Mexican made a film calling for White genocide

Mexican made a film calling for White genocide



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Whites are the only race that is acceptable to attack. then one day for no reason what so ever.....

>spam youtube with bullshit calling for genociding everyone but white people
>cry on the internet when one person makes a film talking about murdering white people

>then one day for no reason what so ever.....

The internet at this point is just a demoralization center for Whites

>spam youtube with bullshit calling for genociding everyone but white people

That doesnt happen the video would be taken down asap. Please link me a short film with a White guy interviewing other Whites calling for genocide of other races that's not a bunch of skinheads

also memeflag fuck off

You’re either for free speech or against it user. If we’re allowed to post about killing niggers and ethnic cleansing, this spic can make a pretentious art film about white murder.

Looking forward to seeing you die of the common cold you AIDS riddled faggot

It's time to email and protest Yerba Buena Center, user. Make this national news.

And then they expect sympathy every time some here cuts down a couple beans.

It’s a good thing subhumans have no care for history, if they did we wouldn’t get to see a repeat it.

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>You’re either for free speech or against it user.

its the hypocrisy. imagine if a white person did this. they would get doxxed their job gone and homeless in two weeks and who knows what else. Also pure free speech has never existed

They started it
Pic related: 1965 Hart (((Celler))) Act, which led to the collapse of white majority

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>Why are so many young white men becoming angry and rightwing?
The left is unironicly doing more to get the next Hitler elected than Jow Forums ever has.

*some hero

deserves to be protested

Why are George Soros and Charles Koch collaborating on a U.S.-bashing think tank?

This board calls for murdering innocence every day, stop the crocodile tears

Why are George Soros and Charles Koch collaborating on a U.S.-bashing think tank?

Some webm I have of a synthwave "remove kebab" of Yugoslavia war training clips was removed within five minutes even though it was not named anything remotely similar. They either watched the video, have some detection system that scans video (at one point it has on "Vice City" letters Remove Kebab), or someone on this shit site reported it when I linked it. Either way I got a community strike and my upload ability taken lol

Free speech cannot survive in non-white societies.

If a white guy did that the video would be removed immediately and the person's life would be ruined.

I see the hypocrisy, but you’re not telling me decrying this gay-ass film student artfart isn’t hypocritical, are you? How can you be pro-free-speech or right-wing in general and support harmless violent rhetoric (barring credible threats) only when it isn’t directed at white people? Isn’t that hypocrisy defined?

Some webm I have of a synthwave "remove kebab" of Yugoslavia war training clips was removed within five minutes even though it was not named anything remotely similar. They either watched the video, have some detection system that scans video (at one point it has on "Vice City" letters Remove Kebab), or someone on this shit site reported it when I linked it. Either way I got a community strike and my upload ability taken lol

Reminder that demographic replacement is GENOCIDE by the un’s own definition

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I see the hypocrisy, but you’re not telling me decrying this gay-ass film student artfart isn’t hypocritical, are you? How can you be pro-free-speech or right-wing in general and support harmless violent rhetoric (barring credible threats) only when it isn’t directed at white people? Isn’t that hypocrisy defined?

Some webm I have of a synthwave "remove kebab" of Yugoslavia war training clips was removed within five minutes even though it was not named anything remotely similar. They either watched the video, have some detection system that scans video (at one point it has on "Vice City" letters Remove Kebab), or someone on this shit site reported it when I linked it. Either way I got a community strike and my upload ability taken lol

>This country is a white supremacy
Also America:

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When, faggot, or are you making shit up as cope? You will be arrested for specific threats posted here

Dude looks goofy I bet he'd have a hard time murdering flies with multiple cans of Raid.

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western (((liberal))) democracies are just a demoralization center for whites at this point.

arm yourself and your family, train your children how to use guns move out of the city, then just become as self as possible.

this is the only option we have left at this point, once the jews and their golems absolve all western borders and flood us with third world shitskins the social systems will undoubtedly fail, cities will be the epicenters of the chaos.

>but you’re not telling me decrying this gay-ass film student artfart isn’t hypocritical, are you?

Go make a film doing this but saying the same stuff about Mexicans. I dare you. Its not harmless you idiot. Its a literal film made not jokes on twitter. A film that was approved and funded. FUcking retard

I'm against shitskins having free speech. That should be a privilege afforded only to the white man.

Still think Latinos are based?

Yup. The algo is really advanced now.

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Is film a form of speech? Or “artistic” endeavors in general, for that matter?

>Still think Latinos are based?
American Mexicos are mostly faggots, there are based ones though. And many are not remotely poltically active

Oh shit.

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It's going to get so much worse Im afraid

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lets put a bounty on his head.

Don’t take the bait making a ruckus about this spic. They don’t murder more of us because we are armed and trained. If they could, they would.

Mark Dice is very based but holds off

This would never be considered acceptable, and would not be shown in any public venue if the word "white" was switched with anything else

>Don’t take the bait making a ruckus about this spic.

I could careless what some low iq delusional Jew bot thinks but its disconcerning giving as how most White people just shrug this shit off

Have you ever noticed its these goofy art students pushing this shit?
They have no idea how quickly they'll eat dirt if the guns have to come out.
This won't be a street fight it will be goofy art students with crossbows and bats getting picked off at 300+ yards.

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When Whites lose the majority this country will become ungovernable id assume and even more anti white

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Considering white people are the only people honorable/naive enough to follow principles, you can go fuck yourself. I dont like people calling for people like me to get murdered, and it's not a fucking logical fallacy to feel that way you sociopath. I'm done with enlightenment values for me but not for thee.

