Hey (((Jude))), don't make it bad

>Hey (((Jude))), don't make it bad
>Take a sad song and make it (((better)))

What did he mean by this?

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Make a basic song for basic bitches and you get popular as fuck

isnt this song the same as imagine

Jude was John's son, and Paul was telling him it's gonna be alright even though his parents were getting divorced. Little did Paul know of how big a cunt Yoko was.

no, be jewish and get popular as fuck

It was "Hey Jules" originally, for Julian Lennon. He changed it because it had potential to be a big song and didn't want it to be so personal when out to the public.

The real Paul McCartney died in car crash in 1964. He was replaced by double to prevent mass suicides and hysteria.

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The forces of evil in a bozo nightmare Ban all the music with a (((phony gas chamber)))

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paul actually got in a little trouble for painting "hey jude/revolution" on a window because it looked like ww2 german graffiti so ur not the first to notice this

>bozo nightmare

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all their music is basically the same

Exactly! Just look at quality of songwriting after his death...garbage compared to before his death. Wings was puke!

na na nah na na nah hey jude ...na na na na na na na na na Hey Jude

very catchy son...im a fukken beatles fan NOW


^Cynthia was Julian's mom who John Lennon was divorcing. She's not a cunt like yoko but way too meek and clingy. Very interesting character.

It's not about heroin if that's what you're wondering

get back/no pakistanis was better

And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite
That's chokin' on the splinters

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>The real Paul McCartney died
Yeah I thought everyone knew this

never change Jow Forums

am I horrible person for thinking John lennon was a piece of human garbage and paul and george had all the talent in that group and ringo was just comic relief?
I actually get pissed when people talk about john lennon like he's some kind of liberal icon. The guy was a total dick, a homophobe, and wife beater, then turns around and tries preach peace and love and togetherness. Likes some fucking guru, hypocrite POS

This. Beatles is extremely overrated.