killing myself in 10 minutes on this discord server
parents left me for dead on the streets
no job
no friends
no education
killing myself on this discord server live, the only place I have a few people who care
Killing myself live
Other urls found in this thread:
U cute
>killing yourself
The ultimate bitch move
Discord trannies try to kill themselves all the time.
Bro, you have a lot to live for, even if it doesn't seem like it right now.
Don't do it.
You are a man. It only gets better as you age, not the other way around.
Hang in there bro. Love ya.
Don’t do it.
Antifa collecting internet addresses, dont do it
No one kills themselves on discord, trannie. If anyone really wants to do this, make sure we don't have to sign up for anything. Do it on twitch or some shit.
Coon Choker here, nice try on getting people to join your gay discord server.
You know there are things that you can do with your life right. Please you have so much potential. You are suicidal b/c you need spirituality. Plead for the love of god don't do it.
You can turn nothing into something, trust me. Don't do it, things can and will get better.
why not take out some traitors while you're at it?
Do it
Should have put it on r9k fag
why not just get drunk instead? or go to the cops and get directed to a homeless shelter? there's no need to go out like a bitch.
Bait slide thread. But if chance of real dont do it. Youll make it mate
No one cares
Proof everyone on this board is a shitskin larper.
This is one less ugly mutt staining our planet. Let it die shitskins
>This site can't be reached
This. Get drunk and have the night of your life OP.
why? just live, it doesn't cost you anything.
And ur going to hell for it lol
K keep us updated
Posting in an epic suicide thread
or you could anti hero in minecraft and make the world a better place rather than wasting it for nothing
in minecraft of course
Glad to hear another Jow Forums user is killing degenerates
shitskin or not, he can still rid the world of some extra evil, along with his shitskin
in minecraft of course. i love playing minecraft
is this how glow niggers arrest people now ?
They trick you to join their discord server then find and arrest you
>captcha tractors
the madman did it
press F
I'm scared.
Has it been 10 minutes yet?
Do a backflip honeypot nigger
Did he actually ?
Idk if it's too late but please dont do it bro. Please. Even if noone else loves you God loves you. Jesus christ loves you. I love you. Please
Did he do it?
Christ still has a mission for you. If you commit sucked then it will be to late. I promise you, Jesus is the truth.
How fucking new are you?
Don't do it, you have shitposting with us at least
The discord link is a IP grabber
No shitskins are fine, when they stay in their native lands
Fake and gay that server is just faggots sharing "gay lewds"
How fucking new are you? These honeypot baits are for doxxing
Do it you pussy.
Ill send you money, dont do it
Don't fucking kys fren! We will all die someday anyways just enjoy the ride! Go snort some coke and fuck some strange. Praise kek and march forward towards life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
And thats why I didn’t join this obvious bait
lol nigger
do it faggot
>shitskin mutt
nothing of value lost
Please fuck off you broken record kikes
Amen. I think it’s too late though. Thank you for trying to show him the truth of Jesus Christ.
did he do it?
Never click anything on Jow Forums
>this has been a public service message brought to you by the letter N