I found a new blurry kot in a completely unrelated thread on a different board that I want to post but I have to wait until midnight to post it.
Bentley Thompson
I love Trump and I hate gun control Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this: amp.usatoday.com/amp/1916451001
Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be. Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea.
The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE. But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base.
You do realize that most kike females in America have pink nipples, right? Also now I have the theme song from the Double Dragon saturday morning cartoon stuck in my head. >FEEL THE MIGHT, THE MIGHT OF THE DRA-GON!
>That's a lot for sex. She gets to benefit from his profits too.
Christian Price
The Nightly Roundup 29 August, 2019 Old Woman Cancels Government! EDITION
MORNING >British PM Boris Johnson’s government is activating the constitutional mechanism to suspend Parliament, enraging Remainers as it limits the amount of time available for them to sabotage Brexit, which is set to take place October 31st. >Parliament returns next week and will sit until September 9, at which point MPs would typically go on recess for three weeks. Johnson’s move extends the recess, through declaring a queen’s speech, to five weeks. >Johnsons suspension is approved by the Queen, “It is this day ordered by Her Majesty in Council that the Parliament be prorogued on a day no earlier than Monday the 9th day of September and no later than Thursday the 12th day of September 2019 to Monday the 14th day of October 2019,” >Opposition MP’s had planned to form an alliance to prevent Brexit from happening at all. This maneuver by Johnson is designed to limit the time opposition has to prevent the scheduled and democratically voted for Brexit. >The European Parliament’s Brexit coordinator has spoken out against Johnson’s suspension tactic, calling it “sinister,” while expressing his “solidarity with those fighting for their voices to be heard.” Must have forgotten the referendum where the entire country got to have their voices heard.
AFTERNOON >The White House will further delay the release of its Middle East peace plan until after next month's elections in Israel. >Fake news maestro’s Washington Post release a report claiming President Trump privately suggested that he would pardon officials who carry out orders connected to construction of a wall at the southern border that could be illegal. This information comes from “unnamed former official.” >Trump responds over twitter; “Another totally Fake story in the Amazon Washington Post (lobbyist) which states that if my Aides broke the law to build the Wall (which is going up rapidly), I would give them a Pardon. This was made up by the Washington Post only in order to demean and disparage - FAKE NEWS!” >Facebook announces it is restricting political ads before 2020 election, Facebook will roll out a “confirmed organization” label for U.S. political advertisers who must now show government-issued credentials in an effort to have more transparency on the platform.
Camden Fisher
>proposed extradition law caused all this unrest in the first place >Hong Kongers will accept martial law
EVENING >Story emerges of Hong Kong officials covertly meeting with U.S officials in Montana last week about ongoing pro-democracy protests and congressional legislation to protect freedom in Hong Kong. >Democrat 2020 Presidential field continues to thin, with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand dropping out after failing to hit prerequisites to qualify for the third Dem debate. >President Trump teases the Democratic party about her dropping out, Tweets; “A sad day for the Democrats, Kirsten Gillibrand has dropped out of the Presidential Primary. I’m glad they never found out that she was the one I was really afraid of!” >Legacy media continues to be lying cowards, after receiving a threatening letter from Trump’s attorney, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell walks back a segment on his show about the president’s financial records, saying he made an “error in judgement” and that the info “didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process.” >During a news segment, O’Donnell claimed a source told him that Russian billionaires co-signed Trump loans, and that he pays little-to-no income tax.
Souces and archive as usual up at TheNightlyRoundup.com
Cooper Ramirez
why do brown women write multiple tweets about how they hate white males but end up fucking them? hell i even see this irl
jews use propaganda to fracture White Society Fracturing White Society is a jewish program of White Genocide A disenfranchised society is easier to kill.
>arrest, detention, exclusion, and deportation >the taking of possession or control on behalf of the Chief Executive of any property or undertaking >requiring persons to do work or render services I love the Second Amendment so much.
