Thoughts??? These days it seems every time I come to the beach, me and my gf are the only people that are fit. Everyone else are just fat fucks.
Why is food industry making americans fat fucks?
Thoughts??? These days it seems every time I come to the beach, me and my gf are the only people that are fit. Everyone else are just fat fucks.
Why is food industry making americans fat fucks?
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You dont have a gf! Why lie?
fat shaming wasn't considered bullying back then.
Nowadays is more diverse in both, shape and color. It's beautiful.
Free market. Any attempt to fix it and people start parroting buzzwords like "nanny state". Lefties sometimes will call fixes racist.
Also processed frozen foods with their preservatives. Laxatives are added to the processed foods so that the preservatives can be shat out. but some is not shat out or properly processed, they are stored in fat cells.
The people in your photo there where eating good, they where not eating chemical additives and frozen dinners.
Because most people over indulge, and are sedentary. People should be eating a paleo type diet, instead, they drink extra grande mocha Frappuccinos and eat a ton of carbs, sugar, and sodium everyday. It’s not natural.
It was taught in schools that a persons diet should be portioned like the food pyramid essentially making most americans believe that they should eat empty carbs if they want to be healthy which leads to them avoiding fruits, vegtables, protiens, and cheating on sugars to instill the false hope of happiness in their lives.
there's something else missing... the nigger single mom with her 7 kids running all over people laying down on towels? the spic single mom and her 15 kids shouting and yelling in spanish and then trying to order ice cream for all her kids in spanish?
Is it because we subsidize it? But not just food, other things that make us more sedentary, like the way we set up neighborhoods, welfare, less focus on gymnastic activities etc.
Oh yeah and single parent families is another issue. Replacing cooking for ourselves with fast food.
USSR in the 60ies
what's this?
There also arent any niggers in that picture, which is something to be proud of.
Can confirm am healthy and never the only one when at the beach, but I do notice the chunky people are the majority
That image is extremely problematic!!!! Shut it down.
Our food pyramid was made wrong. carbs and vegetables should be reversed.
Maybe fat people just had shame?
>me and my gf
*I* and my gf.
No fatties and whites only. BIGOT
also 80% of people are blond and no niggers whatsoever
*My gf and I
The demonization of animal fat. They took the fat out of everything and replaced it with sugar.
This. Any attempt to to make foods/drinks healthier by law is met with people crying that their freedoms are being taken away.
So companies continue to load their products with sugar and whatever else they can to make them addictive and profitable as possible.
I don’t know. There’s gotta be something else. I visited a Hasidic Jewish community not too long ago and EVERYONE was skinny. Every young man, every young woman. Yet they don’t keep any diet. And they have an even more sedentary lifestyle than we do (sitting and reading ALL DAY)
I think it’s gotta be related to hormones, or to lack of fasting, or to stress, or something. Shit ain’t right.
my rifle and i
Yes it was 'the food industry that made them stuff their faces, let's never hold anyone accountable for their own actions ever.
*me and your gf
seems fine where I go to the beach.
There are many like it.
Your whore mother.
Those lower limbs are so fucking painful to look at, naturally your femur bone would come out of the pelvis at an angle but this guy's femur bone is shooting straight down. Both the fibula and tibia are bending like a bow and his tendons are experiencing a shearing force on his joints just by standing. Fucking hell.
>Why is food industry making americans fat fucks?
Obesity at the population level is a sign of malnutrition.
What we're seeing is how the food supply has been poisoned and the earning potential of workers has been destroyed. But rather than expose the truth of the (((theft))) instead the Zionists blame their slave animals for what happens when they're fed nutrition-free filler instead of food.
for that you would say "user's gf and I."
My gf and her son went to the beach with me.
Or maybe they aren't dumb enough to keep stuffing their faces in spite of gaining weight.
Obesity is a physical symptom of a psychological disorder; the patient's understanding of hunger does not align with reality.
This. It's 100% a restraint and self-control issue.
protip: its not the food.
No Americans are lazy fat retards. My mother still believes hormones are magic and she can't lose fat because she is old.
The sad thing is the generations raised in that time are the ones who want it this way. I fucking hate boomers
>Why is food industry making americans fat fucks?
to make money, it's disgusting and I'm astounded that people still buy into this society
>making excuses for shoveling food in their faces
It is their fault, there are fit people who eat the same food and are fine, cause they actually stay active and understand portion control.
