White privilege mommy drops out

>Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, of New York, dropped out of the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday afternoon.

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Attached: byebye.png (444x412, 206K)

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The bitch parroted "Michael Brown was murdered"

she looks like she'd be bitchy about swallowing

RIP Aryan mommy



This is the first mid-tier candidate to officially drop out of the race. More will be on their way. Beto? Booker? Tulsi? Klobuchar?

Eventually we'll get into the top tiers dropping out by March of next year.

Who will left standing?

She is most likely terrible at giving head. Small lips and tiny mouth. Bitchy attitude.

Biden is the most likely nominee right now, but unfortunately for neolibs he has Alzheimer and unfortunately for progressives he is too centrist so another 4 years of Trump.

Is she really mid tier? She rarely cracked 1%

Maybe the connection to NXIUM?


She was the real mommy, seeing as she was, in fact, a mom.

Gillibrand will get caught up in the NXIVM trials.

>Beto? Booker? Tulsi? Klobuchar?

All of them except Booker are dropping out by the end of the year.


Everyone else needs to fuck off already.

Gillibrand is Dutch.

Was her ancestors settlers of New Netherlands?

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>Is she really mid tier? She rarely cracked 1%

Dude there is over 20 candidates. Ranking 1% is like peak mid-tier

I’m thinking it’s Warren now. Sanders had a low ceiling, Kamala is completely anti-charisma, and Biden’s gaffs will eventually catch up to him when people start paying attention. Warren has gotten much better at campaigning and speaking, and I’m not sure the Pocahontas thing is enough to stop her.

she is excellent at giving head. she is also very kinky, but tends to be dominatrix.
in the morning she likes to cuddle and treat her man like an absolute master over her dominion as well.
despite all this, i believe she needs to be shot along with 100% of democrats

literally who?

>and I’m not sure the Pocahontas thing is enough to stop her.

Most normal voters don't give a shit, what they care about is bread and butter issues like every other election. Stupid shit like this is a distraction.

I consider her to be mid-tier. Plenty of other candidates have sub-1%. There are a good eight or nine candidates not doing as well as Gillibrand did before she dropped out.

Booker should drop out because it's evident that nobody wants him. There are more progressive candidates, there are more recognizable incumbents, and Harris already took the niche of minority voter (and being female gives her even more of an advantage).

Also, I wouldn't put Yang up there, either. He is a meme at best. The top brass are unquestionably Biden, Sanders, Warren, and Harris. This is all a matter of whether the two progressives or the two moderates end up on the same ticket or not. I can't see them individually beating Trump. They need to partner up.

off and die

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>most voters cares about issues
top wew

At least they made the debates. Anyone who is not in the debates should just fuck off already.

Good, Klobutard should gtfo also

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I like how her dropping out has been bigger news than her entire campaign. Lmao

I'll give her a squirt of white privilege all over her face if you know what I mean

The DNC is compromised and is deliberately sabotaging their candidates so Trump wins re-election.

I agree. Anyone who failed to qualify for the debates should just quit now.

why don't dropping out candidates commit Seppuku on the Capitol steps?
...would pay to see 10/10

>The DNC is compromised and is deliberately sabotaging their candidates so Trump wins re-election.

Basically. Trump staying in means they don't have to do shit. Trump is their gravy train and keeping him around is their top priority.

Too white

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fucked herself so hard with that one

>I’m not sure the Pocahontas thing is enough to stop her

Dems are totally fine with someone pretending to be another race, but it will stop her in the general when Republicans and Independents won't vote for her.

You're only right about the first part. It's compromised by progressive nutjobs who think that only a woman or minority should be president.

Booker has the same approval as Yang. If he drops out, Yang should too.

F to mommy milkers :(

czeched and F for milkers


do people like her just run so that they can get more publisity for themselves down the line? i mean she was never even in the top 7 so why bother?

For future runs I'm guessing, dems have know god nigger anymore they're it total disarray so I guess most figured they have a chance

Yang is for real. He just needs more people to find out about him and watch his interviews (e.g. with Joe Rogan or Ben Shapiro)

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