>look mom i'm doing my impression of a nigger in the 50s
Cameron Gutierrez
Likely tmrw not guaranteed
They have to say that cuz sometimes govt goons play games and change the date if its predicted too accurately
The fisa report tho isnt expected until sept sometime
Henry Campbell
>queen dissolves parliament Trump has to live with traitor congress
maybe they know something we don't after ruling the world for so long
Parker Nguyen
(lb-pb) >WTF how old are you Getting old. Only farming 3 places plus the orchards. The cabinet shop is doing OK, but not expanding. The gun business is booming as always. Since the execrable ITAR rules have changed moving us from State to Commerce, the gunsmithing is booming. The gun shows have been doing OK, but I expect them to improve as we progress towards the election. All in all I'm pretty happy in my early 70's. Still boxing, still shooting pistol competitively, still shooting service rifle regularly. Keep up, life's a bitch. Don't weaken.
Josiah Jenkins
I’m already done, fren. All you. Enjoy!
Tyler Flores
If the protests started over one bill this ought to get them fired up.
Brody Torres
>tfw you don't know whether you want to self-improve or kys so you put it in God's hands Based.
If it’s signed, the internet will be turned off and Trump might have to get involved.
Hudson Hernandez
They only hate the ones that won't fuck them. Bitches be crazy.
Adrian Myers
Wow they would have almost the same power as American cops to seize property without due process (asset forfeiture).
Jonathan Jones
Uh at least those are big tits - but kinda cancelled out by massive man body.
Luke Ramirez
probably felt great before the swelling
Juan Bell
honestly these past couple weeks have been so fucking boring dude
Jaxon Flores
Except this is on a broad scale not specific to even one entity or tiny area
Connor Mitchell
Is that Bill is signed or passed, there will be many many many dead. That bill is a blank check to murder and censor
Juan Roberts
Thats why rush is taking the week off the air. Refuel. The fall will be more fun. Congress is on recess and their aids plan a lot of the festivities
Jaxon Martin
If there’s an emergency declaration it’s going to be predicated on a false flag by mainland chinks bombing shit and framing the protestors as terrorists.
I’d say to screencap this but a nice and pretty lady from hk told me so I have no right to it.
Because white men have been demonized so hard its taboo and controversial to date one. the only reason roasties date black men is because it turns head now the reverse is happening, don't get me wrong, race mixing is still degenerate but just don't have kids with your and enjoy all the brown pussy you want white man
Anthony Evans
Hey, I like what you're doing. It isn't notables but it's good. Keep it up. Give it to the baker to include in the bread. C'mon man, let's get some structure going!
William Garcia
>nigga had all type of... trapezius muscles
Lincoln Jones
>she pays him a bunch of "consulting money" >she marries him >she now has access to the money via joint account
Asset-forfeiture is pretty much universal in America.
Civil asset forfeiture is a legal tool that allows law enforcement officials to seize property that they assert has been involved in certain criminal activity. In fact, the owner of the property doesn't even need to be guilty of a crime.
Remember when you were a little kid and girls would go around calling boys icky and being mean to them?
James Gomez
How likely is it that it was the FBI was the single source that planted the fake MSNBC story? Beyond all of the shitpointing of MSNBC confirmed fake news, the motive appears to be a new attempt to get access to Trump's tax information through the same exact fraud as done with the previous FISA warrant.
China can't cut Hong Kong off from the Internet without cutting a privately owned 100Gbps Amazon undersea cable. It's a direct connection to the west coast of the US. Xinnie the Pooh going snibbity snab :DDD between two AWS regions is a good way to get Amazon to pull out of China entirely.
>Finally figgered out how to work the ol' internet box, eh gramps? nah, had to during all the years I was a Federal Agent. It's all digital. Hell of a transition.
Gavin Lee
>a new attempt to get access to Trump's tax information Why do they want this so badly? What do they think could be so damaging to Trump?
>the execrable ITAR rules Hey now, ITAR has its good points. It keeps a solid core of demand for US citizen engineers, gunsmiths, etc. that can't be offshored or H1B'd.