ITT: redpilled foods

>The high concentrations of L-Dopa cause the brain to release dopamine, in turn stimulating the pituitary gland to produce human growth hormone, which promotes muscle growth, increased strength, and has been proven to raise levels of testosterone. Mucuna also simultaneously lowers levels of prolactin, which can increase sperm motility, and hence fertility, in men.

Attached: mucuna pruriens.jpg (1024x768, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>contains every vitamin and mineral required for life
>High in protein, keeps you full
>Can be stored for like forever(mine are currently at 1 month in the fridge and still taste good)
>Easy to transport. Perfect lunch.
>Can be combined with literally every other food and still taste amazing.

Attached: Easy-Instant-Pot-Hard-Boiled-Eggs-Recipe-1200.jpg (1200x800, 45K)

Makes you fart like a lunatic with a dead gerbil in his ass.

Only if you eat carbs with them. But you shouldn't be eating carbs anyway.


Who are you and why are you shilling velvet beans? I saw you doing this in Jow Forums too.

It was shilled to me last week on Jow Forums. I've bought some and they're legit except I'm getting headaches every now and then.

Lemmiwinks, Lemmiwinks, the time is growing late. Slow down now and seal your fate.

Aren't the carbs in brown rice typically better than your wheat based carbs?

What do they do for you user. Do you feel happy

Idk man. Whenever I eggs of any sort I fart like someone is pumping me up with a bike pump, and they are seriously stinky too. Worse than protien powder farts.
Like, I have to check and make sure I didnt shit farts.

I lud dat eggs over easy for bekfast doe

what could possibly go wrong?

Burn them all

Don't beans have high amounts of estrogen


If you are looking at blood sugar then yes. The rice carbs absorb more slowly so you don't get a massive spike which could damage cells. Brown vs white meh... I've heard that the extra fiber in brown rice is bad for you.

Yeah, everything but fried chicken and hamburgers has tons of estrogen. Make sure you only drink coca-cola too you braindead amerimutt.
Oh and be sure to kill yourself asap because I heard oxygen is full of estrogen too.

I don't know if it's just placebo, but the last days have been some of the happiest I've had in a long time. I feel like actually wanting to get up and do shit.

You have to eat a buttload of vitamin b with them or else dopa will get decarboxylated before it enters the brasin

>got to defend the poison crap shoveled in supermarkets emotionally over the internet


>chemicals made by your body are an instrument of Jewish domination
I guess I’ll just kill myself

Ugh I thought that was a bowl of ticks

growing a variety of beans and peas at home is redpilled as fuck

I don't like chicken eggs, the smell is just too off-putting. Quail eggs are fucking great though. Only ever see them at asian grocery stores.
Are you implying that farmers are intentionally spraying down their beans with estrogen to sell to supermarkets?
Just shut up. You made a stupid post and got roasted, deal with it.



Have a (((You)))

-fish is redpilled
-anything green e.g. spinach, broccoli, asparagus
-'eating the rainbow' is redpilled: differently-coloured vegetables give you different shit
-berries are redpilled as shit: very low fructose and extremely high nutrition and fibre.
-Chili peppers are redpilled: extremely high levels of vitamins and other good shit


bowl of ticks

Sar-motherfuckin-dines. Eat them everyday

Anybody know anything about Iodine in salt (added to salt)

pretty unfunny, kinda ruined it

yes. you need it if youre a man. if you prefer sea salt Morton sells iodized sea salt

>plants are poison because they arent meat


Bass to mouth.

actually based on a spiritual level

>redpilled foods
Maybe we don’t need to use Wachowski Sisters vernacular to describe food, but good suggestion nonetheless

The vegetable medley is redpilled.

Pine pollen. Full of testosterone. Synthezise it and you have free test as much as you want.

Attached: Pine_Pollen_grande.jpg (600x401, 70K)

I get the Now brand mucuna and the shit is legit.

Why bother synthesizing it when you can create it with sunlight

that's because you aren't cooking the whites properly you fucking mongoloid

place eggs in pot and cover with cold water.
bring to boil and boil for one minute.
place cover on pot and remove from heat.
wait 11 minutes and then drain immediately placing eggs in an ice bath.

Attached: pepegg2.png (500x516, 366K)

my poorfag diet is:
Breakfast: oatmeal with eggs, butter, and sugar
dinner: rice with eggs, butter, an onion.

I have survived on that and felt decent. Its better with red meat but if you want to be a frugalfag, eggs are where it's at.

This. Ultimate based diet can exist solely of the following:

1. sardines (canned): cheap, sustainable, low risk of toxins/mercury, and can be stored for a few years. Nutritional powerhouse.
2. eggs: another nutritional powerhouse. Don’t worry about cholesterol, it’s not nearly the boogeyman some make it out to be. I’ll sometimes eat up to four a day.
3. spinach: sautée in a high quality olive oil, drain and mix with some Braggs ACV, garlic, lemon juice (too much spinach could lead to kidney stones, lemon juice is the best way to fight that).
4. raspberries/blueberries: ketofags will say “in moderation!” but you’d have to eat a shit load of berries for the carbs/sugar to really matter
5. kimchi: probiotic goodness, can mix in with spinach if you find the flavor a bit overpowering by itself. Difference between good and bad kimchi is huge, so don’t write it off after trying one brand. It should fizzle and some liquid should rise after opening. It’s a “live” food, being fermented.
6. green tea: brew your own in a kettle, drink a few glasses every day. Get a good brand because some teas are absolutely garbage.
7. steak: nothing wrong with a pound of steak every couple days. Aim for grass fed, but not a huge deal if it’s not. Fat is not a bad thing, so don’t waste money on le filet mignon
8. 90%+ dark chocolate: you should be eliminating most sugar, and while this will have a couple grams, it’s not going to throw you off. Since you’re not eating any other unnaturally/overly sweet foods, this will start to taste delicious and treat-like after a while.
9. ACV water: you should be drinking a ton of water anyways, adding a bit of ACV is good for the microbiome in your stomach

