Whats wrong with Arabian immigrants...

Whats wrong with Arabian immigrants? Most of them are whiter than Pakis and their children would mostly want to marry a white person. A half Arab looks white enough. Whats so wrong with them then?

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As long as they don't have brown eyes and hate Israel they're okay with me

Keep your mutt propaganda to yourself

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Dude, only 1% of the population of Muslims looks like that

Please stop infighting.

Fuck off brown eyed jew

Maximum Tier Happening Chimpouts to ensue

Actually a lot of Syrians and Iranians look white. Steve Jobs is one example of a white Arab.
Fuck off schizo

What's right with them shill kike?

We are totally compromising ourselves to the leftists because there are white people who don't live in Europe. White people aren't Protestant Anglos there is diversity in white people.

He didn’t say anything about Muslims, (which is still probably wrong since it’s not a race) he only said Arabs. To be fair, most Maronites can easily produce children like the OP, even though her father is Muslim.

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>As long as they don't have brown eyes
so they have no place in America?

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If you have nigger eyes you have nigger blood

I grew up in Dearborn, Michigan. They're bad people, hate white people, are extremely corrupt, and game the system to get as much gibs as possible. The only positive is they hate blacks even more than whites

No dumbass, the only reason some Europeans have blue eyes is because it was used as a way to distinguish if your children are yours or from another guy. Blue eyes is not even that special. It's just a small gene that distinguish's us. Please stop infighting.

1.) Arabian.
2.) Immigrant.
The end.

both hadid's are gross
good body just takes work
their faces are gross
manufactured and pushed

>Whats wrong with Arabian immigrants?
generations of inbreeding

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So fucking true. These AmeriTards make my stomach turn. Every week I see a thread like, "what's wrong with Latina breeding? or "what's wrong with Asians" etc. All Amerifags with AmeriFlags

What's wrong with immigrants. White immigrants are really good people.
Your probably talking about dark skinned Arabians. Light skinned Arabians actually care to make friends with white people. I grew up in Illinois and there was an enclave of dark skinned Indians and they were the most racist people I've
ever seen.
Easy to call Americans retards yet in WW2 they whooped your asses.



You couldn't whoop anyone's ass. You came in on the coat-tails of the British and the Soviets, pretending you won.

Then you lost in Vietnam and Iraq to mudfighters. You are worthless.

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Half Palestinian/German here. i'm aesthetic af but I'm still a swarthy sand nigger and OP is a faggot.
My eyes are only brown when they aren't red from my fiery passion against the Jews and their global antics against humanity.

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No, we were a superpower with the best tech, military strategy, and mindset. Europe is full of cultural marxists. You say that America ruined the west yet postmodernism and cultural marxism came from France and Germany.

They’re not going to not have brown eyes. Maybe hazel.

If I wasn't here I'd probably have never found Christ. One day I'll return to Palestine and raise a large Catholic Arab family.

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Sure... This is Jow Forums anybody can be and say whatever they want without proof. That's what you want people to think. Your probably just an Anglo.

What do you want me to say? My half Palestinian cousins all ended up with blue eyes and light hair and the oldest one has 3 blue eyed blonde haired 1/4 purely Irish looking babies. Literally no middle eastern traits among them.

But me? I look like a sand nigger, and there's nothing wrong with that. You're just a self hating Palestinian sand nigger like me who is trying to pony up to whites because of your insecurities. Whatever you look like, be proud that yo're Palestinian. You have the Canaanite blood mixed with the blood of ancient Hebrews, Phoenicians, Arabs and Crusaders. Quit trying to shit on skin color when we're naturally all shades of Caucasian.

Bro, i'm a south Slav not a Palestinian. I'm not even insecure, i'm proud of what I am.

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Descendant of white slaves.

I don't know what you'd consider lebanese, that's the majority of them. but Indians and Arabs are nothing alike. Learn more about the world

I'm half Arab and I absolutely hate them. They are nothing like Europeans. They are liars, cheats, thieves, snakes, manipulators, and a massive amount are faggots.

I wrote something on mypostingcareer but pman locked everyone out. Deport them!

Her mom is Dutch retard.