A beach in the 70's. Not one brown body. My, how the jew industry destroyed us @(/o・ェ・o)@/
Earth is flat
Besides, it's 'my girlfriend and I', not 'me and my girlfriend'.
That's part of it but also back then fat people were ashamed (rightfully so) and didn't go to the beach.
>It's 100% a restraint and self-control issue
On the part of the Jews who have secretly substituted value-free crap for real food.
Back in 1970, or 1920, every single person in America could afford to eat a 100% organic diet - because that was the meaning of "food."
But that healthy, organic food has been replaced with fillers, additives, artificial flavors, and preservatives, because that allows wages to be reduced and corporate profits to be increased.
The hunger signals a body sends depend not on the caloric value of what's ingested but the nutritional value. So people who believe the billions of dollars in advertising and eat swill in a bag still end up feeling hungry - because what advertising tells them is "food" isn't nourishing.
unrestrained capitalism with flavours of judaism
Your beach sux
that actually seems like a pretty good secret redpill for fatasses. Theyll be like yah i agree wiht that and then start to ook at all the dangers
the problem is you burgers are incredibly easily manipulated. How many times has your gov pulled a fast one on you?
it all feeds the system bro. They want you hurting in your old age. And then you guys get fucked again because of no universal healthcare.
no, it cant be that simple, there are far to many of them. I used to be obese and Ill tell you that I had a lot of shame, but that really makes you just rely on your crutch more right. It realy is an addiction, our bodies were not meant to have such purified ingredients. Even those people who say healthy at any size are ashamed, they just try to overcompensate so everyone might think its ok (they dont)
yup, just anohter propoganda campaign. I love science and the scientific method but its hard not to be cynical witht the history it has.
they dont make kosher junk food, do they?
its like the opium crisis dude, you can only hold people accountable to an extent, but if like half of you are fat fucks, there has got to be something else going on.
it hurts to be fat, but they get used to it. Boiled frogs yknow
you guys also started buying all the preserved stuff after wwII because wives were fucking lazy for some reason. Then that was all that you could really get.
was her bf there?
this aint fucking clue. What do you got faggot?
but how can it be as simple as that when half you burgers are obese? No one else in the world is quite like you in that regard (some are getting there tho). Its not just a surplus of food becasue america had that already. These foods are not giving proper nutrition so many people feel like they need more. There is free will yes, but to an extent we are still slaves to our biology.
>the food industry force food into me.
Anything so these fat fucking buttergolems don't have to admit they eat enough for 3 people and don't maintain their fat disgusting lazy bodies.
You leafs at least have more food laws protecting your county's health than we do.
Companies here are allowed to put basically anything in food as long as it doesn't kill us immediately.
so you dont think if a heroin addict walked through a street with dealers on every corner and advertisement targeted at him all day, he would be more likely to indulge?
Food industry? lmao
No one is forcing anyone to buy anything nor to eat more than they need to. Everyone eats more than they need to. Once the body becomes accustomed to eating a surplus, it will activate hunger when it doesn't get that surplus amount. Americans just need to understand that just because your stomach growls doesn't mean you are starving to death. Hunger goes away after awhile.
>Why is food industry making americans fat fucks?
cause you are cuck
thats true, but the problem here exists as well. People are starting to buy healthier options and it is being reflected in whats available at the groceries. If the free market got you into this mess maybe it can get you out.
I don’t know what I’ve been told.
100 years ago they could put stuff in their food that killed us immediately. The problem for the food industry is that this stuff wasn't addictive. They didn't change, they learned. Now foods are just as lethal, but over a longer period of time. And now you have people autisticly screeching about FREEEEDUUUMBS!!! whenever regulations in this field are even considered.
Also something, something, (((Jews.)))
>Why is food industry making americans fat fucks?
Gluttony is a social construct. The food industry has always been shit. The real problem is people being okay with being fat disgusting worthless literal sacks of shit. I hate fat fucks more than niggers.
The free market is shit against addiction. It's why pornography is such a rampant problem while alcohol isn't.
Since alcoholics are such a small portion of the population, even if they all screamed about freedumbs, it wouldn't matter. Nobody loses votes regulating alcohol.
You guys are just a little to big into individualism. People are fucking retarded and do need a little bit of guidance.
true, you just gotta get the boomer faggots to get on all this 'organic' 'quinoa' 'avacodo' hipster shit and you are golden.
