The end times?

> financial recession coming
> earth is on fire and cooking. ice is melting on the ice caps to the lowest levels of all time. arctic methane being released.
> degeneracy everwhere. openly calling for death
> censorship in every way
> war talk, skirmishes, and trade wars
> my favorite taco bell constantly getting more order wrong every time i go.

what's going on here? is it the beginning of the end? how will it end?

post predictions of the next moves on this chessboard we call eaerth

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these guys seem more prepared and organized then all of pol

oh its been happening since the 20's user. you just need to pay attention

>Chick fil-a only dropped one chick fil a sauce in the to go bag

It is the beginning of a different unseen era. A brave new world if you will. We are at the crossroads of two different views of history: the cylindrical and the technological. Our America is failing (as all great societies eventually do) for reasons we can all see, and when empires collapse they bring a lot of things and people down with them. This is where the technological view of history is relevant. No two collapses are alike because technology advances between them. How will the death of an empire play out in a time of smartphones, AI, advanced surveillance, the internet and civilian owned AR15s? This is the interesting part. Strap in, the 2020s are going to be a wild ride

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it adds to everything. i get a number 2 combo, and a cheesy gordita combo and then a side of supreme nachos. they always forget the nachos. im sick of it

so it is happening? Well best of luck cause I'm fucked. Not sure what I will do without my tendies

Dude you're gonna be uber ducked without those nachos. The best end times food

Yeah maybe who can really tell. I don’t really mind eating bugs and sawdust if it comes to that

Nobody will do shit. Americans will never give up their easy lives for promise of a better future until they no longer have those easy lives. And by then, it will be too late.
Nobody will do a fucking thing.

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>my favorite taco bell constantly getting more order wrong every time i go.
Fuck, I believe that's one of the signs the 3rd Temple is going to be built.

It's the 5th trumpet user, the fifth trumpet is actually a Bell. Taco Bell. Get it?

I know, don't remind me...

Not me. I need my mountain dew and tendies and taco bell. I eat it everyday. Thats probably why I'm obese.

Make fun all you want, but it's your price to pay once you drive all the way home and they forget the nachos. It angers me so much,

Getting rid of China would solve a few of those problems.

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wtf is that...

>> financial recession coming
Happens almost every decade

>earth is on fire
No it's not.

>ice is melting on the ice caps to the lowest levels of all time
We are on ice age, since the caps have ice. Literally. Ice age.

>degeneracy everwhere. openly calling for death
It'll pass

>> censorship in every way
> war talk, skirmishes, and trade wars
Business as usual


>user makes thread saying we've got 3 days left
>gets shoad immediately
What did mods mean by this?

Im a fat neet and even I know that climate change is happening. You have to be a fool to not read and look at all the evidence worldwide (read and look at the images).

The degeneracy and censorship is getting worse. How is that passing?

>McDonald's told me that'll be an extra 35 cents for an extra Sweet and Sour sauce


Gotta pump those PPM up somehow

Considering the entire upper eschalon of powers that be are literally child raping canables, they'll likely pull the plug on the whole thing before further exposure. I'd get out of major cities b4 the ff to prempt ww3 habbens. There will be a move to consolidate power and memory hole the rest.

this is not a game. you miss my nachos, my fat ass will be mad. and im coming for u...

the same taco bell/KFC by my house is the only one that has the wrapper stuck like glue on my cheesy gordita crunch every single time
buy some new steamers you cheap faggots

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yes, they do the same to me. Ive had enough

All religions claimed that society will experience great degeneracy before the end times. All former religions, but one, have become cucked. What I find concerning is this, Islam is becoming increasingly kiked. JUST LIKE CHRISTIANITY. Once Islam is neutered like christcucks, which I believe is around the corner, I can't help but feel spooked. Especially if you take OP post into consideration.

Actually this. Nothing ever happens, until it happens, once it happens post it and let me know. In the meantime I can only hope to have explained how a happening thread works.

well... i guess it really is happening

Climate is always changing. What's your point?