This spic couldn’t murder someone if his life depended on it. I shrug it off because he is larping as a badass. Come attack me. I will fucking ventilate him and then had a family bbq with my family after laughing at the stupid spic who tried to kill me.

>Is film a form of speech?

If me and the boyz were running shit. This type of speech would obviously be banned im not a free speech tard. I dont want some Jew telling White girls to race mix etc ie taylor swift video

So you’re not pro-free speech?

Is this basically a federal hate crime?

Its amazing man. Whites kindness always gets taken advantage off never forget south africa rhodesia or haiti

>stop letting us use your rights against you goyim instead have this pilpul

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Fuck no dude. Im not a free market American either

Well get over it kid, free speech is protected by the constitution.

If a White did this they would be in jail 100%

I'm only for it if it's evenly applied to all, in the social sphere and the government one.

There's never ever been pure free speech...

The Supreme Court has ruled approx. 147,000 times that hate speech is protected by the 1st. A white could make a film like this and face no LEGAL consequences. Just no threats, no rallying cries to organize violence

Guys, keep redpilling people but please be aware that YOU need to make the difference. Stop shitposting, find each other IRL. Become the hidden resistances.

You constitution lovers, free market loving Libertarians are the worst and dont understand human nature. Libertarian/Republican strain is a plantation for Whites

>make your opponents play by your own rules
found the bot

Please make a film like this but directed towards any other racial group in America. Tell me who would support it, who would fund it like the film above, because it had a lot of support...

Conservatives are the worst most pathetic cucked individuals

It shows you that, even though its california that it's run entirely by another country. It's inhabitants want civil war with the coutry. A clear sign they should be deported for inciting civil war. Always watch for these people from the black hair crowd.

Mexicans are usually nice people. At least the older gen whove ive talked to a bit, younger gen mexicans are bugmen, like most modern generations.

whites should unironically go to this and get piss drunk while shooting the shit with the crowd and trying to subtly redpill people

They would have shit their pants of a group of White men stormed in there and protested

I understand human nature perfectly. The weak bitch about shit and make films/Twitter posts about the things they wish they had the gall to do IRL or subvert establishments and the strong go to work and raise/protect their families from the weezing dorks who break out of their containment zones. It’s simple stuff. Which one are you?
I would fund it because I would never beg for shekels from a kike investor. No one would watch it (maybe alt-right) but I literally have the right to make it and show it either myself or at a venue that would have me.

The platform supporting the film has TAX PAYER funding

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I mean don't even try to protest, just treat it like a joke and show up and have a good time. let everyone know this type of stuff doesn't phase you, because it really shouldn't. these people are pussies lol

Because of people like you I no longer have a single liberal sympathy left. You dont care about promoting the health of the nation, you just want to cause trouble and raid the public coffers while pretending to be a good faith actor. You and your pets deserve nothing but a one way plane ticket out of the country.

Youd probably have to pay so no, but maybe id go and observe peoples reactions and interview them

they would probably make you pay extra just for being white lmao

What the fuck

This is what the left has done. Ethnic hatred is considered to be art by professor Shlomo Shekhelstein from some Ivy League university.

Oh boy.


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History teaches that genocide is the end result of identity politics played with a victim/oppressor narrative.

> wahhh :( only we’re allowed to genocide!

You guys literally talk about right wing death squads and day of the rope and glorify Hitler and the nazi party

He looks like a gay/pedo shit bag.

you mean all jew controlled media.

Its a nice gift and its very easy to fool people

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Correct. They own the vast majority so they own the narrative

He's gay and lives in San Fran so just imagine

For white people? Sure

I don’t think you understand the concept/reality of American society. It’s almost like you’re already living in your head-canon ethnostate and the day-to-day occurrences of social tides here in reality are in opposition to the fantastical laws and norms that Jow Forums has established for you.

>glorify Hitler and the nazi party
Please show me one document or one speech where a NS calls for genocide of any race

>. If we’re allowed to post about killing niggers
We're not. This is all anonymous racism that must be sought out. He's displaying his threats in public at taxpayer-funded museum.

>You guys literally talk about right wing death squads and day of the rope

Is there any group of people getting so oppressed and treated in their homelands like dirt? No. Fuck off and join Antifa or the DSA

>you guys
Discord faggot leave and kill yourself

>experimental short film
Reactionaries, as usual, are too dense to understand abstract art.

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Truth. It's all bants until someone gets hurt. I'd say the only real difference is that they are well organized and well funded, where as on the right it's kids on Jow Forums.

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Under Trump the cenosorship and anti whiteness has escalated x1000. I hope he loses in 2020 so White people wake the fuck up

2 Jews, an affluent White liberal woman, a Black woman. Its always like this lmao

People still have to seek it out user. They have to go the exhibit and watch it. As much as it would be nice to attack the tax-payer involvement of this project, the cities tax code deems it can use funds per the planning boards budgets. Making people AWARE of their involvement could lead to change, but for this specific case, city code justifies the use of those dollars.

>meme flaggot
>1 post by this ID

>Reactionaries, as usual, are too dense to understand abstract art.
"Abstract" art. You mean garbage?

Implying abstract means anything other than some try hard sound like a dumbass pandering to other idiots

Supporting the system is consenting to double standards. I dont care about the law or the government, they only serve to legitimize physical and psychological violence against people that look like me, which with the benefit of hindsight one can easily see that there was no other way the American system could have played out.

What do you care what I think anyway? I'm just another nobody white guy whose existence is only suffered insofar as I can be an emotional punching bag for the anti-americanist weirdos that the american establishment is so enamored by.