A part of me wishes we had stayed with the British, only because Commonwealthers don't seem to be as radically individualist as Muricans.
you got a point about the addiction tho. Even a small minority can prop up an industry if they are addicted.
You shouldn't need the government to step in to baby sit your diet. Just don't eat sugar you fat ass. Peasants will always be peasants as long as they blame others for their problems.
>Why is food industry making americans fat fucks?
they had mcdonalds and coke in the 70s too dumbass, it's not the food industry, its society saying "DON'T WORRY JUST BE A FAT LAZY LARDASS". Hit the fucking gym instead of blaming your problems on someone else.
ahahaha paleo
Make people fat, sell them diet plans, rinse and repeat. Good for the economy.
southern commiefornia here, been a few years since I been to the beach and it's mostly overpacked with obese spics. It looks like that Southpark episode of the waterpark
because you are tied yo your work 12-14 hours a day. you wake up, commute however long, work and maybe some OT, commute home. Have yo get kids from activities, cut grass, other errands, wife worked all day, or is heading out the door to part time job because you are home and can now watch the kids, so you throw shit in the microwave which is junk to just have something in you to keep running. No good cooked foods or healthy shit anymore because you are slaving for the fucking jew
>B-b-but muh (((jooze!)))
the irony being diet plans make people fatter because they 1) don't work and 2) install a false sense of achievement, which then compounds 1), makes fattie pay more into the plan, only to fallback at point no. 2)
couldn't write a reccursive function to handle this, lad
Corn is cheap, cheaper than sugar.
Wrong beach
I don't eat that shit. I'm fit and eat healthy.
I don't like seeing my country's health getting taken advantage of because we allow companies to put poison into our foods.
>people are retarded
>let's give a small group of particularly corrupt people power to make decisions for us
great plan, I'm sure it will work out just fine.
>wasted time on that
women were still accepting the role of domestic goddess, and making home cooked meals.
Less smoking, advances in medical tech, and animal based fats being shunned as unhealthy. If McDonald's fries were fried in beef tallow again, people would get full quicker and stay full longer.
i dont give a fuck watcfh your country destroy itself than idiot burger.
Trips of truth.
100, even 50 years ago most jobs (father working, mother raising the kids) had people active. That healthy condition has been replaced by both parents being forced to work and sitting all day long.
Inactivity is a prescription for terrible health.
This list reads like my sisters medical problems before she died of cancer. Fat bitch wouldn't listen to a damn word me and Dad had to say. Mom and her fat fuck husband didn't care. Fit at any size, yeah right. Wish she could have been locked up in chains and put on a diet. Damn shame the shit she voted for and damn shame she got the vote too. Women self destruct when they vote for their own selfish short thinking interests. Woman need to evolve to survive having responsibility. Darwin award's incoming. Accelerate!
For the shekels
But also when your entire ag industry runs around producing industrial feedstocks (carbs and fats from genetically modified seeds designed to produce carbs and fats) grown in depleted soil, the resulting "food" will leave people hungrier the more they eat because of the deficiencies in the food.
A lot of these people are literally starving to death for nutrients...while packing their bodies with obesogenic compounds. They are literal walking adipose tumors.
>No one else in the world is quite like you in that regard
Mexico has a higher average obesity rate.
But if the people were told the truth about what has been done to them they'd hang the Jews, so (((they))) spend a few insurance shekels on victim-blaming.
But what is fuckng with their pituitary making them think they're that hungry?
You're ostensibly a northerner. Our ancestors only ate sugars in the late summer, when the berries were ripe/honey was full/grains were ripe. For northern genomes eating carbohydrates tells the pituitary "WINTER IS COMING."
I was given a chemo drug in the '00s called lupron. That shit fucked with me so badly. I have never felt ravenous monstrous canine hunger like I did in that 10 weeks. The drug is KNOWN to have this as a pituitary effect, related to its other effects on the hormonal system (including the cancer-fighting ones).
I gained 27 pounds in 10 weeks and it took me six years to get it back off. It's like my body's set weight was adjusted as a result. Thing is? I heard of people who were on it for 10 weeks and gained EIGHTY POUNDS, and could never lose it.
Pharma/Ag is fucking with human metabolism in ways that are monstrous.