimes bad, but there is a lot of even worse out there what to hate imo, especially in those areas. Only religious jews are annoying, but not all.

>I'm here. Yes they're talking about us. I'll keep an eye on them.

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Yes, Israel is Okay.

A bunch of Jews behind a wall, with good weapons, surrounded by a shitton ofArabs who hate them, with bad weapons.


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I support how all Israelis are pretty much going to burn in hell forever, unleas they repent to the one they hate the most, they will have to suck on Jesus's toes to even be considered to be able to think about God's kingdom.

Nope. jews.

>how many of you support Israel?


>Why or why not?

I hate jews

I pray for Israel to defeat its enemies.
I know that God's chosen people will always win at the end.

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I support Israel, the only respectable, western democracy in the middle east.

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Cope In Action

Why should Israel be supported? I don't support any country.

Israel gets its shit pushed in when the desolation comes. Until then it's a canker on the world.

Because they are the Chosen ones, and youre just a goy.

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Can't say they were not warned, multiple times, very aggressively, by their own God.

But if they are Chosen they shouldn't need any additional support, it's just waste of everyone's time.

They even wrote it down it was so bad for them back then.


Supporting Israel has screwed up our foreign policy in the MIddle East,. Israel has been a consistent diplomatic embarrassment that has damaged the reputation of the United States abroad. We have used our security council veto 43 times in the United Nations to shield them.

Aid to Israel costs us too much money. Their claims of being "our greatest ally" are absurd. Why wasn't "our greatest ally" part of the coalition of 35 countries that supported the United States in the Gulf War.

They sell weapons technology to the Chinese.

The Mossad intentionally gives misleading and alarmist intelligence reports to American Congressmen.

And their lobbyists have a had a toxic influence on American politics. People in Texas had to promise not to boycott Israel before they could get hurricane aid.

I can post links to prove all of this, if you need them.

and don't call me a bigot because this has fuck all to do with them being Jewish.

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Who said so?
They are the masters, the world is created for them and you leech of their legacy and youre alive because of them, so you should serve them.

Easy for you to say Norway. You aren't sending them Billions of dollars every year, and people aren't crashing planes into your buildings because you support Israel.

If you want have "America's Greatest Ally" Please take them off our hands.

You seem to be in the minority in Ireland. Ireland is boycotting Israel and they are responding by closing their embassy in Dublin. Lucky you. I fucking wish the Zionists would leave Washington D.C.

>I create this beautiful Earth for you, Jews
>Puts them in desert shithole

Better to die for Israel than live for yourself

Christians are God's chosen people. Stop reading your Zionist Scofield Bible.

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But jesus is a son of prostitute

Good goy.

I support the death of all Jews.

Not looking so good for xoxols

Israel's problem has fuck all to do with theological differences. The Palestinians are pissed because of land grabs, apartheid government, and 50 year long military occupation.

We gonna hunt them like wild aninals.

If you think you're an American, and don't support Israel 100%, you're a traitor to your own country, not to Israel.

oy vey if you go on a dick cutting screed then you get to have some worthless strip of desert back.

>God's chosen people will always win at the end.

Except when God gets sick of their shit.

Judges 2:20
So the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and He said, "Because this nation has transgressed My covenant which I commanded their fathers and has not listened to My voice,

>We gonna hunt them like wild aninals.

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>Judges 2:20
Well God cant be ALWAYS right

Same, but for different reasons.

we all do

Yes, yes he can.
And is.

WTF? Please tell me this is a joke.

Go have sex rat kike.

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Jews will be killed in their homes and in the streets.

If god exists why hasn't he rained done fire on Israel?

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I'm indifferent.

wxhat country is golan heights ?

>I don't support any state that actively subverts the will of other nations
So you are from the US but you don't support the US?

Israel must open its borders and allow in the 4.5 million Palestinians, tens of millions of Muslims from surrounding countries, and the endless flood of Africans. Israel must be diversified

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>you are my chosen people
>you need to be punished for eternity

What they pulled off is impressive, and they exemplify the patriotic ethno-state that rightists on here espouse.

I wish white people could be more like the Jews.

>Why or why not?
You should be asking "how can we change our behavior"? But you are not. You're asking "how can we change perception and what things can we re-direct to others by making them a bigger problem than us"

Israel is a brutal selfish ethnostate that gives lip service to peace while working in the shadows to undermine it in any way they can.

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Israel violates the NAP.

Jews need a homeland so they have somewhere to go when we kick them all out and establish natsoc states for whites.

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how many of (((you))) are supported by israel?

>how many of (you) are supported by (((israel)))?

Can we at least keep Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, and Stephen Miller?


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Another slide thread to distract from Israel bombing children once again and also that they lost a mossadi plane? Sloppy.

I didn't realize they stopped bombing children.

Kike shill

When is Israel not doing something terrible to children?


*Pizza rolls

It triggers poltards

Jow Forums shits on jews mossad, you can't expect to have it becomeprojewish, yoy're just wasting our time with your ridiculous pipedreams .

I think it should exist, but the US should stop paying for it to exist.
Which would end up with it not existing, but that's not on me.

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with sending all the Jews to Israel.
Next Year in Jerusalem, amirite?

The problem with the world are the American Jews not the nation of Israel. The ones who hate Israel. The ones a who hate the white man. The ones who hate the west.

No. They will have their work cut out for them.

No, gas the kikes and destroy their Stasi bullshit (again):




US kikes do NOT hate israrrel. Checkmate

No for obv. reasons (flag)

Hezb2alla 7a ynik albkon ya 2youra

This is why not!

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He can't even show his middle finger properly, it's all crooked!

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