Could someone explain the Ron Paul meme?

What was the deal with him politically? What's with the "it's happening" and "you could have prevented this" meme? Was he going to be like a messiah if voted for office, but then people didn't so now we are all doomed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

he was our last chance

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I have the privileged position of having started following politics in early 2008 when Ron Paul was THE principled, outspoken, well-qualified candidate The "It's happening" meme springs from his constant criticisms of the federal reserve, the self-destructive US foreign policy, the loss of the gold standard, and similar issues of comparable importance. He was an unabashed defender of US autonomy, protectionism, and balanced budgets. For this reason, he was pushed out from the debate floor, ridiculed, dismissed, etc., just as is happening to Tulsi today. When Ron Paul says, "It's happening," then it's fucking happening.

the explanation is lurk more faggot.

newfag get the fuck out


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It goes something lie this.

Stop making stupid threads sliding real news stupid newfag

>Stop making stupid threads sliding real news stupid newfag

The Ron Paul Revolution was among the greatest, if not the greatest, moment of the 21st century thus far. The Republicans rigged the primaries to prevent him from getting the nomination. Most of the great documentaries on it have been taken offline. Now it is only a memory for those who experienced it. Sad. He could have saved the country

Glowie meme
He warned us about what was going on with the growing surveilance state. He said something like "this isn't something that could happen in the future, it's happening now".
To discredit him with ridicule, the it's happening meme was forced. Kinda like the soiboy meme riducules soi farmers so no one cares that tariffs are hurting them.

20yo moot was a Ron Paul supporter.
"sup /b/" was the common greeting on /b/ at that time.
moot wordfiltered it to "Ron Paul /b/"

>Kinda like the soiboy meme riducules soi farmers
wat? That's not for the farmers dumbass.

I use it as a meme to mock Qtards

Q uses Q as a meme to mock Qtards.

I unironically donated $100 to the Ron Paul campaign in 2008. It was the first and last campaign contribution I'll ever make.

I was pretty young then, but literally everything Ron Paul said made complete fucking sense to me. I've come a long way from then, and I'm not sure if I'd support him today... But Ron Paul was the closest thing I'd ever seen to a REAL politician. The kind of politician you can trust what they're saying. They nick-named him Dr. No because he voted 'no' on so much shit, which I really liked about him because most of the shit they vote for is fiscally irresponsible or meddling in foreign affairs.
Ron Paul stood for non-interventionalism, fiscal responsibility, America first. He was against nation building. He was for auditing the fed. Let me repeat that for emphasis:
^I will, unironically, without any exaggeration or hyperbole, vote for ANY PERSON who pledges to audit the federal reserve. If a candidate emerges that starts talking about this, they have my vote. Period. You want a happening? This will make it happen, guaranteed.

>On the down sides:
He was also for moving back to the gold standard, and this was widely criticized, with some merit. I like the idea in principal, but in practice we're not anywhere near being able to do this and it was a bad talking point for him to take up.
He also was old as shit. He's old, and he looks old. This doesn't matter to me, but I get why it matters to superficial normies.
Being old, he tended to drone on a bit, and his voice can get kind of annoying which is a huge downside. He would talk circularly on a point, and make it multiple times in a sentence, often times having to be cut off by the interviewer to get to another question. He had a tendency to answer questions with his canned rhetoric, falling back on points he continually drove home. Those points were always solid as fuck though. He needed to say more, by saying less.

>newfag journofag
god, get lost nigger

I still have my Ron Paul revolution shirt .

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It's going to sound all gay, but Ron Paul was just too principled to win in our system.

He never gave a shit about appearing like anything but what he was and never tried to sell a bill of goods. Leftists calling (((Sanders))) a left wing Paul are kidding themselves.

As far as the meme goes
This guy gets it pretty close to the truth I think. I'm also convinced the meme was created to mock him, but Jow Forums was always pro Ron Paul, and in spirit still is today.

2012 Jow Forums tried to throw weight behind Gary Johnson, who was billed as a younger version of Ron Paul, because of the libertarian similarities. The idea here was not to win, but to get Gary enough of the vote (I think it was like 5%?), so that in 2016 independents would be allowed to have air time or into the general debates or something along those lines. This failed miserably, and as we saw in 2016, Gary Johnson is fucking tool and wasn't worth throwing the vote away on. In any case, no one with IQ above room temp thought Obama was going to lose in 2008 or 2012.

