Western men and depression

Is depression a real thing or is it a ploy to get more people on medication? Does the world actually hate me and want me to die, or is it a chemical imbalance that needs to be addressed?

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Live a shitty life for a decade or longer and try to stay happy all the time - it just doesn't work.

So many wasted. The mindbenders have been up to terrible things.

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Life without family is meaningless and feminism destroyed tradition gender roles which made families healthy in the first place. Housing is unaffordable, jobs are given to women and "minorities" and everyone really seems to only care about themselves. There is no more comradery or patriotism in a multicultural society as everyone is only willing to further their own tribes prosperity. Except for white people of course

>Does the world actually hate me and want me to die

depression is curable in most cases, and you don't need fucking pills to do it.

You foreigners don't get is because you're not mad cunts. If you die attempting a triple backflip on ya dirt bike or choosing to be a fuckin' poof, that's self inflicted. Suicide. Those 82 blokes are calling up ambos every day is a civic duty, them emergency phone warriors need about of cheering up cuz every now and then some user doesn't reply to a post they damn well should have. This post included.

I want to die but then my life is all I have.
Many men kill themselves, unfortunately, and as much as I pity them, I envy them. Not having to deal with any of this bullshit.
Sorry guys, maybe in another society, in another time, you would have gotten the respect you all deserved.

It's hard to say lad. I think it's a LARP. I've always felt like I was unhappy because of a lack of success, and the reality is that I wasn't always unhappy. Things just kept getting worse, and never got better. We have to make things better, or at least try.

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I've been exercising everyday, going on hikes, hitting the gym, meditating, I feel like I'm doing everything I'm supposed to, yet I feel like nothing matters, I don't enjoy anything I do. Tried nofap, GF getting worried I don't even know how she can tell. I don't want some false pharma reality but I'm also very tired of this

Both. It's a real thing and instead of actually addressing root causes in society they just defer the matter to pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals mind you that don't realistically work and are more or less a ploy to create longterm consumers based on quasi-reliance, since the government and those that be have no intention of fixing society.

Northmen never falter.

>white men killed themselves

nothing of the values have lost.

the mind is such a powerful thing, depression doesnt exist and never will.

This is what NIggers phone post while on the shitter.

If I have to be on antibiotics for the rest of my life then I hope I will get the guts to kill myself I don’t want to suffer anymore

Grow a pair, sissy boy. Nobody gives a flying fuck about other people depression, whether you are a woman, a man, or any other one from the 30192931393030143099929088 made-up genders.

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>reject God
>realize life is meaningless
>an hero
Jesus Christ is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, brothers

>everyone really seems to only care about themselves
This is a big one. Good luck finding anyone who thinks about anyone besides themselves for more than five seconds.

Depression is a result of unhealthy lines of thinking that use up the feel-good chemicals too fast.

When you're young, your brain can handle it but as you age and can't produce enough, you start to bottom out.

The brain is made of chemicals but the stuff (((doctors))) want to give you will make your dick stop working turn you fat and make you more likely to kys or be a shooter.

monkey is on to something here, OP.

>Is depression a real thing or is it a ploy to get more people on medication?

Yes, depression is real, and it is getting worse by the year. Modern life is materialistic, aimless and hollow. More advanced gadgets to play with and a more comfortable lifestyle will never make up for the fact that for the vast majority of the world's population, life is truly pointless. The jobs and the work we do are mostly meaningless make-work. Done for no other reason than to afford the things we must acquire in order to keep working. It's a vicious circle that represents an empty life. If you turned on the news tomorrow morning and found out there was an asteroid getting ready to destroy the earth, for every person you saw crying, there would be another person dancing in the street because life has become so tedious that death now equals freedom.

Maybe the problem is people's lives are too comfortable. If survival is assured there's really no point to the daily shit we do.

>Is depression a real thing or is it a ploy to get more people on medication

Depression is real but 90% of the time is psychological and be completely eliminated by changing your philosophy. Most of the rest of the time it's caused by chronic pain of some kind.

The "brain chemical imbalance" is mostly a myth based on confounding factors.

>Does the world actually hate me and want me to die

Oh the world does very much hate you and want you dead. Whites make up less than 8% of earths collective population and dropping fast. The hate that non-whites have for whites cannot be understated. It's ubiquitous and fueled mostly by envy. All nonwhites HATE whites with a burning passion that goes even beyond words. Every Indian, every Chink, every negro, every kike, all of them would take delight in seeing you, your friends and your family suffer the cruelest of hardships. Pic very related.

But that's really no reason to feel depressed. Take pride in their resentment—most of them would give both their arms just to live as a white man for a month. Then return to them the hate they give you, tolerating nonwhites and non-european "culture" is the stupidest thing you could do.

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I think youre supposed to give your life some kind of meaning. tryed pharma I think it was wellbutrin and something else non narcotic years ago. Fuck that shit. It did not help if anything it made things worse.

Theres so many ways you can fuck up your life, you can say something homophobic or nigger IRL, you can get student loans because you thought graphic design was fine, you can get addicted to pain medication because your boss wanted you to work overtime at the construction site.

