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Hapa threat to the universe
Asher Davis
Isaiah Nelson
Kill yourself Hapa fag
Landon Sanchez
The reason why most HAPAs are mentally unstable is because of the relationship of their parents which is generally white male asian female. The relationships that consist of this make up that have occurred prior to the 2000’s all consist of a desperate white man looking for a ching ching no speak english wife to bear offspring. The problem with this relationship is the language barrier and the lack of cultural and parental guidance the parents can provide for their offspring, so most hapas struggle with an identity crisis or having to deal with parents in a loveless relationship where the chink wife is docile and has no personality and the husband is generally abusive and socially awkward based on his desperation to marry an asian wife.
Of course this cannot be the same for new HAPAs where both parents don’t struggle with the language barrier due to the westernization of the asian race and more asian women meeting white husbands through college or integrated neighborhoods.
Grayson Harris
Andrew Ortiz
Thanks. Holy shit Gigachadnoff your power is incredible. We should train together sometimes when this is over!
Mason Torres
Almost done guys
Dominic Turner
Just give the last bit you got and we send it away to win this!
Juan Reyes
Tell us more about the backstory will ya?
Also, checked.
Nathan Clark
In an effort to feel less insufficient the evil Hapa of questionable sexual dimorphism named Tenda decided to steal the Dragon Balls away to wish upon death on all Caucasians. To stop this Pajeta and I teamed up. We normally have a lot of disagreements (mostly of sanitary nature) but when push comes to shove we have to fight together against this evil plot. His ally TenchinKANG was defeated by Pajeta using his signature move "Final Shit". Unfortunately he could use one wish to grant himself enormous powers and he must be destroyed completely without any trace left. That's basically were we are at now.
Asher Peterson