Taboo subjects Red Pills

Let's talk about the real tough shit in life.

1. What is this cycle all about?

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Other urls found in this thread: Epic of Gilgamesh.pdf

Do we have anyone that has a compelling argument about life being other than a useless existence?

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It's whatever you make it bro just be yourself

you never really die
just manifest consciousness on further levels
if you fail
you start over clean slate
if you fully suceed
peak heaven eternal

Tbqh life for many people doesn't necessarily need to have a purpose. There are probably millions of people that can live without purpose (they don't even realize it). Sometimes I seriously hope I could've been born that way. But it's too late now, they way I'm I need something to live for, anything that gives me meaning. And as of now I haven't found anything, and ffs I can't live like this. I need purpose. Why live if you have nothing to live for?

Why does life have to be useful?

I don't, but even if there's cosmically speaking no point I might as well enjoy it. I sure as fuck don't want to die. The point is to survive.
I don't mean hedonistically, I mean by having a family and building things.

>just be yourself

Do we have any evidence that it is?

The long term goal for humans is to learn how to be good humans. This is an ancient idea known as virtue, or excellence. The point of a king is to be an excellent king. The point of a mother or father is to be an excellent mother or father. Excellence is nigh unachievable but an ideal to work towards. How do we know what excellence, the ideal virtue, looks like? That requires argument, and trial and error. Furthermore, the forces dragging one down from virtue are stronger than the willpower required to achieve it, thus this task, like that of Sisyphus, will keep humans busy for a long long time. As a group, we are to live our lives excellently. This does not mean mindlessly competing for material resources. Pentti Linkola fishing on a lake in the middle of nowhere Finland is living a more excellent life than the President of the United States. When you adopt this virtuous perspective of excellence, you will be happy to drop out of the rat race and content yourself with your lot in life.

i live. i die. i live again.

how does one succeed/fail?

Please no, I don't want to come back again


I dont believe the ego reincarnates. We are not our senses, bodies, or even minds. We are the brahman, which is all of it, and none of it. I believe the sensation of individuation repeats infinitely while always being new. However we most likely live our same lives as well with like 1 decision difference an infinite number of times thoughout time and space. But really the soul and god are the same thing

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Someone tell me what we should do besides the reductio ad absurdum OP pic? Be a degenerate neet leech with no kids and fuck off the maui and live in a van and surf all day?

that is called the wage slave cycle, it is a mockery of God's intended cycle of reincarnation

You come here for but a brief moment to forget that you know and are all that is.
Don't waste your time trying to remember something that you don't have long left to forget.
The role you play; your purpose here - is just to be:
You love yourself, you hurt yourself, you kill yourself, you give birth to yourself.
God, you're playing fucking dollies here with us, man.

Life is a story that you write yourself. Try to make it a good read.

We are all One and originate from the Source/God/All That Is. We are God and God is us. Our consciousness is eternal and on a path across several densities beginning at the molecular level and concluding back at the Source. This physical existence on Earth is a training ground for the purpose of learning how to create our own reality through beliefs, emotions, thoughts and actions and to learn the difference between good/evil, dark/light, positive/negative, service to self/service to others, etc. After death, our consciousness leaves the body and we choose to either move onwards to the next density or return as another human life with limited course plotting. This is a grand play of sorts and we're merely actors.
>sauces - Seth Material, Cassiopaean Transcripts and Ra/Law of One

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The only meaning is that which you create. Now get the fuck off your smartphone and go do something useful, you ennui bag of shit.

Build. Be fruitful and multiply. We're all slaves in a sense, rather you believe in a higher power or not. Chose to rise above being a slave to your human vices and desires.

I'm still figuring it all out, but I've found more joy toiling in the fields and growing than my own selfish desires. Grow your muscles, grow your garden, grow your family, and perhaps one day our seed may peak out of the soil and see the true light for the first time. Or something like that.

Live for spreading the truth about kikes so we get to see them gassed in our lifetimes.