In 2016, we saw Rand Paul toss his hat in, trying to capitalize on Ron Paul's momentum, which was still strong in 2012, and arguably somewhat strong in 2016. Again, billed as a younger version of his father, and with the name, it seemed pretty decent. However, Rand lacks what little charisma his father commanded, and with mofuckin Donald Trump in the race literally calling out shit that polticians were too scared to talk about, how could you support anyone else? He also wickedly burned every candidate - Rand, being a manlet never *ahem* stood a chance.

I'm fairly certain that there will not be a Ron Paul equivalent in 2020.

why are you such a newfag?

>Ron Paul was just too principled to win in our system.
>He never gave a shit about appearing like anything but what he was
Oh absofuckinglutely. But that's precisely what us patriotic, honest hard working Americans loved about the man. I truly believe he could not be bought.

Sanders is probably the closest equivalent to Paul on the left... But fuck... That guy is the polar opposite when it comes to being principled.
This guy sold out his own support base. The people who fought for him, dug deep in their pockets so he could ride around in a sports car and buy a new summer home, and truly believed in him, got fucking shafted when push came to shove. EVEN WHEN IT WAS KNOWN that the DNC rigged that shit, and he SHOULD have been the one up against DT - and if you think DT would have won vs Sanders, much as I hate the fucking guy, I bet'chu he wouldn't'a - HE FUCKING KEKED OUT and told all his supporters to vote hilldawg, bent over and gave her all their cash, no-refunds style.
FUCK that guy makes me so fucking angry.

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>annoying voice
Get with reality social recluse faggot.

What I want to know is who the hell is going to replace Trump in 2024? There will never be another president like him in our lifetimes, I hope Rand runs but compared to Trump he's like a wet rag.

We will never have presidential shitposts again.

Why don't you get into politics like he did? I think more "common" normal people should do that, make a party or similar, we never know, maybe the future lies in the hands of an unknown artist, or a factory worker?

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It never bothered me none. But you have no normy sense at all if you couldn't recognize this.

I don't think it matters much at this point. Most people are convinced that Trump ran an excellent release valve game for the countries over heating boiler of resentment and disillusionment. The fact of the matter is, we weren't given a choice in 2016. If you weren't for Trump, you were for Hillary fucking Clinton, a literal corrupt career politician, and a confirmed illegitimate candidate, and probably an actual criminal. So even if you didn't like Trump, which lets face it, we all loved his antics and still do, you didn't really have an alternative. He WAS the alternative. The way I always explain it is it was a choice between a known evil, and a wild card. You give me that choice I'm going to take my chances with the chaos every time. But it's time to face the music. Israel is an even bigger problem for the United States than illegal immigration, and anyone who unironically supports our alliance with them is a shill. Maybe I can't see "the plan", but it looks to me like Donald Trump has been going in the complete opposite direction. If this is 3d chess it's too many moves forward for me to see the end game, maybe I'm low IQ. But fuck all that.
The only thing I can see that DT has done that's positive for the country is get everyone all riled up and paying attention. BO was the biggest pacifier I've ever seen. Shit he did that people should be mad about is STILL coming out long after his presidency has been over, shit that people should have been mad about AT THE TIME, if the media had actually been giving him the Donald Trump treatment.

At this point, the most I can see us doing is sitting back and watching it all burn, ready and waiting.

Unironically, I've thought about this many times. I've even asked friends what they think, and they say I should do it. But frankly, I don't want to. I know that's exactly the kind of person I would want in office... someone who begrudgingly takes the possition for the good of the country... But I know what happens to politicians. Especially the ones who don't play ball. And I just don't see the point. I don't even really know how to get started in that shit. And the juice just doesn't seem worth the squeeze to me.

I also harbor a lot of unpopular opinions that, being as honest as I am, I'm sure would come out eventually and sink my battleship.

Are you a boomer or zoomer? I promise not to judge. Only want to know for political demographic reasons.

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Lurk some more, let me give you a heads up:
Have fun!
You have some catching up to do.

