English people look like THAT?

English people look like THAT?

My... ancestors?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kill them all

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Reminds me of these guys.

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The infamous Black Hand

British people was never white

they were but they left and created america

They all left the UK to settle in brown countries, you hate to see it.

The Muslims in the pictures are from northern India, but they really want their region, Kashmir, to become independent.

Imagine thinking we fellow bongs give a fuck about Londonistan
We consider it enemy occupied territory.

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What this guy said 18 seconds earlier.


>What a EU flag user looks like...
Yay made me chuckle seeing these shitskins openly being against British sovereignty.

why arent you niggers reconquering it?

This. The Pakis living there might me blacker than them but the natives still aren't really white. Greekbro redpilled me

I could ask the same of you and jewyork ?

m8 bongs get arrested for looking at a brown person funny

Or worse, the red state of west commiefornia

EU identity is basically like American identity. A supranational entity with no ethnic ties.

I bet brown Brits hate the English,Scottish etc flags

Damn. Who knew that britts are darker than us?



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They are literally scared of the English flag. It has strong associations with "racism", whatever that even means anymore.

My poop has lighter colour than that
I bet you fuckers are glad right about now that you won WW2 and spread your Jewish liberalism all around the world

imagine taking pride in being a coward and surrendering your capital city to mudslimes.
Also watch that hateful speech! The authorities are monitoring and you could go to jail.

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Haven't been to Britain for quite a while, but fuck the circus Parliament. They deserve it completely

Those are not English people user.
They are...LONDONERS.

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>imagine letting apes decide about your future


Help me and I'll help you, fren.

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>I bet brown Brits hate the English,Scottish etc flags

Exactly correct - watch this:


English identity is literally a peaceful farm folk identity

BRITISH identity is literally colonial shit.

Are they retarded? The British flag is unironically worse than Nazis. The English flag has no blood on it

Time for the Queen to send the SAS and Royal Guard to cull the herd

There are no more English people. Imagine telling an Englishman from 150 years ago that there would be a horde of niggers disrespecting Queen Victoria outside her property and the English army would do nothing about it.

Seething EU cuck
You were surrendering your country to Muslims hundreds of years before we were. You all look like Moroccans already.

This level of retardation shouldn't be possible.

>EU identity is basically like American identity. A supranational entity with no ethnic ties
>I don’t know history: The post
The US was founded as a nation of whites


>The US was founded as a nation of whites
The founding fathers would be seething if they saw America now.

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No shit, Sherlock. You figure that out on your own?

and we took it back

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Why do niggers act like they will get deported?
Cuckservatives aren't going to do shit.

im going to be gutted when he passes

What are they going to do? Bitch on twittet

Not before they permanently blacked your genepool.

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The only people that will make out like bandits from a no-deal Brexit are some members of the financial community. The EU is about to put in serious regulations covering "funds," like hedge funds, private equity funds, mutual funds, that will make it impossible for British fund managers to act like the pirates that they are. The Teresa May Brexit deal would have made Britain abide by the EU rules, thus, May's deal wouldn't pass. Now, there's a no-deal Brexit which will allow British financial pirates to pillage the world at will.

Fucking Jamaicans , give them an island paradise and they can't wait to get to dreary old England to harry the white men.

Keep the ad hominem going while your country (truly) gets blacked, Nigel.

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>was never
found the nigger

yeah name one passage in the constitution that mentions Whiteness

we literally had blacks as early as whites. Meanwhile the hinterland were brown (natives)

>We consider it enemy occupied territory.


t. Londoner

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Benjamin Franklin had opinions on race that rivalled Hitler's. He was literally an Anglo supremacist, and argued that the USA should only take migrants from England.

yeah by the 17th century there were more Scots-Irish kek


Based Benjamin Franklin wasn't anti Scottish, Irish and north-west Germany though. He hated immigration from the rest of Germany and the other swarthy regions of Europe and the world.

Then why aren’t you faggots taking it back?