Is it worth voting for him just for the free neetbux?

is it worth voting for him just for the free neetbux?
america is fucked either way

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yang's neet bucks are just Trump's wall part 2

We already have welfare. What we need is a candidate who can classify black people as cattle or pets that need to be leashed just like the Supreme Court declared corporations to be humans.

Next time

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nip nong fing fong bing bong! No chinks allowed! Go fist yourself if you think neetbux is a way of life

You're not getting anything. Literally just throwing away your vote.

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But he tricks you every time with the same (pic)

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>is it worth voting for him just for the free neetbux?
Yes but the democratic party is crooked as fuck, they are going to fuck over anyone who is not Biden. Just like they fucked over Sanders last time even though he was clearly the best candidate and probably would have beat Trump. The democrats will never allow someone to get the nomination that is not in on their crooked schemes. I honestly believe they would rather lose than actually help people because if you help people you can not make the same promises to help them next time. Democrats just want to just dangle a carrot in front of poor people, in the form of false promises, but never let them have it. They knew Sanders would have really tried to help people so they fucked him. Its the exact reason they obstruct Trump every chance they get, they do not want him to really help anyone because it would fuck over their entire shtick of dangling that carrot.

>imagine voting for a fucking gook

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>living in a world where $1000 a month puts you on the same footing as the homeless
sounds good to me!!

Using NEETBuX to buy prepper gear for the inevitable doom that comes no matter who's elected vs. not having NEETBuX to buy anything. I choose YANG!

Good choice. Get the brandnew Yang 2020 cap!

Yang 2020 - let's give it a cry!
(onyl while stock lasts)

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What these faggots don't understand is that everybody getting welfare lowers the value of the people who are currently receiving welfare
Who's currently getting welfare other than spics and niggers?

It's absolutely worth it.

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Won't people who get ubi be at the same level as those on welfare?

fishies get already baited. 1000 dorrar?

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>not going for $5k/year

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Ping Pong will never win against Larry's retarded cousin

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don't underestimate Ping Pong Yang and the whiny chinks. Wna have 10ö0 durrari?

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wrong pic

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>ubi is welfare
with ubi, you get a certain amount each month, no questions asked, no matter what. with a lot of welfare programs, if you earn even a single dollar extra, your welfare status gets taken away, and then with expenses like transportation and taxes you end up with less money than you would be on welfare. this results in a lot of people just choosing "fuck it, im going to stick to welfare." welfare is a trap that a lot of people fall into and can't get out.

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>inb4 muh donald trump will save the day
lmao no

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Very poorly made

Go catch the 100ö dürrar my little schlammy

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equally as poorly made. Why do you even care about american politics? I though euros hated 24/7 american politics discussion?

>with ubi, you get a certain amount each month, no questions asked

This fantasy is crazier than reparations. You NEETs are broken.

Yes. The country is fucked regardless.

It works in Alaska.

Dumbass says what? Anyway, threadly reminder that assholes like this are why we can't have a decent social safety net, single payer national health or free education up through college.

Im just here for the memes schmuggly. What about joining King Pong Yang and the whiny chinks. They cry you a river.

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>actually expecting a politician to give you $1,000 a month for free
The people that believe this shit should not be allowed to vote

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He will be forced out before the primaries

It's worth voting him to knock out the other candidates. Believe me, you do not want socialized medicine, it would be far, far worse than the situation in England because healthcare costs are so high.

>No Cucks or Boomer Only Memes!

Are you a Brainlet, Yang is a Fucking Leftist and The Yang Gang Is made up of City-Dwelling Millennial Cucks that Drink Soi and Yang's UBI would Do Much Harm to The Dying White Race by Making People into Neets

Some Jew: Hey Goyim, Do you Want some Free Money? Go Vote a Chink for Free Money so you can have a Comfy NEET Life Goyim.

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pic related
>alaska (government pays $1-2k a year, and people love it despite the fact that it's a red state)
>canada (tried it in the 70s, found that less than 1% of people stopped working and that was to take care of kids or go back to school)
also i work two jobs you retarded fuck im not a NEET

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>yang is a leftist
yeah because an entrepreneur who helps people find jobs or start their own business (venture for america) is a commie

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>worth voting for him just for the free neetbux
>1 post by this ID

DNC will never let him get far enough to be in a primary. He's the next victim after Tulsi

Try harder chinky whinky. Yang is outmemed.

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>is your vote for sale?
take your slimedollerz and choke on em

yeah okay buddy. hey wait you hear that? sounds like the trump train on it's way to fight more wars in the desert. you're right goldbro i should go catch it!

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>free neetbux

cry. his approval rate is now smaller than his dick.

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Nice pic you found on reddit. Why you not go back and join the whiny faction. Oh wait, i receive a call...

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I refuse out of whatever's left of dignity.