Man was the last candidate who had a trustworthy, principled character, and the system treated him like shit.
And then it dawns on you that ultimately, the system is for the ones who play by their rules and not by honor. The other, is presenting yourself in a good light to the average normalfag, Something Ron Paul had neither of.

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1 post by this ID. fuck off OP

Oh yeah!

I almost forgot the moment I lost faith in humanity. It was during the 2008 GOP primary debates. Ron Paul literally advocated the Golden Rule in foreign policy. Imagine that? THE GOLDEN FUCKING RULE.
You know what happened?
The crowed FUCKING BOOED. They booed the golden rule. Unbelievable. I lost my shit that night. I couldn't fucking believe it.

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Don't forget Barry Goldwater Standard.

>Was he going to be like a messiah if voted for office, but then people didn't so now we are all doomed?
yeah pretty much.

how do you get social recluse from that?

sad indeed

>The crowed FUCKING BOOED. They booed the golden rule.
I hate to depress you even more but this actually happened twice (Skip to 2:13)

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It's probably some boomer old lady who thinks she's "conservative" her whole life. Goes off FOX news for her entire perspective and belief system. Only heard the term "neocon" a year or two ago. Thinks anti-neocon = commies. You know the deal... literally the group of voters that killed America and Conservatism. Sending us all straight into hell, ruled by pedo trannys that worship satan and leon trotsky.

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I have a special place in my heart for Paul. I would never have come to the truth without seeing how badly he was fucked over.

Ron Paul was the Yang Gang Jew enforced meme of like 2008. Same US IP'd Jewposters shilling for him as the JIOPB created Yang Gang.

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>It's happening
Comes from Ron Paul discussing the Federal Reserve holding the power to crash the US economy at will for any reason they like. It's happening refers to a Stock Market Bubble Crash.

>It's happening
>The market is crashing

You know, just smart people things. Unlike retarded GOP Fox News idiots who think "trannys" are the #1 threat. Smart people get pushed aside. Idiots are given a microphone.

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The memes came after Ron Paul annihilated everyone in the debates and many wanted him as president, but the (((establishment))) wasn't interested.

The biggest problem with Ron Paul was he was on Alex Jones, and he wanted to audit the Fed. Alex is a wacky conspiracy theorist who mentioned the Fed a lot. Ron Paul stop going on his show for along time when he got more popular. Even Alex knew, and said it was alright.


Infowars prison planet and Alex Jones are a joke, and nobody cares that Trump mentioned him.

Ron Paul would have gotten rid of the Neo-cons and made it less liberal, because young people liked him

He would have been the doctor this country needed to cure it's sickness. No Pun

This he was the last kind of anti establishment politician that both sides moderates could largely agree on. Instead they chose a leftist nigger, and brought Socialism and fags to the forefront, thus propelling us into Wiemar 2.0

Ron Paul constantly warned of the unsustainability of the current world order. And he acknowledged world elites ultimately pull the strings of power, he is anti war especially with Syria and Iran.

Really he was the last chance we had at a comrpomise, bc now the left are going full commie and as a result conservatives are becoming disillusioned and are increasingly embracing nat socialism especially as mechanization and robots will replace alot of jobs soon.

Alex Jones is a gateway to higher truths. I refrain from attacking him.

He was the last chance we had to turn away from insanity. There were other chances before him, as well, but Ron Paul was the final warning.
Since the neocons intentionally froze Ron Paul, we realized later that the only solution is to unleash the King of the Jews, Donald Trump, and to refuse to pay the $200 fine for honking.

He was sensible. It was no one's fault though. No one could have prevented it. Pat Buchanan would be more fitting for that meme.

There are people running for president that would disarm the entire American populace if they could, install a open borders international socialist and promote ethnic replacement degeneracy and extreme hostility toward Russia and Syria.

>Yet user is bashing humble water filter salesmen Alex Jones.

True... 2008 Ron Paul crowd learned the country is ruled by sick, evil, lying, manipulative fuckers. So, in a way it weaponized us into becoming counter-radicals.

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Wow, what a newfag.

Some sort of troll, or shill. I ignored it.

I got sucked down the Alex Jones pipeline along time ago. It started with one video, then another, then it was every conspiracy theory known to man so his basises was covered. Then he could say he he said it I broke free after 3 months straight of listening. Now Alex Jones is a household name for all the wrong reasons.