Reject material pleasures.
Seek knowledge and virtue.
Spend considerable time meditating and contemplating the metaphysical.
Teach others. Have children and teach your children.

All religions were fabricated as a way to keep man from controlling their own spirituality. Ancients used hallucinations to learn a great many things and religion is just one of the tools used to keep us from learning about ourselves and thus enslave us.. Epic of Gilgamesh.pdf

Just like my Nintendos!

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Read The Myth of Sisyphus

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I find this oddly comforting.

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Whatever happens after your life is of little consequence; it is admirable to seek to leave solid roots that you were here and that you did something, and it is preferable that you effected some sort of positive change on the world. But, the end truth is that you share a blink of existence with seven and a half billion other people who are going through the same arc as you - and further you share the world with countless other beings who may have lives so immeasurably short that they could hardly have been said to have lived at all, or who have lives so long that they have witnessed the passage of time on an unbelievable scale.

The fact of the matter is that all you have is those whom you share your time with. This cycle is about meeting them, understanding them, accepting them, and finding value in their lives, and once you reach the end of the road - whether you come back, move up, or return unto the void - all you can look back upon are the moments which others gave to you and you offered to others. Fulfillment isn't about a yacht or being honored at the Kennedy Center, it is about being able to look back and realize that others made your time worth it and that you hopefully made it worthwhile for them as well. That they may smile at your memory and lament your passing is really all there is.

You're here to learn and acquire the tools that are required for eternity.

if you go to school, you'll hoard a lot of money, and the weight will cause your death.

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Life is pain, get over that fact. Getting old sucks ass, but it beats the alternative. Your body is the most valuable thing you will ever own so take care of it. We are all going to die. Hopefully you can leave the world a little better than you found it.

life is about literally being alive. So, with that in mind, do whatever you want on this short time you have to live u faggot

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Earth is a prison for the souls of political rebels. We're put here to be out of the way, live over and over, forgetting our past. Every activity of man can be paralleled to the activities of federal prisons where everyone is in for life. We will never get to see beyond the walls, we will never be permitted to leave this planet.

And just like that my will to live has been restored, thanks.

Humanity is growing and moving and you have the purpose to influence it towards a better direction.

Nihilism is really just narcissism. The impermanence of any legacy hurts the ego. But what is permanent is the direction humanity will go because of your actions. That will be baked into the past of humanity, and that past will determine the possible futures.

That leaves you and your work nameless, anonymously stitched into the fabric of the history of our species. Nihilists cannot stand not having a legacy, because to their ego, that's all there is. But to everybody else, the purpose of life is obvious.

Lack of permanent legacy =/= lack of purpose. If you find a lack of meaning in changing the direction of the species for the better, perhaps you are not able to look beyond yourself, and need to think about why you feel like not being known is akin to not mattering? It objectively matters. You influence the future just by existing. If you exist well, the future will change for the better, because of you. Nobody will know your name, because the name is not what matters. What matters is the direction. It's the process and the direction of the species that matters. How can that not matter? Perhaps there's too much luxury in life in order for a person to reach that conclusion.

please God let me fuck someone like her one day...:(

Define consciousness

FPBP and the Earth is The Lords. Maranatha

This is false. Reincarnation isn't a guarantee. Death can and most likely will occur spiritually like it does materially. As above so below. Each death a layer of the Self unravels until the core is reached, at whatever plane that happens to be, and you will cease to exist in the most ultimate fashion.
Reincarnation is suspension of death. It's something you have to work for, but honestly why would you.

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Fuck off.

Theres no such thing as conciousness.

I'm glad, user. That means a lot to me.

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I’d hate to go back. I honestly hope I can be a god. I know that sounds stupid as fuck, but that would be amazing.

Except you can't do whatever you want outside of time; it's already done - in an "instant", all of it.
It's not experiencing anything, but having had experienced it and being the experience at the same time.
You'll get bored; you'll come back here. You always do.

I have severe ADHD and my country doesn't believe it exists I was doomed from the start, I'm here to only wonder in circles never really doing anything

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