What the fuck did they mean by this?

What the fuck did they mean by this?

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you have to be mentally retarded to be a lefty

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>be autistic
>your special interest is a fraudulent globalist agenda

They meant they think people are too stupid to recognize the difference between fetal alcohol syndrome and autism.

Attached: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.jpg (900x897, 77K)

What do you think fagggot

>literal retard
>adopt left wing beliefs

They've been trying to portray autism (and mental illness in general) as a superpower for at least the last five years.

>climate change is a belief
you must think the earth being round is a belief too, retard, it's fact

Somebody put autism in her mother's alcohol and called it globalism in a nutshell. Also, her eyes are droopyaf.jpg

To say this implies you believe in man made catastrophic climate change, which is a giant lie and scam. Climate change as natural is just common sense. Climate changes.

Only autists believe in gloBAAL warming

BEcause autism his her superpower

>buying into the climate change meme

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I'm autistic and this niggerfaggotry sends me into a boiling, bloodthirsty rage

i wonder if, when she's in her 70's and scary climate change still hasn't changed much of anything, will she apologize? or keep fucking that chicken?

The hurricane let her pass, fucking cuck hurricane.

>the oil industry isn’t part of the fraudulent globalist agenda

Oh Jew!

using autism to cover for the fact she has fetal alcohol syndrome

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I wonder if she wore a bikini on the trip? Mmmm, wonder what she looks like in a bikini?

if only she was killed instead of ebba

of course the climate changes. Used to be glaciers over half of europe and NA.

That's because your a lazy nigger who shit posts on Jow Forums. she sails the atlantic

has her mom admitted to drinking during pregnancy, because it seems pretty clear

>mfe she's too autistic to understand sexual stuff and most of the guys on the boat fucked her
>yes greta semen is great self sufficient food and you don't need to kill an animal to get it
>great isn't it

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kids with autism are so easy to manipulate. that why they always use them for mass shootings

>giant lie and a scam
Of course you have no scientific evidence for what you just wrote. You must be one of those christcucks on biblical time.

Yet when I ask people "why do you care so much about what an autistic foreign girl is doing?" they get all pissed off like I shat in the pool

fucking lol

Anthropogenic Global Warming is a scam or have you not noticed how it's always predicted that within 12 years we will suffer HORRIBLE EFFECTS from some ice melting, which recent evidence and studies show is not as much of an issue as people think it to be, and on the south pole Ice is actually increasing and the poles themselves will never melt based on their axial tilt and position in relation to the sun.

You need to be retarded to pay AL Gore carbon credits to fly around in his private jet.

>recent evidence
Sauce on that evidence.

so she is autistic

why believe a thing she says? shes like a puppet

>muh globalism boogeyman

grow up

just to amplify what the kikes tell her
people will believe it, "oh epic if this autistic swede understands our views then everyone should"

>there's no globalist agenda

people like you always ask for the "evidence" but we all know as soon as anyone brings out any charts or graphs, you'll say something like
"oh that place? they're not trustworthy"

Go kys


This article from Nasa seems to imply that what the north loses the south will gain in proportion, if global warming is real it should be happening in both places, but this is just the first result.

Even less real evidence for it being manmade. In fact the data was altered. This makes it junk data. Don’t you remember Climate gate? That was the first hacked email controversy. They faked their graphs. It’s bullshit.

so are east asians all descended from fetal alchohol syndrome ancestors?

Really, not sure you can pump 80 million years of carbon into atmosphere in 100 years and not have an profound effect. You hear of the positive feedback loop?

Yes, smoothbrain incels just don't understand; nothing is as unscientific as the big-oil funded idea of non-anthropogenic/Centric climate change.

Humans and capitalism are literally the only reason for the climate to change in The last 5000 years. The earth was in total stasis prior to the invention of industrial-waste. It is literally impossible to manufacture a consensus via common PR tactics and draw false conclusions from otherwise sound research.

I thought that Bethesda just half-assed the meshes and textures for the potato children in Skyrim but looking at that blockhead that's just how they are supposed to look.

Attached: Skyrim Kids.jpg (800x500, 546K)

>that blockhead
now ive got to start using that phrase when i see FAS downies

fucking kek


She needs retraining with her eyes taped open watching redpills specifically real non globohomo climate redpills about pooland and bugland

We have done no such thing, human contribution to the carbon level in the atmosphere accounts for very little of the carbon in the atmosphere and has not moved it hardly at all, and part of the problem is that we have started preventing forest fires that are necessary for the environment to renew, for one old trees actually consume oxygen, and should be chopped down and replanted, to allow new life and new production of oxygen.

