So anyone else noticing that Fox News is really starting to hate on trump...

So anyone else noticing that Fox News is really starting to hate on trump? I think they are doing this because they think he will lose. When he does then fox can say hey look guys now we are part of the "resistance" now.

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Trump was always going to lose 2020. He's an actor playing his part. The goal is creating as much societal chaos as possible.

Why would abc/Disney buy fox and make anti trump propaganda? Disney Jews love the European races!

Trump is a Jew though he converted.....

You can't convert. Your mother had to be born jewish. At best you can be a useful idiot that contributes to the European genocide.

>So anyone else noticing that Fox News is really starting to hate on trump?
That started in 2015. Blood poured out of Megyn Kelly's racist eyes and her racist cunt, because she hates POC like the bronze Donald Trump.

Attached: blood-coming-from-megyns-eyes-1[1].jpg (700x395, 43K)

Ok what about his daughter then?

If you have Jewish mitochondrial DNA you are a Jew.

That's not what jewish law says stupid.

2020 is very important. Whoever wins in the states decides how to draw the lines for the districts. Fox is putting a target on their backs to draw Trumps fire. The left can't use Trump beating up on Fox in any of their narratives.

It will only last until the dems get down to 3 or 4 candidates and Trump can focus on them.

What would that matter if fox thinks trump will lose though?

>jewish law supersedes genetics

Why would they think Trump will lose? Have you seen who the Dems are running?

The economy is about to tank and the right is being completely censored and depersoned.

Blue in the face here, Fox is Jew and saudi owned and a Fake conservative site. If you listen to Fox News stations on the radio( and no, I don’t listen to the golfer or Hannity or most other tools)the news bits on the half hour, you would think it’s cnn, literally! It’s always the opposition voice that gets quoted and voiced!

There is a couple people at fox that i like
But don’t watch any of them.

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Dems are going for the uninformed vote. Probably the biggest voting base of them all.

Tucker is the only one worth watching, but his days are numbered

All dems have to do to get their vote is to say vote for me and you get free stuff

Yes yes
Hilary is about to win
Mueller's report will lead to impeachment
The economy is about to tank.

How is the weather in fairy tale world?


Have you seen the market recently. The yield curve inverted 3 times. It's time to worry. Leaks from the White House suggest trump is shitting his pants about it.

My pc crapped out I'm waiting for parts

Remember the mid terms?
With the Mueller investigation hanging over Trumps head the Dems still lost Senate seats.
They have lost that narrative and are scrambling for a new one.
Trump will be fine.

Ya, but many people to this day still think he is a Russian agent.

If it does hit it won't be until 2021. No guarantee that it is going to happen either.
One thing you should note is they always cover the drop and never the recovery.

Yes stupid people exist.

The stupid trade war need to end. China can survive anything. They will eat grass if they have to.

Let em.

At the expense the us economy, I'd rather not

At the expense of the us economy, I'd rather not.

This is why America will never win again. This mentality that you can just win without sacrifice that every American seems to have. Things will never get better if you can't endure a few years of pain.

What I'm saying is China can endure way more than we can. They will eat eachother if need be.