Might be forgetting some stuff. But this will have you in tip top shape in a hurry.

brown rice is hard to digest. it's like digesting seeds. That's the reason i eat white rice and it's the reason nips and gooks prefer white rice. brown is just too hard on the tummy.

Only if you boil them.

Attached: fruit-salad-horizontal-jpg-1522181219.jpg (2500x1667, 510K)

nonsense. abos used to chew those in the wintertime for vitamin C to avoid scurvy. that's how they were able to survive in winter.

based poo-on-joo

> big bowl of fructose

enjoy your fatty liver user

Nigger that's a salad bowl, you take some for individual servings. You know this though.

>You have to eat a buttload of vitamin b with them
Okay go on...

>literally retarded

Even diabetics can eat fruit as it is slow absorbing sugars with lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber to help. Everything in moderation.

I microwave a potato, cut it up, cook it in oil. Add half an onion and butter. Then add 3 eggs and garlic. Will top with spinach if I have any. I eat it every morning for first breakfast. Second breakfast is oatmeal with a glob of peanut butter and a banana. Poor can still be fit


>Complete protein
>Impressively filling
>Tasty as fuck
>Niggers don't like it
>Dirt cheap
>Can be used as a rotation crop
>Grows fast

Attached: buckwheat________youfilthyniggerlol.jpg (480x270, 50K)

Grow more of your own food frens and do it organically or i will be very sad.

Attached: 1563490654748.jpg (576x768, 107K)

Just need some yogurt. Damn looks good.

Based. Can you recommend some good green tea? I live in a small city with only a Korean market, so I have “Golden Sail Brand.”

On the plus side, the Chinese on the box is really helping my 汉语 along.


Ty fren. I almost fapped tonight because of blue balls from my qt Christian gf but Romans stopped me.

>Even diabetics can eat fruit as it is slow absorbing sugars with lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber to help. Everything in moderation.
> fruit
> lots of vitamins

lol he fall for the meme
if you want tons of vitamins eat organs like liver or kidneys

if you're doing this you need moringa too

Habby to be of halp, fren!

Attached: 1538850995249.png (255x204, 50K)

*喝, not 和. Fuck pinyin

Emu meat balls
Activated almonds


Liver is the highest source of vitamin a. Eating liver once in a while tops up your vitamin a stores which is really good for your skin and immune system.
Eggs are the highest source of the fats found in semen and the brain.
Lugols iodine is much better than iodized salt.

Venison. Go kill your own and feed yourself for months or donate to a food kitchen. Redpilled as it gets.

Bananas and avocados for libido
Corn based chips ruin libido

Had me at niggers don't like it

Can you eat it and use it as a cover crop? Like if I grew it, could I use the grains to make oatmeal and then turn the stalks into the soil?

Without knowing what you have access to, the simplest rec I can make is to buy whatever brand has the highest tested epigallocatechin gallate (“ECGC”) content

L-Dopa is some dangerous shit if you try and supplement with it. It has a laundry list of shit that can go wrong and none of it is good. Natural sources are ok, supplements are bad. High doses of L-Dopa and long term use is highly discouraged.

Kek “EGCG” is what I meant

Cheap, high in potassium, fibre, leaves you filling full longer - just eat bananas well they are barely ripe.

Attached: ALL the bananas.jpg (540x540, 128K)

Great photo. Are you some kinda of a vegan though?

>releases dopamine which in turn stimulating the pituitary gland to produce human growth hormone, which promotes muscle growth, increased strength, and has been proven to raise levels of testosterone.

Attached: iStock-687999118_1_.jpg (3008x2000, 2.23M)


Irish Sea Moss

>The human body is made up of 102 minerals and Irish Moss contains a whopping 92 of them. It also provides a wealth of other important nutrients including; protein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, pectin, vitamin C and sulphur. One of the most important of these nutrients is a sulphur-containing amino acid called taurine, which is more abundant in Irish moss than any other seaweed – a nutrient that is commonly lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets.

Jujube fruit

You can write meaningless nonsense like that about almost any food and it will sound impressive to people who don't know any better. The real test is the reviews saying it's good


STFU witch doctor. Just take mk-677 or inject HGH.

Attached: wmaffit.jpg (750x750, 83K)

Only thing that releases dopamine for me is the heavenly voice of a young Nat Wolff

Attached: IMG_3166.jpg (480x360, 24K)

Nope, I love my meats I just love my vegetables as well. And mushrooms.

Attached: Traditional Greek pork souvlaki with tzatziki, salad and chips..jpg (1089x1089, 124K)