>The degeneracy and censorship is getting worse. How is that passing?
Degeneracy always gets worse before it gets bertter. Cencorship never lasts, as it is a self-defeating idea.

good digits

also fuckin hope so. Real life sucks. bring on the apocalypse

You remember that Albert Pike quote where WW3 will be fought between muslims, atheists and christians so that all die simultaneously, after which worldwide lucefrianism would be established? Turns out that the war isn't even needed, as all those are already dying by their own momentum.

Well whatever the fuck it is
This shithole planet needs divine punishment

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it just feels like the titanic is sinking and youre the only one saying everything is fine. how can you be this obtuse?

maybe so. ill be the first one to die. i need my taco bell and chickfila

I used to be the one who mocked the happening fags, but now even I think things are coming to an end. Time to wake up.

>it just feels like the titanic is sinking and youre the only one saying everything is fine. how can you be this obtuse?
There is always another titanic. You think you are in some kind of unique situation? Nothing new under the sun. The same drama has played out for eons.

Things come to an end all the time. New beginnings arise all the time.

>what's going on here?

you are reaching the apex of the rollercoaster ride, on the other side of it is absolute fucking chaos and madness. it will be quite a descent

>is it the beginning of the end? how will it end?

it's the beginning of the end of a paradigm, it will end with innocence triumphing over evil and the age of innocence beginning. certain figures come to mind, they're proactively at war with the forces of evil

more and more of you need to wake up to the dire straits our species is seated in. we are on the verge of a potential extinction level event (ELE), and stalwart, vehemently adamant proactivity against the evil psychopaths and rich assholes who rule society is now a must

...exactly, and they have always ended in mass extinction and the destruction of societal structure. earth is fine. we are on the way out it seems. it seems we were given a shot by earth and all we did was disappoint it

don't scare me like this user. i can't take it

It'd require an incredible unfortunate set of events to eradicate mankind. Mass dieoffs will inevitably happen at some point, but the human race is extremely resilient against total annihiliation

you do realize that people in india are fleeing because they are lacking water right? lots of people are dying now. same for many parts in the world. im a fat retarded neet but people are dying now. you just dont feel it cause you're isolated away from it like me in a comfy captalist hellhole. but it will come to us last. earth has had enough of us it seems

>you do realize that people in india are fleeing because they are lacking water right?
What has this do to with anything? There has never been a point of time where such suffering has not been occurring somewhere in the world. Relatively speaking people are not dying any more at the moment than any other points in history. It may only seem so because there are fuckton of people, so the absolute amount of suffering is larger than before.

> earth is on fire and cooking. ice is melting on the ice caps to the lowest levels of all time. arctic methane being released.
Wrong, you've got it exactly backwards. Shit's getting colder despite all the idiotic propaganda that mouth breathers and illiterates lap up.

I can't wait till it's winter. If they're using HAARP to try and artificially make the climate hotter, they're going to have hell to pay.

CO2 emissions i think

6.1 Earthquake, Hokkaido, Japan just now.

Interesting, as soon as the wages goes up the voices about recession gets louder and louder


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>Earthquake in a earthquake zone

And it's not even a real earthquake, but a povertyquake

melt the ice caps to put out the fire

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Very perceptive comment.

He is alive in me pol/

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we’re simply past the event horizon where the world’s coming turmoil can be ignored. the internet greatly accelerated this process. Jow Forums might accurately be called a doomsday cult, but the incredible thing is that as far as millions can tell, it possesses an ethos that can reliably supported using rational thinking and analysis of current systems of power.

these trends spell out calamity for those dwelling within cities, and famine/hardtack survival for those in rural areas.

the current ruling elite will flee to magnificent bunkers.

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you forgot
>white girls can't stop fucking dogs

When does the show start?

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those niggers are scamming you, call ICE say they have illegals there, that should fix your problem

Yes they will user. They will die.

>once it happens post it and let me know

And there is the joke, by then, its too late.