Anyway I think depression is a real thing but you don't need chemicals you can fix it by solving problems in your life, mixing that with religion and meditation and loving yourself.

Does anyone here just want to take testosterone? Either in pill form or on a needle cycle?

If civilization collapsed tomorrow, I would be one of those people dancing in the rubble and crying tears of joy.

Same as hell. I envy ever one of the accounts i hear of suicide. But one thing is for certian - ill never off myself no matter how tempting it seems. That is just because of my family and people who love me. I know i'm a big part of their life and always helping people and giving assistance when asked. I just could never do that to them , no matter how sad i get. Like right now i'm feeling really low and i put my gun safe far away from me just in case. It's a hard life out there guys, but its worth it and i know that one day you will all see that. I hope i do soon.

Those are rookie numbers. Pump 'em.

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It's not worth it. I'm just too much of a pussy to end myself, and I also worry about what my mother will think.
Life is not a rainbow with gold at the end of it, it won't just get better one day, not for people like me anyway.

True depression is when you feel like shit and actually have to search for explanations as to why. That is indeed chemical imbalances, because if you can't think of what is in your life that is making you feel so bad then it isn't being invoked by any sort of normal emotional mechanism.
Other depression is obviously shit caused by social break down in society.

shill elsewhere please

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I'm not depress. I'm just old and I don't give a shit anymore.

It’s probably not okay, but it’s okay Australia

Exactly this, I'm afraid.

I don't really see a way out... r-right?

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they want to sell you drugs
go outside, do something

Depression is real. Medication helps many of us, not everyone though. The world probably doesn't hate you.

Jewish demoralizion thread, options field

Never ever give in. You're doing the bidding and will of them. Stop this demoralizion.

Chemical imbalance. I have a pretty good life but the depression sucks the life out of me. I’m tired all the time and nothing is interesting or exciting. I barely leave my apartment except for work or groceries. Why would I? The world of colour has faded to black or white. Everything is tasteless.
I’ve developed coping mechanisms so I’m doing pretty well, but it wasn’t always like this. Senescence kicks in, the disorders get worse over time, and then people tell you none of your experiences are real and it’s “all in your head”. After all, they’re fine. So everybody else should be too, right?

>Does the world actually hate me and want me to die
for some people this is the case, unironically. The key is to have a lifestyle in which you don't bother other people, there's nothing wrong about being a hermit; less problems, less situations that lead to anxiety and low self-esteem. It's important to learn how to be by your own and find what you are really good at and pursue glory at it. Medication is not a must, people can learn meditation, find God, or share thoughts with certain people with empathy and a kind heart.

Finally somebody with sense. You don’t just come up with a great life philosophy and all the shit magically goes away. That’s like saying cultivating a better attitude about a broken arm will make the pain go away and repair the break.

Some people have a strong enough mind to block out that kind of pain, or at least lessen it. Either way, the mind is a powerful thing. I went from completely down in the dumps and contemplating suicide to just an empty husk by a change of thinking alone.

this is me. 46 years old. literally don't give a fuck about a single thing, except my family. that's it. people call me apathetic but I'm not. I'm just aware of the rapid decline and impending destruction of civilization and I wait in anticipation for it all to end.

Pretty sure it’s a chemical imbalance. I started taking a seizure medicine and it really fucked with my bodies chemistry, mood swings and outbursts of anger I never had before after it really fucked with my body’s chemical balance. I’m sure there are other contributing factors as well though.

To add to what I was saying. I never really understood but after being on those medicines I could see why people blamed a lot of these mass shootings and things on “mood stabilizers” and anti-depressants.

>Chemical imbalance.
bullshit. you're justifying your use of pharmacology to cope, which is beta as fuck. We live in a clown world, that's why you're depressed. I'm concerned about the people who aren't depressed. They're the ones who are really in trouble.

I go to the pharmacy just to stare at the old women at the counter.praying some bigger will come in trying to rob it. That's my entertainment.

>I want to die but then my life is all I have
Smoke 5-MeO-DMT. It's legal here. At worst, you'll experience what it's like to die horribly and come back, which should cure you of suicidal thoughts. At best, you'll gain the motivation to change your life somehow.
Just get a trip sitter because you might puke and you don't want to choke.

giving a shit was always a fools errand anyway, people were shit at high school and they're shit in real life

depression is real enough, but it's a mostly smokescreen so people don't look at the causes which is nearly always mass immigration and all the associated jew policies

>Is depression a real thing or is it a ploy to get more people on medication?
Both. It's a real thing being mindfucked into society by breaking society down in part so that they can get them on drugs. People needing something outside of themselves relates to transhumanism.

>Ben needs pills to be okay
>Jimmy needs to transition into Janesa to be happier
>Lyra will die if we do nothing but we could save her life by installing her mind into an android body

You think the world hates *you? The world doesnt even know you exist. Grow a pair user

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The world hates white men and because of that, white men need to unite and militarize to fight for survival.

>Is depression a real thing
No, but life is meaningless.

