How Can I Create My Own Nation State ?

Buy land and get it designated as a corporation ?

Is it even possible ?

Religion usually contains allot of perks, any ideas on this front ?

Attached: red.jpg (458x563, 46K)

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Considering that your starting point for your grand venture was to come to Jow Forums for legal advice, it's fair to assume that no, you personally are incapable of starting your own nation-state.

There is not much you could do. You would need some government to support you and other rebels to overthrow the state of some rinky dink country. You would just be a puppet for the govt that supported you, but maybe from there you could get more power somehow.

You need an army. You need to be able to pay its salaries and house the families of the men in the army.

You also need allies in other countries, to ensure that there’s no international intervention. If you want to make a huwhite ethnostate, it’s impossible because other white countries will unite to crush you.

Artificial (floating) island. Then you can register boats to it.

Attached: Sealand-sky_(cropped).jpg (1023x761, 194K)

>Sealand is not officially recognised by any established sovereign state in spite of Sealand's government's claim that it has been de facto recognised by the U.K. and Germany
>The UNCLOS states "Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands."


How are you going to do that when every piece of habitable land on the planet is already part of a nation/country?

be a jew

buy an offshore ocean oil rig in international water. declare it your own country.

No other country is going to recognize you because the last thing they want is peasants thinking they can just go start their own countries. If you live on an oil rig you are going to need to trade for everything, and if they don't recognize you as a country you aren't going to get rammed in the ass by all kinds of things.

You can find a reef in international water and simply start building upon it. Against the law and someone actually stopping you are two different things. The latter is all you have to worry about, and the latter is a function of money and status. This is how China has been acquiring new land on the South China sea in order to gain leverage/intimidate Taiwan and Japan for the past 20 years. Aside from Orange Man, the rest of our greedy, scumbag leaders and faggot-sheep populace have done absolutely nothing to stop them--just like they've done nothing to stop PRC from crippling our Western economies and destroying the global environment. Their fishing habits alone have collapsed fisheries in our own back yard. Try fishing in the Caribbean where their fish factories sweep miles of ocean clean of any life at all...We're losing because we're allowing everyone to fuck us in the ass. Even the exact minority slobs we've given everything too here in this US ghetto. It's so bad, our own spoiled women have turned against us (not mine, I'm not a fag-cuck). We need to get off our asses and defend ourselves. Here and abroad. And be a little bit more cunning about it than the idiots on the so-called "alt right" who set us back even further by playing fantasy games.

>>The UNCLOS states "Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands."
so what about all the countries that have created artificial islands, are those islands free territory?

China has a powerful government backing it

user I'm planning on building an island somewhere sometime. You can do it do. Otherwise go to some arctic island and be a nation in practise.

Didn't work for Epstein

Read Max Stirner and Ragnar Redbeard first.

must have faith in God, without it, everything will fall apart.

How to create as strong ethno-nationalistic subsociety 101 v0.9
01.)have many children
02.)start building your own groups place to grow into towns, states and eventually a nation
03.)polygamy, for thouse who can afford it, to have even more children
04.)marry young and attractive daughters off, with the requirement for the husbands support of the project(and willingness to move too your emerging town)
05.)educate boys well
06.)encourage the guys to make much of themself and marry good young woman into your society
07.)encourage everyone to have as many children as possible
08.)marriage means forming a family and having children
09.)get all the welfare support possible. Launder money to have as many people as possible to qualify for welfare.
10.)Do not make marriages offical by the state, so that the woman can get welfare, by pretending to be a single mother.
11.)Strictly enfource marriage to have the security for the partners.
12.)Teach combat, shooting and tactics
13.)Stockpile guns, ammo and other prepping equitment
14.)Have people, when necessary, defend and vanishe people for your society, but never claim responsiblity as a group and push it on the "fanatical" individuals.
15.)To prevent conflicts have single sympatisants, or even adults of your own group, life a little seperate(e.g aaround the town center) from the married core of, what your society acctually builds.

16.)For best results have your own religion, which creates justification for the community, your own rules, enforcement of marriage and the "religious fanatics".
Your own religion and stories have a very good effect on the women, who biologically don't have the same nationalistic principles.
A society with many children and strong and intergenerational principles can grow rapidly, when it has the right pull factors.
The pull factors get even stronger arguments, when various push factors like diversity become prevelent in the other societies.
A group of 10 could grow to a group of 10000, just based on possible average birth rates of 10 alone, in 3 Generations.
This works only tho, when the group has strong pull factors like strong and competent men and young, healthy and beautiful woman to marry off.

Liberland did it. You can do it too!

> Find some disputed territory and lay claim to it.

> Get recognised as a sovereign nation by Palestine, Somaliland, etc.

> Create a (crypto)currency

> Elect a president

> Buy a police force

> Give out citizenship certificates.

Basically anything that any other country does

Read about Sealand. Careful, some international pirates hunt for people doing this sort of stuff and will rob you.
Arm yourself and be ready to kill to defend your land.

>Is it even possible ?

you can wage a war a capture land
it's possible but highly improbable since you're a faggot
somehow related

this alone won't create an own nation, but it will create the people who will do this eventually

Such a community would be an even better barrier against racemixing than all the laws during Jim Crow and the Apartheid,at least for the members.
Also see

some day, a group of rich whites could create these fuckers and be fully independent

Attached: ABCpix.net_schwimmende_stadt-03.jpg (750x500, 173K)

Good luck maintaning and replacing these one of a kind custom build parts

Don't think something like this will be common for the next hundred years, but you could fix a lot of things only with 3d printers

Only through war can such freedom be achieved.