You failed Mommy Tulsi.
Apologize. Now.
You failed Mommy Tulsi.
Apologize. Now.
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Its bullshit. The DNC picks the polls. They don't even tell the public what the polls consist of, it is totally secret.
Tulsi should run a livestream during the next debate where she hosts and utterly destroys all the other candidates in real time. She won't have to play by cnns or the dnc's rules and would probably dominate in that arena.
>thinking Hillary isn't going to declare she's running in a few weeks and BFTO the rest of them
She had enough polls, the DNC just didn't accept them.
I’m not shocked they rigged it. Hope she runs third party, she would be a challenge to both democrats and republicans. Be interesting to see what would happen
I don't know why anyone would be surprised. They fucked Bernie in 2016 so Hillary could have her second failed run instead of running someone who could win, and they seem determined to do it again this time around as well only with Biden and Harris. Either they've all gone completely insane and/or are actually retarded, or the DNC has been taken over by republican operatives somehow.
mommy posters ruined her chances by being so repulsive it contaminated her character.
Definitely. She should be doing anything other than backing down. She's actively being screwed and it's do obvious.
This. The normal rules of campaigning no longer apply, she should at least try to damage the system as much as possible
Based tombstone
Good, she was just stealing votes that belonged to Yang
At this point, how would we not assume that both parties are run by the same people?
I kept thinking Deadwood, knowing I was wrong.
As expected
She was never going to be the one. She isn't polarizing enough.
It's all about putting one show thay will get the citizens' blood boiling. Divide and rule.
Oh, user... did you really think it is any other way?
I know. It is a hard thing, this life.
The Hindu thing has so much to work with, then jidf shit things up with pushing a cringe meme of her.
That Kali Yuga pic is glorious.
stupid bitch cunt
This. DNC is a for-profit organization run by the greasiest of jews.
>free healthcare for illegals
>climate change
fuck this liberal cuck
The dnc just handed trump the presidency in 2020, Hawaii is going red out of spite
She didn't say anything about free healthcare for illegals. They asked that during the second night of the first debate, she was in the first night.
She raised her hand
I don't support her.
Fuck off you fucking nigger faggot and suck your rabbi's uncircumcised dick
The DNC will do anything to stop her from being on that staged. Not her fault. She got more than 2% in multiple polls, but since it's the DNC dictating who gets to be seen by the people, they didn't count those polls. Great system we have here :)
She was never asked the question you retard
This please.
Someone please reach out to her.
Fuck that gook.
Hildawgs rise up
I'm the one that came up with the idea. Military psyop projects have to stick together. Oh and I already did.
I’m hoping she gets picked as Sanders VP. I think that would be a VERY strong ticket that would rally plenty of blue voters.
At the very least I hope to see her pop up in some future races. She is a strong candidate, and has MANY years left in her.
It hasn't even begun.
They released a list of all pollsters that count on the same day they announced the criteria for the September debate.
Tulsi was never going to be the Dems candidate. She is the revolutionary moderate centrist we need to found a 3rd party.
I kept asking for information on the polls. Nobody knew shit all damn month around here.
id watch it
Then don't fucking use Jow Forums ano na as your goddamn sources
>Each poll must be sponsored by an approved organization, which presently includes the following: Associated Press, ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Des Moines Register, Fox News, Monmouth University, NBC News, New York Times, National Public Radio (NPR), Quinnipiac University, University of New Hampshire, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, and Winthrop University. Any candidate’s four qualifying polls must be conducted by different organizations, or if by the same organization, must be in different geographical areas
I want her to run with Bill Weld as a third positionist independent ticket.
Trips of Truth witnessed
Anti Gun and open borders is not a popular platform to be running on in the US .
Tyлcи Гaббapд - плaтный poccийcкий aктив.
Yes total obedience to Israel in absolutely anything they want is a far better platform. MIGA am I right?
She shouldn't have shilled for the gays and the baby-killers
Calm down spaz
Go watch part 1 of the 1st debate.
