Complain about the jews all day

>complain about the jews all day
>isn't proactive in the golf rumor community
I got my first rumor 2 months ago and since then have made almost $100k. I have also given back and am getting bigger and better rumors.
Seems like if you guys didn't have the mentality of the ''niggers'' that you hate so much you too could be rich. There's plenty of money for everyone, come on in, the water's warm.

Attached: golfrs.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get out while you still can. Trust me, you do not want to go down the golf rumor rabbit hole.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on golf rumors. I’ve seen it forever but nobody ever tells me what it they are? Just elites telling each other insider trading shit?

Looks like a pyramid scheme with a little bit of bait to grease the gears, if you read between the line in the original post

"given back and am getting bigger and better rumors"

Learn the fundamentals and stay far the fuck away from grifters- there's some free horse sense for you

Only a literal retard would post this. They don’t exist and everyone would do very good to not post in this thread. OP is likely already dead from the Aids he caught posting this.

What does this have to do with golf?

Jesus fuck at least be cryptic if you're gonna go all autistic on the subject

golf rumors are old news. the big fish all do squash rumors now

Honestly dude do you have any real tips for getting better? Golf is huge in my profession and a great networking tool but I'm just terrible.

I bought one of those net set ups for my backyard but I feel like my form and instincts are just fundamentally ill suited. I have a terrible slice when it comes to driving, and the sort of bent knee posture you use for irons leads to me either creating a huge divot in the grass or missing the ball completely. The only thing I'm good at is putting.

It is literally a gentlemen's club where we exchange rumors we have heard about golfers and courses to use in betting. We all get together Sunday at the country club to catch the final round.

We don't talk about g*lf r*mours, user. They will show up with the van.

That’s it? I thought golf rumors were like elite clubs of murder cannibal squads like the purge sabbatean redroom Hostel tier that somehow produced unimaginable amounts of cash for their members.

It's not golf.....its a child smuggling operation. Stay away.

Finally someone with some f*ng common sense. This thread is a honeypot.

Why? What are they in a general sense. I always get this annoying response


Please leave while you still can.


W-what do you mean user?

Fucking newfags I swear. Just leave this thread and DO NOT return. This is a rabbit hole you don't want to go down. Trust me, user.

There's a rumor that golf balls are filled with poison

We talk about conspiracies on here all the time, why is this one different?

Indeed. This thread is full of fools who disregard the rules and common sense.

Found an old archive from 2017 talking about Golf Rumors
Seems like it is either: legit insider info, fake info spread deliberately you insiders to see if it turns up (thereby exposing the leaker), or some kind of MKUltra operation

This one is different because.........

>inb4 thread scrubbed
It was nice knowing you anons, enjoy your ride in the party van.

..........we are all being watched

Well I always thought it was a meme. Do you think Trump spreads them to draw out the roaches in the administration?

Attached: 1328153030437.png (680x510, 1.61M)


In what sense? Remote viewing?

Well, he owns a lot of golf courses, and he also enjoys golfing a lot. I would imagine that there are any number of legit and fake rumors spread by Trump on the golf course for all sorts of purposes. I for one would relish the opportunity to play 18 holes with Trump. And if I were in his position, I would also use the opportunity to spread at least one fake rumor per person in my golf group just to see what turns up

Attached: 132EE764-1103-4C63-AD02-4C0929362474.png (2001x1125, 1.4M)

>The secret is in the dirt
You have to practice incessantly. You need to become a range rat and spend hours on the practice putting greens. You need a decent set of clubs (get em used at Value Village), a new & modern putter, a push cart plus some extras like balls, shoes, a glove, some golf clothes, etc. Then budget at least 90 minutes each day to practice. Go to the range and hit 50 balls for $5. Find a local park and hit foam balls if The Man tries to shut you down. If it's raining, do some golf-related research. Getting good at golf is quite simple, really.

My nephew is a teen golf pro and his family are talking about golf all the time. It’s one of the most boring ‘’’sports’’’ ever invented, like watching paint dry. How did it ever even become popular?

Money. Its not the sport, its the environment.

Golf rumors is actually Tubal Cain rumors.

Watching it may be boring (I watch in order to copy techniques I've seen on TV), but playing it is not. If you play 18 holes with a pushcart, you will be walking for several miles in a beautiful park, and you'll be sore and tired after the round. It's a great (relatively) low-impact outdoor activity.

What is your handicap? Do you take lessons or just watch the pros? This could be a way to eliminate the Jew and learn to golf on our own.

Even though golf rumours is just a bunch of old blokes betting on golf, it's still insanely evil and you should be scared.