Is abortion a womens right or a human right?
Is abortion ethical and should it be legal?
Is abortion a womens right or a human right?
this girl should have been aborted.
>Black baby
Like clockwork
Women aren't technically people and therefore do not have rights. It was in the Constitution before Jews subverted it.
Get demoralized goy. You realize if white males just organized themselves peacefully in ANY regard theyd be valued above others.
This is the biggest fucking redpill. Blacks have social cohesion. Women value this. Whites have had this ripped apart.
>Blacks have social cohesion.
Clearly they don't. Just from the webm
>blacks have social cohesion
70% of them are raised in single parent families, everywhere they congregate they turn in it to a mound of steaming shit, what the fuck are you talking about?
My (now ex) gf and I had a miscarriage and it completely ruined the relationship. The death of a child hits you really hard, much harder than you expect it to. I can't imagine how flippant some people are about abortions, unless they've never actually had one. Instinct is a sonufabitch and you want to keep the baby alive at all costs
>Unless its a mongloid half nigger baby
Why do these type of girls have extremely bitchy asshole vibes?
Idk but they exude something almost like anger/saltiness.
They never seem genuinely happy or at peace with themselves and everything is a front to them.
I kinda feel bad for their superficial existence. No wonder they OD on drugs by 30
A stupid human being who created another, even stupider creature. Instead of being a decent woman and waiting to have children with a decent man, she made a choice to give life to a creature that doesn't even look like her, and is destined for a criminal life.
Whats the point of birth control pills if these stupid whores dont even take them?
Abortion is based, fuck niggers and fuck retards
Jow Forums humor thread?
So sad.
If only her father had controlled her and made sure she stayed a virgin and married a white man
One day the backlash will come, it's going to be brutal
Having a black child always justifies abortion.
I'm prolife btw
>If only her father had
locked her in a room with a white Chad who rapes her.
I think he means like if a nigger is getting beat by a white, the entire project shows up to help.
You shitsucking upper-class female degenerate
What the fuck is wrong with blacks
I knew it
Before she even brought it out, i knew it would be black
Anything, literally anything, is better than letting a young white woman "date" a negro and let him fuck her bareback
It's a niglet her parents adopted. It's her step-sibling, not her child. There was a thread here once.
They are in their own way behaving logically
They can't build a functioning society so they plunder what they can from white society
All non-white men want a white woman and right at this moment, weak whtie men let their daughters fuck negros
Get the white woman pregnant then fuck off, the nigger passes on his genes and does no work - from his point of view he did well, everyone else loses
Look at Rhodesia - control blacks, put them to work hard in fields, give them basic homes and it's possible to live for both.
Good. Weed out the weak. We dont need her.
>Adopting niggers
why do white people do this
We don't NEED any particualr woman - they are all absically like children and behave stupidly
We NEED white men to cnotrol their daughters though it's damn ahrd with the (((media))) working to undermine our nations
Had this woman been controlled, her father made sure she stayed a virgin and married a nice decent white man she would now be a happy wife raising white children
We all NEED that
Expecting women to behave logically is like blaming your pet cat or dog when it does something you dislike - women have no agency and just follow trends and behave stupidly
Once there's a heartbeat, there's two people.
Abortion isn't a right at all. Learn the difference between rights and privileges before posting on this board again faggot.
Women aren’t humans.
kid doesn't even look mixed race looks full nigger
>it's possible to live for both.
Yh sorry no there is no compromise other than complete nigger genocide.
whats the status on the toll?
Unironically redpilled. Genetically it’s a big win for black men to have sex/ babies with white girls. If I was black I’d want half white babies too.
With great power comes great responsibility. Women have no responsibilities in the west. If responsibility is weighted by power, then women should either be at the highest standard of responsibility or stripped of their rights.
>Why do these type of girls have extremely bitchy asshole vibes?
>Idk but they exude something almost like anger/saltiness.
>They never seem genuinely happy or at peace with themselves and everything is a front to them.
they're niggers. one does not have to be black to be a nigger.
Did you literally come here to lie? There are tik toks from her showing her fucking pregnant, that is her baby you fucking piece of shit. What are you getting from lying on her behalf you subhuman indio mongrel?
it isn't human to murder.
woman need rights to murder?
dang, white women be having most the black babies
Fucking a white girl is reducing genetic diversity since niggers are already very diverse compared to everyone else.
im a lefty and god damn his ex is clearly not a dumb man.
Men should never date stupid bitches that already have kids.
Desperate to have kids + white guilt + being extremely bluepilled on race.
> unfertilised egg is the same as a fertilised egg
makes sense. That's a big ass baby and she looks too young
I’m not saying it’s a win for society (it’s not). I’m saying it’s a win for the black father. I haven’t seen any statistics showing that mullattos are worse off than pure blacks in any way.
because of some stupid kind of humanitarianism / le doing the right thing! cuz its a life basically.
you conservative fucks should become very aware that if abortion was legal stupid bitches that fuck black people would be the most benefited by abortion since almost nobody realistically wants a black child. they know the nigger dad is gonna run away forever they are just very horny and drunk as shit which is why that happens.
fpbp, that baby is hideous
insert a pic of a fertilized egg and it's the same story
She got pregnant at 17, it's on her fucking tik toks you ignorant piece of shit
I give her 3-4 more years until the realization that she made the wrong choice by not aborting both of them.