Wow she is flat
Dude. It's rigged. The polls dont matter. There is no DNC primary election. There are no qualifying candidates. There are no debates. It's an improvised drama where a couple of the performers dont seem to understand they're in a show.
she'd steal votes from the democrats and assure trump's victory.
I would watch and it would be brilliant
>Hawaii is going red out of spite
Um, no
Tulsi would lose her military cred if she supports free healthcare for illegals
>veterans get shitty service after serving
>illegals get quality service for free after breaking the law
In order for her to support free healthcare for illegals she would need to include veterans getting better care, and at that point she may as well go full-Bernie
lol rekt
i'd watch her livestream naked
'Sup Styx.
Tulsi 2036!
>how can a women be so based
Cuck bump
Theyll prop Warren this time around id bet
LMAO , suck it
She should do a YouTube commentary thing where she just talks over the debate and says what she wants.
Lets pretend she isnts going to be plastered over by jewtube?
Sad, she was really hot.
Now all we have are Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas and King Jew
Nigger dont be a dumbass, poll list itself is public
Repeal the Nineteenth Amendment and keep women out of politics.
Sorry, no browns in this election. Next election will be mostly browns. Be patient.
I haven't been able to find this information
ITT: people who aren't voting democrat shitting their pants over someone who definitely isn't getting nominated regardless
We are the tip of the horseshoe, brother
Tulsi sucks. She is nothing but /pol’s unicorn of the month
>implying it was based on real numbers
They disqualified like 30 polls and only allowed the ones that were rigged
I'm sorry Mommy Tulsi. But to be fair you've also failed me by not getting naked... or promising to protect 2A rights.
That would've helped, certainly
They're unequivocally dedicated to the establishment and they didn't learn the first time around. DNC honestly needs to be destroyed and all the members of it executed. If they put up Biden or Harris, I will vote for Trump.
She would probably be the only Democrat id even consider. Her views on guns are a big turn off though.
Maga 2020 i guess.
Great. Now I don't need to worry about her actually winning and I can just enjoy the redpills she drops from those succulent lips.
Like.never forfetting the 6 gorillion? That's a spicy redpill
That's a beautiful thing.
Mike Gravel did this years ago when he failed to qualify
what the fuck, I didn't even look at my own post number
Kek is with us
You should become her campaign manager.
At least I won't be conflicted about rooting for trump now.
there they go pissing off their base again
she wasn't /theirgirl/ which is why I liked her. I knew she would get Paul'd
Biden has clearly been the DNC's choice for a while now.
But this sets Tulsi up for more, in the future. She's now a household name. And, she didn't come out damaged like Harris did.
Why do all these people refuse to accept literally nobody is going to vote for them? Trump wasn't wanted either but he made sure he was so popular he couldn't be shut up or denied. None of these other whiny fags like Tulsi, Hernie, or Yang has the support nor the smarts to do it so boo hoo
LOL this old trick. Wait until they do this to Bernie again. Holy fuck the nerd rage will be amazing.
It's too bad the democrats will lose their best candidate once again.
Imagine choosing your candidate with polls, the same kind of shit that gave 98% to Clinton. LMAO
Yang is the worst of the worst. When he pulled his fake ass crocodile tears it made me sick.
Only sheep would vote of this disingenuous fuck.
He is a sick minded, immoral , pandering fuck that doesn't think much of you at all. To pull that stunt is disgusting.
I like Tulsi but you do know she was passed around during her military time like a roastie whore right? I mean the beef is hanging on this one.
THIS. Third party potential for sure.
given the current climate of the racial SJW retarded emotionally unstable left
and zion don disappointment (he tweeted about the boer farmers once and only once)
it is a good time to start a third party and Tulsi is what the democrats who lost their party to this new insanity would vote for and she is someone people on the right would vote for, especially if that meant not having one of those insane AOC tier leftist in office.
Good idea user. Let the memes begin. Third party threads go! Tulsi pres and rand paul vice?
can we have campaign posters that say "Who's your Mommy?"