Help me /pol

>i knocked up a nigress, just found out few months later
>what do I do?

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Push her down the stairs

Do some cultural appropriation and go out to buy some cigarettes.

Get an abortion obviously

fucking based and redpilled

knock up another

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All life is sacred and a gift from God. You should do that which God commands you: bring the Child up in ways of Godliness. Love them tenderly with the Love of God, teaching them to be merciful and loving in kind. Why listen to hatred, when you are called to such a great act of love? God calls the strong to love and he rewards them for their perseverance.

Offer her a quart of gin plus a carton of Newports to abort.

Nigger lovers like you get the rope too

abandon her ? ? ? how is this a question she was raised to be a single mother.

Do what black fathers do best. Run!

Those who live by the sword will die by it. You will hang by the knots you yourself have woven. Free yourself, brother!

Leave this site and be a dad.

Make him a based Negro

>having sex with a nigress

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i just want a nice black gf Jow Forums
I had one before and she worshipped me and I miss it.

Pay child support for 18 years while she gets welfare and affirmative action.
You will struggle and get red pilled on feminism, racism against whites, and become a victim of everything you were warned of here

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Swallow a large kitchen knife

>not just pumping and dumping like what niggers do

Kill her with a gun mostly aim for the head, wipe your fingerprints and put it next to her hand so it looks like she did it and call the cops saying that she committed an hero

Raise him to hate Jews and teach him to teach his community to hate Jews. Duh. This is what more of you Incels need to get busy with.

It's half black, the kid will be genetically adapted to living without a father

Morally wrong but effective

kys nigger


>fucking her in the first place

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The future is WMBF.

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>breeds neggresses
Fucking anglo just can't keep from shooting himself in the foot.

You are now a honorary nigger. Congratulations!

Fucking kek, good shit user.
I say we give this ni- i mean man honorary aryan status

>No gunpowder residue on her head
>Cops know she probably didn't kill herself
>Thoughts turn immediately to OP
Dunno if you're trolling or retarded breh
Buy some drugs slip them to her and make her OD, tada it looks like an accident

>what do I do?


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How did you do it? I literally cannot get an erection with black women. I've fucking tried, she even tried to give me a blowjob to get me up, which she was fucking terrible at because her nigger lips are meant for exhaling, not inhaling. They're just so fucking gross and they always stink.


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Raise your kid right

[spoiler] What did you FUCKING DO!?! [/spoiler]

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>btw I'm white

Move to Africa and COLONIZE it

White men take responsibility for their actions. White men raise their children as best they can.
You fucked up, but your path is now clear.

DNA test the kid

>Those who live by the sword will die by it.

What the fuck does that even mean?

fake your death OP! it's the only way!

There's only one correct answer. FALCON PUNCH!

And then actually busting a nut inside.

Just abandon the niglet. Nigresses are use to it anyways. it's a right of passage in niggerdom to raise a bastard. She'll love having a little light skin coon to call her own.

nigga are you from FJ?

It's okay to be gay and retarded. You're welcome to be kicked out of the Jow Forums Nazi association league.

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Fuck niggers get more niggers .

Or shooting his load in a capuchin

Be a black dad and skip town, it's probably not even yours she just wants dem whiteboi bux

shut the fuck up you subhuman filth, go fuck another nigger and mutt up your genes thats what you should do you disgusting troglodyte

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Congrats, your son will be an honorary Argentine.


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get the baby, kill the mother and cut all conections whit the family
Make sure he ends as a black citizen rather than a nigger

Whiter than you Mohammad. Also you're probably mega obese as fuck, you're gonna die because you're so fucking fat. Enjoy your heart attack. Retard.

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Vitamin ayyyyy

What the fuck are you talking about? I see black females in the same light as I see trannies, because they both have manly as fuck features and are therefore unattractive. How does that make me gay and retarded?

If it's male niglet have her abort and pump her full again asap until you get mulatta daughters. Get married and make a proper woman out of her.

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you can look forward to enjoying high school football.

nice baboon ass