Declared war first

>declared war first
>this is somehow "le jew plot to destroy white race"

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italians and germans are niggers
prove me wrong

Stay mad bro...

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>declared war first
uuuuum sweetie, you know Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around?

>Britain and France guarantee the independence of Poland
>Germany invades Poland

>Britain and France guarantee the independence of Poland

Lmao. What a Guarantee.

They also guaranteed Czechoslovakia. They didn’t honor that. What’s your point? They could’ve stayed out

>"le jew plot to destroy white race"
Read "Germany Must Perish"

USSR took over Poland though. UK and France's word meant shit. Why was UK even involved in German-Polish affairs anyways?

Nazis did not care about the white race, they wanted to kill, deport, or enslave half of it.

>they could've allowed Germany to continually sieze more territory
>never mind the fact Germany had revanchist claims over Alsace-Lorraine and appeasing Germany had done nothing to stop their land seizures

War with the USSR would've been unwinnable.

>invaded by russia and germany
>but they only declare war on germany
HHMMMMHhmhmmmhhhm..... really ponders over yonder

who tf cares about poland

>Why was UK even involved in German-Polish affairs anyways?

Because they fought WW1 to keep Germany down. A reversion of Versaille would have made that effort useless, so they tried doing it again. And just like in WW1 they needed to fellate the americans to get anywhere.

Only that time they finally destroyed themselves.

Britain was planning on declaring war and bombing Russia, but France collapsed too quickly for that to happen.

They didn't care about Poland, but rather German expansionism which they say as a threat to the European balance of power.

nazis were retarded rabid dogs and needed to be put down earlier

Nice VPN, fuck face. Stay off our website

>threat to the European balance of power.

Lets give half of Europe to Stalin.

they still should have bombed it 2bh

>War with the USSR would've been unwinnable
So why get involved in German-Polish affairs then? This just proves that Britain and France were just using Poland as an excuse to attack Germany and their involvement war had nothing at all to do with any concept of protecting Polish sovereignty.

We were so close.

So very close...

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>Chamberlain being pressured by America and its jew masters
oy vey

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France and Britain had already done everything possible to avoid war. It only would've been a matter of time before Germany threatened war over Alsace-Lorraine.

it's not over

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Pure speculation, but in any case, so give them Alsace Lorraine and things will be made right. Alsace Lorraine was majority German and stolen from Germany after ww1.

If you break someone's country up then don't be surprised when they start trying to fix it.

of course rabbi
flat out lies

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>declare war first
>literally "le white race plot to destroy the jews"

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Nobody thought the Soviets could fight especially after they were btfo by Poland in 1920 and after 1938 when Stalin executed much of the officer corps.

Britain only thought the Soviets were important because of all the resources they were giving to the Germans from Sept 1939- June 1941 during which Hitler and Stalin were allies and that's why Britain planned on bombing Russia in Summer 1940. Russia was seen as Germany's resource hub that fueled it's conquests in Europe.

Not even Hitler thought the Russians could fight which is why he expected Operation Barbarossa to be over in a matter of weeks.

>Britain and France guarantee the independence of Poland
and then Poland went on to become a Soviet vassal state after the war, some guarantee huh, almost like the "independence of Poland" was not important at all and just an excuse to declare war

>if you don't want to kill/enslave/deport millions of Slavs you must love jews

fuck off

What the fuck are you talking about. They supplied the soviets with everythign they had.

Also, Russia also attacked Poland, with Germany

And war with the USSR would've been unwinnable. War with Germany wasn't.

The movies are pretty good.

the litmus test of nazi germany's mediocrity is its cultural production. look for instance at arno breker's bodybuilders.. they are even worse than contemporary "installations".

Germans needed oil, ore, food, etc from the Soviets from 1939-1941 during the British blockade when naval imports were blocked. The Soviets provided that for Germany until Barbarossa. The last Soviet supply shipment to Germany occurred on June 22 1941 the precise fay Barbarossa started.

Germans occupied most of the productive parts of the Soviet Union and the Soviet had a brutal scorched earth policy demolishing and lighting fire to everything that couldn't be evacuated, so eventually became dependent on US imports. But the Soviets still had a wide base of resource extraction considering the size of the country and didn't receive large imports until after Barbarossa failed in Dec 1941.

White isnt a race moron. Only jews see race as skin color like the brainlets they are.

that was pure propaganda. and, again, tons of faux-classicism.

>Please let us grow stronger so we can conquer you later.
No. Fuck off. Stop trying to conquer Europe.
Germany was the aggressor. YOU are an aggressor. You made your bed. Now sleep in it. You know who also attacks others and then blames the victim? Niggers. Stop being a nigger.

>flat out lies
No, he's right. Germany and France were BEYOND cucked by Germany. For years they gave Hitler everything he wanted. Even after they declared the war they basically didn't do shit to actually help Poland.

>wanted to enslave and kill.
How many times had we heard this before?

Nah. One movie for example is stll shown regularly on TV to this day. "Feuerzangenbowle".

>White isnt a race

fuck off retard

Wow the Germans wanted to take back lands that rightfully belonged to them.
What a bunch of assholes.
How dare they!

Your whole country is build on conqest you nigger.

gas yourself kike

Hitler was a Rothschild puppet.
The purpose was to destroy Germany and German culture once and for all.
He was successful.

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Piss off, retard.

Despite the fact they spared britian (never do this in war) and the amount of peace treaties hitler sent?
Ya totally wanted to conquer whole of europe and soon the world.

Kek you continue to prove my point moron.

Stop being a fucking retard for a moment, and refrain from shilling constantly.

Pretty often considering it was generally accepted German policy to fuck over the Slavs whether they were Poles, Belarusians, Serbs, Ukranians etc. Even in places like Ukraine where they were welcomed as heroes the Nazis mistreated the Slavs. They didn't even let the Ukrainians abolish the collective communist farms and instead forced them to work in the same slave like conditions that Stalin did.