Look at her nose.
no one has an abortion at conception you stooge
most women dont know theyre pregnant till 6 weeks
Are you both white? If yes then it's a sad shame but if not then I feel no sympathy for you.
yeah nignogs benefit from mixing actually. mulatos are considered way more attractive even among full negros.
which is fucking dumb because the vast majority is poor and they are the ones that get impragnated by niggers that run away. Abortion would benefit them immensely. And they would use it ez.
i dont think that nigger baby had the right to come out of that vagna, if anything he should have come out dead.
its a win for the nigger father because he got to pass his seed and not even take care of it whatsoever.
>not wanting nigger seed to be aborted
its true that you guys are mutted the fuck out
lets all become brazil
And then the next day that same nigger gets shot by one of his "brothers" over some trifling matter.
Excellent image, neither of the eggs are fertilized so of course they're not a chicken/person.
yea but it has to happen thats what you get for having inferior sperm. you need to be healthy to reproduce. she had a miscarriage because both the baby and her were weak.
Nature makes no mistakes, it killed the fuck out of him because his existence was gonna be garbage anyway.
The only rights are:
Property rights
Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Everything else can fuck off. FDR was a faget.
well the baby is a foreign invader, so the mother has a right to fight for the homeland.
that's what theyre advocating.
if abortion is legal, so should aborting foreign invaders.
it's all admirilty law.
foreign flag enters port of birth unannounced...
nuke it.
abortion is murder.
When are the black dudes going to learn, the black women know not to put the dudes name on birth certificate to maximize welfare, and the white girls name the baby daddy and is going to take 50% of your pay check for the rest of your damn life.
Niggas, you are going to be broke and in and out of jail for the rest of your life over that shit.
Abortions should be illegal. Eugenics mandatory.
>no one has an abortion at conception
birth control and the day after pill do stop the zygote from developing. but at what stage would you say it's too late for an abortion?
Looks like she paid it. And will continue to pay it for at least 30 years.
surprise surprise a rapist race opposes abortion
Jesus Christ, Jow Forums has turned me into a horrible human being hahaha.
>1st 2/3rd of the video:
"YEAH! You go, girl! It's a human life and you have no right-"
>Last 1/3 of video:
Exactly. Hoping that we can let white women run wild and niggers not to take advantage is like thinking you can poltiely ask a pet cat not to kill a mouse, it's just instinct
What is required is to control both niggers and white women
God only knows how we will do it, the jews and feminists will fight bitterly but we must
You know what? I agree with Dave Chapelle. Fuck em.
Betcha didn't see that one coming.
Generally women are trying to get pregnant, they see nothing wrong with it, and rather like the drama it causes in situations like this. They proceed to mile the 'im a young mother with a baby' formula well into their 30's.
>the plot twist I saw coming a mile away
Outlaw abortions for whites only
so black nigger men have rights but white women dont
niggers spread through rape, thats all the reason their population increases because families? nah they dont make those.
abortion is the number one killer of niggers in america, so yes it is very ethical.
There's no denying it at this point. Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception.
but people refuse to see it. you can find rape videos on the deep web its usually a nigger and a white hobo woman he picked up to rape before leaving the fuck out of some apartment and relocating to rape more.
RAPE is how niggers thrive in nature. They never have complete families, its the way of the jungle for them.
kek the lack of self awareness is hilarious. In the future she will regret her niglett once she figures out the niglett means shes easy to fuck and leave, but men are the problem right. Top kek. She might as well tattooed will fuck for likes on her back.
Abortion should be illegal except in rear circumstances. The loophole created on mental health grounds to abort means you can make up whatever you like. The wording regarding cells does it have a heartbeat it’s not a human fetus is an abomination to ones mental capacity. It’s s timeline shift but the fact remains the same it’s in the process of development and to disturb this natural phenomenon in any way is still classed as a crime under law. Now why is that? Because if you feel any guilt it is wrong. Guilt shows you the true nature of feelings. In doing so reflects poor decisions despite any mental gymnastics one tries. It’sets a standard of escape for poor decisions made when there is available medical solutions. It also opens the door to infanticide promotion which in law we punish example murder. Contradicting laws raised under a flag of choice which the aborted creation is not entitled.
They're brainwashed and demoralized by Marxist indoctrination and a shift in culture. Men tend to get angry about it and want to fight to preserve it. Women merely seek approval in the changing society. Hence their artificial pandering for acceptance and brownie points.
What race is it?
Wise words.
this is why christianism is so cucked its a servitude diversity is strength religion, it was meant to diversify and subvert states
abort niggers. end of story.
This thread really proves how much Jow Forums supports white genocide. jfc. You think white replacement is bad now, wait till all the nig nogs can't get an abortion.
If she's raped, yes
If the child is a retard/disabled, yes
All other cases, not really
Keep your legs closed and your dick in your pants if you cant handle the responsibilities
Keep it if it’s White.
I think she just doesn't have anything going on aside from her social media accounts and her huge burden of a child that nobody's helping her with. Why wouldn't she be mad?
How well did the Aztecs hold up to Christianity, Mexifag?
She chose poorly.
White women are built for black men
Kek azntiger is getting mad his janny position isnt more effective.
Jow Forums has always been retarded even for their own ends. they pussy the fuck out of eugenics everytime the topic is crossed with that kike on a stick religion
Something tells me she's a super cunt.
I have never seen this before, ever
She looks spic or some other version of American mystery meat.