Why isn’t this big fucking news? Anyone in Fairfield, California? newsbreakinglive.com
Secret service?
Other urls found in this thread:
an evac just flew out of my house
Wtf bump
? What happened ?
That’s what I’m trying to figure out.
>in Cali
Haven’t left already?
There's literally nothing on Twitter other than this article
Never been.
>There's literally nothing on Twitter other than this article
Wait, there's this
You think it’s fake? I doubt it.
>It's unclear what the secret service was investigating
If it's secret service wouldn't this mean there's some really credible threat to the president that they're neutralizing? And Cali? We got some ANTIFA nutter boys.
And bingo was his name-o
Probably forfeiters. Why else would SS be involved?
Don't ask Sam Tripoli about the standard hotel
Is Trump in California?
Protecting the president (and past presidents) is just a part of what they do.
I live in CA and have no idea where Fairfield is. Will let you know what I discover.
Its an observatory
>an uncooperative person
Can I see the stats on how many people are happy to be raided?
It's unlikely that 6 counterfeiters got into a standoff, so then, it must've been about a threat to the pres. Glad they got them.
It's like they're not even trying.
I think you mean currency counterfeiting, which falls under the purview of the SS
That's not how digits work you fucking liberal bot
Go back to the matrix and get culturally updated
bump for great interest as I live in Vacaville which is the next town over.
if dijits, there is a suitcase nuke about to go off and that whole area will be glass.
Yes, this. It was probably a group of drug dealing, counterfeit currency making niggers that got caught
can confirm that Fairfield is infested absolutely with niggers.
North bay. There’s an air force base there, wonder what’s up
What if it was some shitposters who went a little too far and got v& for real...
Travis AFB is in Fairfield.
I wonder what's happening in Austin tx rn
Travis AFB is there. Did something go down?
Vallejo here. Fairfield has two things, Travis Air Force Base and the Solano County Court House.
Thanks, user. Anything will help guys, too much news getting swept under the rug, Jones ain’t calling out the false flags anymore lmao so someone has to do it, what happend in El Paso was ridiculous.
Its secret service, so it's either counterfeiting or something that posed a legitimate threat to the president.
Jimmy crack corn
I thought secret service were just B+ rate body guards. I think living ex presidents are assigned SS too.
Oh shit coicidentaly all kinds of local anons post one after the other.
Natural and organic, minions.
Wouldn’t doubt it user, must have been pretty serious. Hope we find out some more news on this.
Trust the plan! 1488D interstellar Parcheesi! Please donate to Lauren Southern's patreon and watch the newest Soph video!
Good stuff, keep it coming anons.
Fairfield is Northeast of SF towards Sac.
Trump is to be visiting the Bay Area this week or soon.
It was a false alarm about an active shooter at the airforce base like 11 hours ago.
The SS are there to make everyone gets their story straight.
Q boomer false flag.
There’s like 20,000 people here at any given time. You don’t think three of them could be from the area?
also still only 11 pm in CA
It was probably a bunch of anti-American communists. Trump had them rounded up.
Hopefully the SS will beat the shit out of them.
Sad, user. We are the news now.
I will refrain from listing any names, but the residents of home appear to be Chinese
If that Comey McCabe indictment is really going down today, expect a FF.
homicide fugitive was thought to be in home.
they teargassed it. 6 came out. 4 arrested. homicide fugitive not there.
That could be it
I will:
Wi Tu Lo
Sum Ting Wong
Ho Li Fuk
just Google fairfield California. how have none of none you you found sauce lol. Jesus.
Chinese activating their sleeper agents!
no its not sucking Q trust the plan faggot.
learn to Google: patch.com
>muh indictment
Fuck off
You can't fool me, Wang.
never change Australia.
Why is it called the Secret Service if it's not a secret and everybody knows who they are?
Fairfield is north Marin Co. I think
IN the end, we all become one with the all and the cycles continUe. There is no beating the light unless you want to destroy yourself as well. And if that's the case then you still lose as all darkness descends froM the light. Good has already won, BEcause it can neveR be any other way, I just wonder what each of you define aS good and hope it means peace, fairness and love for all living beings through the attainment of the path that seeks knowledge that is infinite.
Only through truth can you gain knowledge and only through knowledge can you be kind, fair and just. The true definition of strength, power and influence.
solano county.
externalizing the hierarchy. get out of here you new age satanist faggot.
Fuck off godless faggot
It could also be counterfeit money.
thought to be a homicide fugitive hiding in the house.
I wonder if that's close.
No police scanners? I am disappoint
What is your definition of God and where do you get it from?
Maybe some lefty cucks made death threats at the POTUS on social media.
this darpa shit has literally nothing to do with it.
stop pushing your new age Blavatsky theosophy shit here. go back to your lodge mason faggot.
homicide fugitive.
but who knows who they killed or what kind of threat they pose.
Taking care of those pesk jews.
I don't read other people's ideas much, just meditate on my own, so I know nothing of what you speak of. Through from your characters typed I can tell that you would have rather I cherry picked the Bible in order to convey the same message, why you must live with that crutch instead of accepting the infinite good in your heart even I do not understand. Or better said, I am saddened that you have sided with things your entire life due to personal gain and benefit instead of thinking of the all.
Why say anything anyway? Everything I said were words of peace and unity, the hate you have for my words is revealing. Fret not old soul, you still have time and the light of the all within.
Secret Service operates under the Treasury Dept.
>schizo poster
ive said nothing about the Bible. you don't know shit lol.
stop bringing this Crowley shit into here. make a thread on >>/x/ faggot. your schizo boomer tier new age theosophy has nothing to do with this thread.
6 people were teargassed inside a home likely for threats to the pres /thread
They're prepping the Area for Trump. He's campaigning there soon. Its no conspiracy.
>Go back faggot
>Lodge Mason
>Schizo poster
>Schizo boomer
>New age
A, user.... I.....
Also, are you okay? How's life friend? Also, this thread is being kept alive by you arguing with me until more info comes out. So, here we are. :)
this thread gave me a headache
I never said godless you niggerfaggot. learn to read.
stop posting.
And what will you do once I stop?
enjoy the fact that some new age faggot isn't trying to externalize the hierarchy.
don't you have some crystals to charge or something?
Externalize the hierarchy? What do you mean? What are you even on about with crystals? Did my words ring so true in your heart that your jaded mind needed to lash out?
Also, if what I'm saying is "new age" what is what you believe? Is it old age?
No, they don't, they are part of the Department of Homeland Security, they were removed from Treasury oversight after 9-11. Their mission was expanded then, as well - the SS generally doesn't go after homicide suspects, this is probably terrorism related, but the Feds aren't talking.