I agree fully with the mission of avoiding global climate change and I will get on board the second they stop trying to shame the west and start talking about population control in Africa, India, and China.

Weaponized autism.

Wind energy has gotten much cheaper and efficient in recent years. While it requires natural gas backup, it has less than
It's not just CO2, it's sulfur and all that other shit. Overall it cuts down pollution by 98% vs coal.
Ideally we'll upgrade our network to about 20% wind energy, 20% solar, 20% nuclear, 20% nat gas roughly.

if you've ever lived in a polluted city i don't see why you wouldn't agree. paying ~20% more on the electric bill (and likely parity in the near future) is a small price to pay for breathable air.

kys you dumb fag
what does that have to do with anything the aussie said

We haven't pumped 80 million years of carbon in our atmosphere? What is coal and oil then? When was it created? Over how many millions of years? You even know a little geology? Because I think you don't know shit and listening to other people or making it up as you go along.

It is not avoidable if it isn't man made, if it isn't man made and isn't our fault how can we stop it? if we can stop it, will we cause more damage than if we just let it happen?

it's so insulting that autism has become a catch-all for any learning or developmental disability by shitty moms who don't want to admit their kid is retarded

Too late. We're in positive feedback mode. If you live in Gulf states, you fucked by 2030.

They don't have flat philtrum like in pic

Dont forget hydroelectric although idk if you left that out on purpose

If you look at long term models like you should the temperature now isn't even close to the peak in the Middle ages, nor is it higher than the earth has every been, and carbon levels are actually quite low for earth being that we haven't had any major volcanic eruption for quite some time.
Al Gore said we were fucked by 2012, and none of what he predicted has occured, nor has the earth frozen like the Consensus back in 1970 predicted.

yeah it's fine but just doesn't apply to most areas. i am anti-climate alarmism, but looking into recent developments in solar and wind it's hard to argue against getting rid of coal.
10 years ago it was no where near this good. solar panels used to be a giant joke.

Carbon bad air

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Seems to me what they're trying to do is make her a role model for young autists. Will only work on the gommunism sonic posting lower functioning autists anyways. All other autists will feel insulted by this bullshit.

Autistic children make great sock puppets

Attached: Greta Soros Thunberg.jpg (962x894, 217K)

Nobody works at Vox in spite of being stupid but because they're stupid.

>carbon quite low
True, when Antarctica was called gondwana and was covered in rainforests.

>weaponized autism
You're doing it wrong!

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>climate activist

so what type of activity do these do?
do they help clean water themselves or...

its the hot new trend. its like having a designer dog

they just spout propaganda while being propped up by wealthy corporations and politicians

nah, you just tell people they are assholes and then fly off in your private jet.

Super mild autism is, though. At least for certain roles like programmers or stock traders.

No sir

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Shouldn't you be blocked behind a firewall or something?

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No, Jow Forums isn't banned. Jow Forums banned China though (need Jow Forums gold to post).

> a fraudulent globalist agenda
How about pic related for a global agenda?

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>little autist that could
>unlike Jow Forums


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>earth is round

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How many months before she gets bored and starts posting selfies with black cocks in the mouth? that's the natural outcome for all swede women.

Soph is a much hotter loli than that Greta pig.

Huh, she does look like a pig doesn't she. I didn't quite get it when nonwhites said that, but she nails it. It is unsightly.

Link: vox.com/first-person/2019/5/6/18531551/autism-greta-thunberg-speech

Autism is nature pushing back against human over-population.

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user delivers.

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top notch kek

>what does that have to do with anything the aussie said
because the oil industry is agenda of globalists?

I knew she was a fucking retard.

I'm so sick and tired of these cis-gendered scum acting like they aren't to blame for everything. She should apologize.

I'm left handed and perfectly fine.

>he drinks the big oil koolaid

She is delusional and have forced thoughts on castatrophies. She is literally unable think properly about (((Global Warming))). She is also sponsored by Soros.

Hay ding a long, she’s a square head, this means nothing to me so far.

>those countries exist by themselves and are not influenced whatsoever by western economies
we caused all of this, retard
we just shifted the factories someplace else

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she has some form of downs

I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body

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>I'm going to make things up so I don't have to construct actual arguments