Western society clearly has a problem with young white men who don't fit in.
Some call them incels. Others call them a variety of terms to highlight how they are unwanted.
How would you help these guys, or what would you do with them?
Should they conform to the degeneracy of western society or should they fight back?
Western society clearly has a problem with young white men who don't fit in
Other urls found in this thread:
What about young black men that don't fit (me)..
>How would you help these guys, or what would you do with them?
They can only help themselves. They feel unwanted because they have stopped trying. No one can try on their behalf.
Problems with the face come from having bad posture. Like that guy on the left looks like that literally because he left his mouth open while he was a kid. (Close your mouth while sleeping as well, that's important.) It's called a "mouth breather" meaning he literally breathes through his mouth rather than nose. Leaving your mouth open ruins the development of muscles and it causes your jaw to slack and ruins forward growth.
Use this youtube channel for research.
If your kid is ugly it's your fault. Everyone is attractive as long as they're healthy.
i don't care about incels. fuck you i got mine.
In the US you would have it easier, idk how it is in Brazil tho.
Whats wrong? You don't fit into our gender mutilation programs? Our black only fraternity? Our pro immigrant policy of free welfare for black hair only supremacists? You are the enemy of the state even though you created everything.
Based lightbringer
We can only relate to a certain degree. I have tested this. Minorities put up barriers around them that purposely prevents whitey from getting close, then the minorities complain that whitey don't want them.
I have never seen that to be the case. A man's soul has it's limits. I've watched for years as people have tried various incarnations of techniques to get guys to "man up" and I can positively say that things are worse now than they've ever been. A consistent decline, step by step.
There will be no collective manning up at this point in the stage of decadency. We will just have to ride it out until the old is destroyed and something new comes into the picture.
Good. The west deserves to suffer and burn, please God may it happen.
True, but we also deserve a new start and a bright future.
I think people get pissed when you drug, spy, stalk, sabotage, torture, steal, mob, hospitalize,... them and kill their pet. But it's just me, maybe this is normal for demented NPCs like you.
In a completely new society, dominated by a patriarchy that eliminates degeneracy on sight? Yes.
But I don't want nearly anything of the current west to survive, so that means the suffering has to be long and agonizing. Many other civilizations have gone through this, the west deserves it the most though.
So anyone ugly is called incel?
No wonder why mass shootings are increasing
>In a completely new society, dominated by a patriarchy that eliminates degeneracy on sight? Yes.
Usually that is the way societies start. Otherwise they don't get far.
Men that are not respected by society are treated like shit, yes. This causes extreme resentment and hostility.
It's natural, because incels themselves think they are incels due to their inadequate looks.
In my years of conversations about this on Jow Forums, there are a lot of faggots who think we can either just "man up" and fix this, or we can have some sort of new society where feminism and patriarchy co-exist because feminism's not going away, you know. Just learn to live with it!
Just the opinions of some random tards on the internet, but what people think on here is echoed surprisingly quite a bit by other internet people too.
If I could do those things I would case so much destruction and suffering to certain people. You give me far too much credit, Brazil.
only if you're ugly and don't want to humble youself before everyone around you, apologizing for your existence and being eternally meek
the only option if you're ugly is to like sam hyde and just run against the wind until your balls are too big to care about your future or what anyone thinks
They should be searching underage QTs
Well, feminism tends to die the moment real shit hits the fan and women are faced with the reality of how vunlerable and incompetent they really are, and in how much in need of masculine protection they are, when it comes to actual survival.
kill yourself you fucking nigger
That's not good enough, I want mass punishment and suffering.
Western society has been set up so women still benefit from everything men do while feminism is also there to back them up.
I cannot understand why so many people, now or decades ago, could not understand that this would be a bad way to run a society.
Women expect a lot out of men, they want multiple things to click in their favor, they have been raised with those expectations, so I'm not sure how men would behave in a collapse.
Would men be idiots and accommodating pussies, or would they be like the men of old? Very hard to tell.
you just have to get a fat chick, that's what they had to do in the past, it must feel pretty gay being a short fat poof, but there's other ways to be happy, a lot of them are arguably happier than the more chadish males, because there's literally no possibility of getting an attractive woman, so that can be liberating
>I want mass punishment and suffering.
Calm down you humongous edgelord.
Thanks for bumping you Finnish faggot, but it's what the west deserves. I'm just one individual, I can't answer for the current situation.
> I would case so much destruction and suffering to certain people.
I think it's too homosexual, a normal mafia would shoot the guy or sabotage his car. But the (((mafia))) keeps this passive-aggressive gay "game" with lots of cringe moments. No wonder you golems love them so much, you were made for each other.
This. Ugly guys have good looking girlfriends but they also do everything within their power (working adult jobs, going to the gym, having actual skills and hobbies instead of playing video games and being racist on the internet) to attract them, and they settle for the fact that they aren't going to be banging 9/10 teenagers with tight vageens and instagram model bodies.
Incels are just self righteous uggos who refuse to acknowledge their self inflicted low social standing is the root cause of all their failures. I was there, I used to be obese (330lb at my heaviest) unemployed or barely employed playing milsim and grand strategy games all day and screeching at anyone who's listen that all girls were whores. I got tired of it, dropped 70 pounds in a year, got a trade and had dozens of women after me. They weren't whores, they just had self respect and didn't want to date an obese lardass who worked in a warehouse driving forklift.
With a year of dedication any incel could become a chad
I am Italian, so the mafia thing was funny to me.
I am in incredible shape. I think what's more worrying about this is how people think women are oppressed if there's not enough eligible guys to go around for them all.
It always has to be about women, even when it pretty much isn't.
>if there's not enough eligible guys to go around for them all.
There really isn't. I wouldn't date 99% of the guys I see on the streets if I was a woman. The quality of modern women may be shit, but the quality of modern men is absolute garbage.
I do see women with a lot of trash guys, though.
It is absolutely ridiculous to think that women are oppressed because not enough guys exist that can make them feel moist. The fact that so many people think that is proof that the west's decadence has reached levels never thought possible before.
The entire situation is garbage, but Jow Forums users have a habit of using this board as an ivory tower to feel superior to other men, so i am skeptical of the claims about the decline of men. Though they are plausible.
I'd say the worst way men have declined is that they are too soft, in real life or on imageboards, there is no thirst to subjugate women or slaughter and pillage like there was in the old days.
the incels are not white