Shepard Smith

Why does FOX keep him?
He definitely belongs on msnbc.
He’s such a complete shitbird.. could we start a petition?

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He's gay, if they fire him it would be a hate crime

He knows what cock tastes like. lol What a faggot.

Weeeeeeeelll fuck!

Whine and bitch more, that should help.

Why the fuck are you even watching FOX?
God you americans surprise me every day

How about you eat a dick, Shepard

Rather I watch cnn, dumbass?

I'm pretty sure he came out of the closet on live TV because fox was just about to fire him

What do you watch? Tim Poole?

Maybe he has a long contract or they can use him to claim the fair and balanced meme.

Fox's entire schtick is "Fair & Balanced", I'm even more disgusted people like you indulge in that garbage. TV is evil.

I rather you not watch any mainstream brain-washing garbage media, you fucking trumptard

>Blow Job Shep…

I would mind if he accidentally fell in a well

Then why are you here?

I'm sure he would mind too

This. He's a faggot. Not a faggot like OP. A literal faggot that sucks dicks clean after they've squirted up his ass faggot. He's so much of a faggot that even other faggots want to kick his ass.

Smith has an insane amount of dirt on Fox. If they fire him he'll just release all that info to the media. Dude's set for life.

>I rather you not watch any mainstream brain-washing garbage media
>t.Dictator user


>watch TV
>tell people that you're redpilled

You can choose only one.

he's that one guy who flips dem on certain things to give the illusion of a diverse network

yeah a petition, yeah

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Damn Shep be looking all gaunt and sheit! Dat nigga has AIDS

If you still support Trump, after all he's done, or lack thereof, then you're genuinely unintelligent

he has a creepy Craigslist Hook-up face

Is it about this?

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Dude, you act like a lot of us Jow Forumstards didn't know he was a plant. He wasn't supposed to win , that was the troll. This country is lost , only a civil war could fix it

It helps advertise Hair for Men, just like Hair Plugs Joe.

It works for the left

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Fox co-opts personalities like Mark Levin, and forces non-disparagement clauses into their contracts. Levin would love to tell the world what he thinks about Shep and Juan, but he's contractually incapable of doing so.

How about you shut the fuck up FREDO

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He was born to govern the world.

Wow, are they trying to push post-menopausal women as sexy?

Id honestly rather have Fredo on Fox. News that that douche Shep

>I'm even more disgusted people like you indulge in that garbage
Are you retarded?


>claim the fair and balanced meme.
He’s neither

Ummmmmmmm, wot?

IDK, I just seen a bunch of old women standing in an elevator, doesn't explain anything in the trailer

>Fox co-opts personalities

Yep...if one was to look strictly at their reading a transcript of would find they are Murdoch’s open boarder free trade corporate capitalist garbage...and they supported a few false flag wars in’s a scam...good on Trump for cutting the cord...

I’d fuck old women... you wouldn’t?

No, I can afford hookers

>doesn't explain anything in the trailer
It’s definitely a hit piece.
I’m assuming it’s about a sex thing

There’s old hookers

Nah cause they aint firing him for being gay but for being a bias dumb motherfucker. Lioe juan williams dumbass talking points. Man them niggas fucking stupid.

Nah, I'm talking way worse shit. Tax fraud, pedophilia, beatings, people urinating on people's face, etc. Really fucked up things like that. It's Fox News so it wouldn't surprise me.

Eternal Debbie Downer. The Five is fun a lot but he always acts like a complete faggot and ruins it. Fuck him, even Donna Brazille is better than him.

Sounds pretty gay

I can look past Juan Williams..
Shepard is a complete asshole.
He told some lady she was gonna die on air because she didn’t leave here house during a storm.

Because that wouldn't be fair and balanced duh.

>complete faggot and ruins it.
He’s the Lewis to the Fives Dean

Shepard Smith is not fair

>It's Fox News so it wouldn't surprise me.

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I don't want o be Hilary Clinton's next victim

Same thing with cnn, msnbc, ny times, and pretty much any newspaper in this country. Hollywood too. All of those animals are the same.

No one ever does

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Shepard is a good little yes man. Fox loves him.

There’s a difference, user..

Shepard Smith is FoxNews token homosexual

"In 2017, Smith confirmed in a speech that he is gay"

>yes man.
He’s a pud.. Half of what he says is disputed on the 5


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Shepard Smith is one of the last true journalists left. He tries to get to the truth, and doesn't give a fuck if he makes libtards or conservacucks angry. He just tells the truth.

Another person in this category is David Muir on ABC. The man is as unbiased as you can get.

>Shepard is a complete asshole.
>He told some lady she was gonna die on air because she didn’t leave here house during a storm.
Damn, got the clip? He's a prick but holy shit that's bad. Hope she called him a faggot at least.

Telling the truth by saying stupid shit like illegal immigration was a manufactured crisis and that anyone that believes it are morons?
Fuck off, Shep. No one likes you.

Please commit suicide faggot, no one like you .
Also,only Shepherd Smith would say that about Shepherd Smith

>Why does FOX keep him?
>He definitely belongs on msnbc.
>He’s such a complete shitbird.. could we start a petition?

Why don't you do a straight across trade with us lefties at MSNBC? We will take Shepard Smith off your hands and you can have that piece of shit, down-low Republican, Chuck Todd. A fair trade I think.

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Imagine caring that much about broadcast TV.

>Chuck Todd
>down-low Republican
Huh? IS a thread about broadcast tv. So why are YOU in here then, ya d-bag?


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Sorry, I don't post on plebbit.

Imagine caring about broadcast tv so much, you come into a thread about broadcast tv, and throw shade at broadcast tv

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Yes please do I’ll sign it

Only a Jew could invent such a weak response.

>As if no one knew

>sooooo stonk

worship Ainsley goddess and all will be well

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wtf I love kikes now

He's a buttfucker who's butt buddies with many of the closeted republicunt sect.

>guy points out how retarded you are for posting in a thread you know you'll hate
>s-s-shut up Jew
Just take the loss and stop posting, dumbass.

One of my favorites.

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That’s on you, pal

>being a jew-lover

It's on the Jews.

That you love

That's news to me.

You said it dipshit..

Why did you say I love the Jews? Give me one reason for it.

>watching FOX for any other reason than Tucker

Ummm, I did

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Was there anything in all of the threads these moarfeces threads to suggest at any point that I liked Jews?

>moarfeces resorts to a flipped mueller meme again
You're really pathetic and a Jew yourself.

Lurkmoar redditor

moarfeces is mad-

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Fox news is pretty good for eye candy