Look is the same german autist that believes in Q.

That's actually a real possibility but nobody on Jow Forums want to even think it's possible.

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Because double standards exist.

Its okay if Caucasian mutts conquer lands for jews but if others do it then death to them!

Why don't you move to Africa, Brazil or the ghetto and prove empirically that "hurr race doesn't exist"? I can't wait to read about some nog stabbing you to death for being white.

Retard alert

>Germany was cucked by Germany
Yup. To be more serious yes UK and France were cucked but it shows they really tried to avoid a war, Germany wanted to fuck Europe as always.

Because it's retarded and tends to contradict it's self way to often.

The shills are under the impression that Jow Forums has baught into their Q user psy OP.
So they use Qanon as a source.

Hitler was a war hero you mong. Why would he fight and bleed for Germany and demand to be put in the front lines if he hated it? Please at least try to dream up a conspiracy theory that makes a modicum of sense.

Lel! Look at all the shills waking up so quick....
It must be true then.

wow a fucking leaf being a gigantic pussy and not understand the consequences of being a gigantic pussy in the face of an aggressive power.

i cannot wait to annex you and re-name your country America's Hat.

taking land from stone age injuns is the same as forcefully annexing other european countries

Look at Trump for example, he's a kike puppet but he could go to war against another kike country if he really wanted/needed to.

>Everyone I talk to calls me a retard
>I must be super smart

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North America was full of mongoloids, Eastern Europe was full of white Europeans.

Ah, with a smile on my face.

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Finally someone realizes that WW2 was the Jews (that declared the war on Germany) and Germany. Over the Germans boycotting Jew goods because the germans were starving and the jews had all the money. And yes, degeneracy and attempted commie takeovers def. played a huge part.

I never said race didn't exist but using skin color as a indicative of race is wrong. The anthropologist classifies species upon skeletal features not pigments alone. The idea Caucasians are a single race is scientifically wrong and dishonest as jews hide among you.

well first off, it's because we don't lose our aggressive wars against our land neighbors.

there's really no second off, you lost the war that you started, again.

>Rothschild puppet
This shitty limited hangout "Rothschild" conspiracy is pure psyop. Though Hitler was a puppet of American capitalists, some of whom Jews.

Europe under american influence became the same shithole as America.

Hitler literally took Rothschild family members hostage and ransomed them.

Attached: hitler-arrested-baron-louis-de-rothschild.jpg (616x388, 50K)

What a conherent argument. So, you're upset, that we lost.

>Germany was the aggressor.
No they weren't you faggot, Poland refused to come to a political agreement with Germany + Germany minority facing legitimate hardships by the Polish regime

Never killed him tho, only took something like 3 millions...

Goering was a war hero, Hitler was literally some trench rat.

Are you gonna ignore the fact that (((q))) has been proven to be fraud?
Yet removes the international banks interference with germany, kicks out freemasonry, the endless amount of boycotting against germany, degeneracy stomped out, and hitler being one of the most lied man ever in history and national socialism being demonized.

Germany's offer was quite reasonable too.
They wanted their lands back and the construction of a trade route between Germany and Poland.

And promising they wouldn't declare war.
You missed that part.

Well they are stingy bankers. Any more and they would have just left their cousin to rot.

Hitler won an Iron Cross for capturing an entire French squad while armed with only a pistol.

>Poland refused to come to a political agreement
You mean Poland refused to give up a part of its territory in exchange for "guarantees" and then get screwed over like Czechoslovakia.

>kicks out freemasonry
LMAO, Hjalmar Schacht was a freemason and got off scot-free @ Nuremberg

>puppet of some american capitalists
Holy fuck how many lies or bullshit to you have to pull through out your ass?

For what should he have been convicted at Nuremberg?

>get screwed over like Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovakia is an artificial state that was meant to keep Germany down. It didn't get screwed over, President Hacha agreed to be put under German protection.

Also Poland literally was involved in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia.

White refers to Europeans you moron, it's just a colloquial term because skin color is the most visually obvious trait.

The US would have never even been involved with Europe if Hitler hadn't declared war after Japan attacked.

>part of its territory
What are you even talking about? Hitler just wanted Danzig, which wasn't even a part of Poland but was a Free City and was 99% German and voted their local National Socialists into power and invited Hitler to annex them.

The only thing Hitler demanded of Poland was a railway between Germany and East Prussia which had been cut off from the rest of the country by autistic border design.

Pure speculations.
Poland got screwed by the allies.
Had they taken the deal, the Poles and the Germans would have faught off the Soviets together.

>Hitler's Iron Cross First Class was awarded after an attack in open warfare during which messengers were indispensable and on a day in which the depleted regiment lost 60 killed and 211 wounded
He got Iron cross for being a messenger, that's it.

>part of its territory
Danzig was a free city state according to the League of Nations. Poland illegally occupied it. No different than Iraq occupying Kuwait.

I'm not faggot, read Andy Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

Yes ant they took land from Czechs. They ddin't deserve to be genocided by Germany but they are not innocent either.

And you got tendies for emptying your piss bottles.

North America and eastern Europe are full of mongoloids. White Russia lost to the communists just so you know and that means millions of ethnic indo Europeans who were the ruling class were genocided by the masses.

I hate to break it to but this world was inherited by the mutts after the axis lost WW2. Its why intellect is dropping globally as segregation and what have you was abolished and people were allowed to mix freely. We are headed to a collusion course to the bottom as natural selection was replaced with the jewish state.

How is Czechoslovakia existing keeping Germany down? They were never part of Germany proper.

Why would Poland want to be dismembered like the Czechs?

>dodges the point

What could have been...

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