Then Right-Wingers Gets Cucked by Yang and Yang Bans Guns.

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no way he could get elected or put that into law

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You didnt visit the King Kong Yang fanshop yet.
Just check this;

meh, might as welll , trump just turned on the money pressing, why you don't get part of it ?

lol, i thing raisiong vat is looser tier,but go yaung bang

That Swiss flag spends his entire day here shilling against Yang and making anti-Yang threads. Why even bother? Yang doesn't stand a chance anyway. Quit wasting your time go do something productive.

found it on google images actually. either way, you now how many memes from reddit find their way here?
yang doesn't want to ban guns. his gun policies are something i disagree with him on either way. because, now this may come as a shocker to people who spend no time outside of Jow Forums, yang has multiple policy ideas besides ubi. ubi is just his most controversial because it's unique to him. no one gives a fuck about what he has to say about climate change or guns because everyone has something to say about climate change and guns.
no one says this (op is a faggot, disregard him). not even yang says this.

>Quit wasting your time go do something productive
says the self righteous jackass who is also posting in this thread

America's political and legislative system is a huge failure. We've been conditioned to accept that meaningful change is impossible because of political/legislative deadlock.

Yang is Going to Ban High-Capacity Drum Magazines

>is going to
presidents aren't all powerful, there's no guarantee that he's going to do anything. there's no guarantee that if he gets elected that he'll even be able to implement ubi. as i've already said, i disagree with him on guns. if he does manage to enact gun control policy, i will renounce my support for him.

that's not the same thing as banning guns. i disagree with it sure, but it's still not the same thing

Of course i know. btw Chingely Dingely Yang is also for fully open borders. He's just a leftie socialist like all the others. And he's biggest trick:
"Wan hav 100& düüllar?"
As I said. I'm just here for the memes. Actually Idon't really care about Yang. But he's an idiot socialist and some people believe his shit.

no he isn't. he's spent his entire life being an entrepreneur and helping people get jobs and started several companies and being a capitalist. literally the opposite of a socialist.

But did you know his toughest episode of his life. Hard times back then... (pic) Poor Hong Kong Yang...

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That would be just about everyone's floor, yes. The left would like UBI if they stacked it on all of the current gibs but that would be a fucking nightmare of degeneracy. The right hates all gibs and would rather give all that money to Israel instead of all Americans. I think his implementation is fine and very feasible, it would take a moderate injection during the first few months until the economy grows enough.

>having respect for people who work shitty jobs
wtf i hate yang now

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We know why

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Why is every Yang thread like this? Did he get that spammed back then? I feel he's an incredibly good candidate, possibly the best one by far. The dude has a policy for just about everything and has a climate change plan that is not retarded.

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okay bro you got me there that's pretty good

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Yes, of course snugkki

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Hell yeah

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user, believe me. With Yang.... just every fuckin time(pic)

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>No weapons to use against the impending police state? Lol ok I have muh ching chong bing bong bucks

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Sorry wh*teboi but your 1000 is going to the pocs. Gotta pay them reparations bitch

real talk tho, can i get the source of yang crying? i wanna see where that's from.

>look at other policies man

Right here:

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They were given to me yesterday from an US user.

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another one

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>is it worth voting for him just for the free neetbux?
I'd vote for him even without the yangbux. I'd highly recommend reading through his policies page. He has over 100 of them and some are just as good if not better than his proposed UBI. If not, then give a listen to JRE or something along the lines while your're commuting, exercising, doing chores, etc. if you don't have time for reading (yet we all shitpost for hours with no end).

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Literally who? This guy won't even get close to the primaries.

Sou youre going to vote for Ding Dang Yang?
Wan haf 1000 dollaru?

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user, you are by far the one posting the most about Yang. This "I'm here just for the memes" is just embarrassing.

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>Yang Gang is annoying enough to make Switzerland abandon neutrality

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This is no longer about Yang, but the fact that he was crying.

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if he keeps moving up, then things get interesting.

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>e was clearly the best candidate

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>If you don't want ubi, you want to give money to israel
Shalom, fellow white man.

Keep hoping for Shing Shang Yang the Shilling 2001 the Shang HaiHai Odyssey

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Let's give it a cry.

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Checked. Everything Based and Redpilled

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very worth it

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Yes of course my little Dangely. Go for Shang Shang Yang. big data.. guugl.
At the end, he will cry again... (pic)

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>america is fucked either way
All the negativity has gotten to this one. It's too late for him, so he'll vote for fuckin crybaby yang because he want freeeee shit

Lads, where do you see Warren after these debates? She fucked up by denying automation, but I think people will still cling to her.

Are you low iq enough to believe he would be able to deliver on that promise even if he wanted to?

Based and redpilled ya ya keep talking about Him it's totally going to hurt him. More negative memes boys we'll get this guy laughed off stage. It totally worked against Obama.

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