5:00 PM AST Wed Aug 28 Location: 18.8°N 65.5°W Moving: NW at 14 mph Min pressure: 997 mb Max sustained: 80 mph
>Current Rundown
Hurricane Dorian is currently at 80 mph sustained winds, expected to quickly reach Cat 2 Hurricane status after clipping Puerto Rico into mostly open waters & sits 40 miles from St. Thomas island. As of now, almost the entire Florida peninsula is inside the forecast cone & effects are expected to be felt sometime Saturday night in eastern Florida, with landfall late Sunday/early Monday morning. The recent slowing of the storm coupled with the now minimal land mass interference means its expected to reach at least Cat 3 before Florida landfall. Some models are forecasting possibly higher.
well at least south Florida isn't gonna get it too bad
Hunter Jackson
The gardens should be fine. Nothing in public, trader Joe's, or whole foods? Head up military to Jupiter, there are several public's on indiantown. If all those are empty, head West to Jupiter farms, there a big Publix out there.
Aiden Green
>landfall late Sunday/early Monday morning well thank fuck i have a long weekend!
Zachary Johnson
Do you think the line for Space Mountain might dip below an hour on Monday night?
Jose Gray
So PR isn't going to be hit? Darn, I was hoping I could bash Trump on twitter about it
Eli Nguyen
Damn, everyone got prepared this time. Hope it doesn’t hit cat 5.
Eli Brown
It's going to be the Labor Day Hurricane 2.0
Matthew Martin
Is the line really that long for space mountain? fuck that shit there's much better stuff to do at MK
Ian Miller
It's usually closer to two hours.
Isaiah Sanders
FLAnons, how fucked do you estimate Miami to be? Some friends just moved down there and I can't seem to get in touch with them at the moment.
Brody Ward
>tfw you live in central Virginia nothing ever happens here. It's good because none of my properties are at risk but I miss the thrill of things like this
hope disney gets absolutely murdered and flooded to hell.
Jackson Williams
Who else will be taking a walk outside during this hurricane?
William White
I got drunk and ran around in the street during Ike. 10/10 would do again.
Nolan Martin
Every store in 386(Dirtona Beach) that I went to was empty of all water, gas cans, canned food and pretty much all of the other basic shit people should have gotten months ago. This was at 7am.
>I got drunk and ran around in the street during Ike. 10/10 would do again.
It's always fun long as it's not a 4 or 5 lol
>Every store in 386(Dirtona Beach) that I went to was empty of all water, gas cans, canned food and pretty much all of the other basic shit people should have gotten months ago. This was at 7am.
Just got back from Publix, all the water was sold out but the rest of the shelves were well stocked and hardly any gas lines.
Adam Howard
FUGG. Now I gotta to go a shelter asshole! I was going to ride this out at home. (waterfront property).
Reminder that you can fill up containers with tap water BEFORE the storm hits. Don't act like a low IQ monkey and fail to prepare. White people don't care if you're too stupid to acquire provisions so don't blame us if you die of thirst.
Ian Williams
How many cats, Dorian?
Luke White
dumb cunt, you think your digits matter? rolling for a tropical storm faggot
Wyatt Walker
>Drinking tap water
Hunter Rogers
>Fill up a few jugs from the tap and go out for free FEMA water after the storm, duh.
Prayers for all the cats inside and outside. Dorian please claim all the pitbulls instead, amen.
Isaiah Lee
Am I fucked if I’m on the gulf side, SWFL?
Carson King
>It's going to be fucking nothing. People always overestimate weak ass storms and underestimate strong ones.
This. None of these kids were even born yet or remember Hurricane Andrew, now that was the real deal.
Eli Hall
>living in an area with shitty tap water Fuck off and buy a filter if your water is so shit.
Easton Wright
I’m impressed that they don’t even lose power. Too bad it costs an arm and a leg to stay there.
Dylan Rivera
rip florida
Cooper Thompson
I have the power to control storms. I spoke the Panama City disaster and it happened. May this storm reach CAT 5 status before hitting a vastly unpopulated swath of FL in order to minimize deaths. Then it will head just north of Tampa Bay. It will be the costliest storm with 0 fatalities in history. Digits confirm
Kayden Miller
Explain. I'm interested.
Jace Bailey
>Muh brita filter >Trusting American water treatment
Gavin James
>hurricane threads max comfy and i look forward to these every year. glad to be back and never having to worry about these ripping my home apart.
Like Ragnorok, a better world free of evil will rise from the ashes.
I remember Andrew but I was 4
Joseph Gutierrez
>We're like roaches. You'll never be rid of us.
I hate every single last one of you faggots and hope y'all secede from the rest of the state.
Jeremiah Lopez
So you live by a pond in a housing development. Dont church it up
How do people like you always wait until the last minute to buy shit? Hurricane season is the same time of year, every year. Throw some shit in the pantry around the middle of summer.
See those Dark Black and White bits in the south east of the storm? That's where the Storm's heat convection is bursting from. If it's strong enough to circle around the eyewall, the process will continue to feed into itself. This is what we call an Eyewall Replacement Cycle. Once completed, further strengthening of the storm is to be expected.
You can think of Hurricane's engines Inna sort of way and Convection as the gasoline
Easton Morgan
Aaron Foster
>PSA For all frens who need water, if your local store is out of bottles do this. >Take empty bottles, ideally gallons but soda bottles or any large bottles will work if you do math >Beverage dispensers if you have them >Refill at the water machine >Walmart has the Primo machine at 27c per gal >Publix has the Glacial machine at 35c per gal >Desperate? Put tap water/fridge filter/brita jug water into bottles at home >Fill your bath tub with water for washing and bathing >PSA COMPLETE
Is it ok to piss in the toilet tank to conserve water?
Michael Garcia
Also, after you fill up a few jugs FEMA will be giving out free cases of water and food the day after the storm. They'll even load it in to your trunk for you, all for the low, low, price of Federal Taxes.