The political market is so bad man. Whatever works.

>I ignored it.
The correct response.

the neocon timeline starts with leon trotsky (red army founder)

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Let me tell you something about AJ.
I've been onto AJ since like 2003, when I got woke to 9/11 by that shitty Loose Change movie that came out. I thought AJ was legit for a while. But something about him threw me off. It was like he was trying to look ridiculous on purpose. He'd have legitimate shit mixed in with bat-shit, and he'd go about screaming and harassing people, and I found it completely baffling.
Completely unrelated I watched a really good movie that didn't go over big called Scanner Darkly. Did you know that Alex is an actor in that movie? He plays... You guessed it, a ranting lunatic screaming about conspiracy till the man comes and takes him away. I get that this was after he was already a conspiracy guy, but it really struck me that he was an actor. Playing a part. Ever since then I've been convinced that Alex Jones is controlled opposition. I never really had much to go on other than my gut feeling... Until that time he had... oh I forget the guys name, that famous White nationalist guy... Well he had him on his show, and the JQ got brought up obviously, and it's really REALLY red pilling to watch AJ shit himself because his producer is Jewish, and the Jew producer actually gets on camera to tell the guy off too completely breaking the illusion that AJ is an independent freedom fighter, because AJ actually says 'he's my boss' in no uncertain terms.

Seriously, AJ DOES talk about real things, and there's a lot of truth mixed into his ranting, but it's BY DESIGN. They want to associate the real shit with the crazy shit so normal people dismiss it all, and it fucking works.

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>Alex Jones is a gateway to higher truths. I refrain from attacking him.

Absolutely this. In between psychic vampires there are nuggets of absolute truth.

>Seriously, AJ DOES talk about real things, and there's a lot of truth mixed into his ranting, but it's BY DESIGN. They want to associate the real shit with the crazy shit so normal people dismiss it all, and it fucking works.
This. Most people consider Alex Jones and InfoWars a fucking joke when in reality they had truths to it. Then again, most of the world's population don't even have consciousness.

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go away, kike. you weren't there in 08 and 12 when Jow Forums supported ron paul so you don't get to share our memes

For some folks, it's the only source of red pills they can get.

I don't full agree with this take. I understand many say this. I've heard it before many times. It's true, but it's also focused incorrectly. The whole "normal people" thing. After years, I realize "normal people" will always be "normal people". It's hard to accept, but a majority of the public are sheep, and that is OK. Accept it. Once you do, you start focusing on the real players in a society. The builders, innovators, creators, etc. Who cares what "normal people" are doing. This is really hard to accept. It takes years to accept it. Only 20% of the population is needed for Revolutionary change.

A lot of people will attack this post because they don't understand it. It goes against their wiring. Oh well. Have fun wasting your life for decades talking to literal zombie sheep.

Build your own thing. Do it. Sheep follow you. So build it.

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Ron Paul stand tall

I get all that. But I don't get how your post means AJ isn't controlled op. That's all I'm getting at.

You don't even remember uprons on plebbit. Lol damn you sheltered.

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>newfags don't even remember Ron Paul 2012

Fuck man, I miss 8ch

Simple. Until someone builds a product that replaces his role, he is still needed as a gateway to higher truths. At he was a decade ago. Maybe the world has already moved on, it seems so in many pockets. The point is, you are complaining about "normal people" while at the same time arguing to remove a key gateway. In other words your perspective is very limited on how life works. You're argument is either 0 MPH or 100 MPH. Sorry, life doesn't work like that. People don't work like that. It takes time to get up to 100 MPH. So what is the point of removing Alex Jones? You apparently are saying, "oh, if Alex is gone... then people will immediately go to 100 MPH from 0 MPH". No they won't. They'l literally stay at 0 MPH without Alex Jones acting as a gateway.

That is the point.

Ron Paul primed me for the JQ.

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Really? the Republican Establishment turned me into a Zionist Jew International Communist.

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>most of the world's population don't even have consciousness
I forget about this sometimes. Scary as shit to think about it.

OP is a liberal reporter. Thread needs a delete.

hello Agent Glow


Ron tried for many years to get people to care about liberty.
"It's happening!" referred to them finally caring.

I wasn't planning on being mad and sad tonight and yet here we are

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