You can lessen it, but you can't get over it without a strong reason to do so. If you don't have something to work towards to, you just can't get out. That's the real problem.
In this clown world there simply is no motivation to be found. Chasing the vague promise of an improved lifestyle just isn't enough.

Depressed people have a chemical imbalance and that's a fact. Before you accuse me too of coping or shilling, let me just say that I do agree that drugs don't help.
All they do is give you a small window of opportunity -at the beginning of the treatment- to get yourself out. If that timeframe is missed you just become dependent on them as they make your brain more and more imbalanced.


Just got back from a month in your country. You truly are the sickest cunts.
Never change.(but kick out all the gooks abos and muslims)

This is serious but you’re a maximum pussy if you call an ambulance because of thoughts. Just do it or don’t like everybody else. Imagine becoming an EMT and you need to go out on call to a guy and he just sits down and tells you how he got passed up for promotions to the local diversity girl and he is wondering what the point of it all is. Do you put him on the stretcher? An IV? You know he’s basically takin a $12k uber ride to a therapist and getting baker acted at an ER that’s going to cost him $20k. Do you tell him before he owes as much as a high end sound system for the same services that are only a few hundred anywhere else? Or do you say fuck it, gotta make that dough, and listen to him for a few minutes?

what to do when its not result of philosophy or thinking?

i have a herniated disc that has grown into spinal stenosis... im not on painkillers, but i feel intense pain every day, every morning that i wake up, i feel awful and it takes a while to get moving.

the only to fix this is physical therapy, which i tried for close to two years.

the problem is that I have ibs or maybe ulcer colitis and i have tried every diet, eating pattern, etc that is possible. eating makes me feel very sick, tired, and sometimes i will just black out.

the only thing that kinda works is only eating one small meal at night, something very light... typically 2 yogurts. I am burning enormous calories and i cant really take any in... when i come at end of each day, i feel beat to shit.

these issues have resulted in 9 years of intense isolation, no friends, no girlfriend, no dates, no vacations, nothing...

just reading about how fucking shit the world is every day, watching the negative trends get way more negative.

i bought a 357 when i was 27 because i told my self i wont live like this any more... that was 3 and half years ago, too pussy to do it, feel shame for leaving parents alone.

theres nothing for me, and it will always be that way. I dont have much of a relationship with my family, so i cant lean on that, but even if it was, it wouldnt fill this void.

we must ban assault suicides! we need strict suicide laws.

It’s a mix of the two along with being blue or black pilled.

Must be red pilled or at least purple pilled.

this is a product of the loss of traditional masculine gender roles
I don't have a solution but you could at least not chalk it up to jews like some schizo

Depression is your mind's way of telling you something is wrong. If you didn't feel pain when you put your hand on the stove you'd maim and kill yourself.
Depression is your soul's pain, it's telling you something is wrong and you need to metaphorically take the hand of your soul of the hot plate.
Depression is meant to motivate you. Numbing your brain to depression with drugs and pharma is like putting a band aid on a bullet wound,
it might cover the hole but it isn't going to treat the problem.

The concept of using drugs to alter my life seems like cheating.

Clinical depression is absolutely a real thing and is a major health concern. It's not always some special snowflake meme disease. Some people can hide it really well and they will never really open up to you. Antidepressants are helpful to treat it and there should be less stigma about taking meds if you need them.


There is a stigma for a reason
I've had doctors try to shove prozac and lexapro down my throat for years now. I don't have an exact number but the percentage of people who are so cunted that they need to be on the blue pill is really small. Not only do these shit meds fuck with your behavior in an unpredictable way, they destroy hormonal homeostasis. I promise you that there is no merit in psych meds for the average guy. They should be last line treatment options or reserved for people who already suffer from acute detachment from reality. The real problem is society and a lack of connection / fellowship.

I'm not saying depression isn't real, I've gone through it and continue to do so. Kike chems aren't the answer to passive nihilism.


You niggers need to transcend all the kiked up shit. Some people live with it, many people live under it, but few truely escape to transcend it.


depression is as real as pixies and elves

Depression doesn't exist.

Society puts you in despair with it's degenerate ways.

Bend the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ and pick up the sword against evil.

Western patriarchy is a failed system, men aren’t fucking tools for the state and that shitty mentality has led to self dehumanization and lack of will.

Human men are animals, they have social and emotional needs the state has deprived them of.

It’s pretty shit on the whole.

On some level, but mind in the. Orders west masculinity in men had increasingly took a mechanistic dehumanizing worldview 17th century onwards in the west. It worked for that time, perhaps, but we live in a world where that tool mentality is counter productive in a high automation era.

Also the Great Recession never was truly recovered from.

>is depression real
>does everyone diagnosed with depression actually have clinical depression

Protip: if you are going to talk about suicide in anyway (prevention or venting), do not mention that you have firearms (even here on Jow Forums). In some way or form red-flag laws will be a thing and you don't want to be on a list. Opsec anons.

Fuck man, I don't know what to say to that. I hope you find some peace, in this or the next.