How come this guy NEVER talks about the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs...

How come this guy NEVER talks about the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati
But only the Zionists?
Why is he a one trick pony?

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Because hes paid off by qatar, go watch cernovich documentary "blood money" on powerfull qatar lobby in america.

He's using his Jewish privilege to name them. We need more kikes like him.

if you want to know who rules over you, find who you are not allowed to criticize. you are allowed to criticize the jews, but not the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati. think about that

he is avoiding his ban and proving that antizionism is antisemetism

When a bear's mauling your daughter why aren't you complaining about the dog rutting your leg?

Zionists are the cause of all the current problems, so it makes sense to talk about the king and not the pawns.

Saudis = Zionist controlled
Vatican = Zionist controlled
and so on

because hes a shill
simple as that, and all he brings on his show are shills like Christopher Bollyn

Chinese and Saudi arabia have too much influence to ignore

The Zionists are the illuminati and they control Freemasonry, the Vatican and the Jesuits. Probably the chinks too.

>if you want to know who rules over you, find who you are not allowed to criticize. you are allowed to criticize the jews, but not the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati. think about that
this but unironically. the "da jews" and "wyte people" memes are pushed by the actual global, cosmopolitan elite as red herrings used to shut down any and all legitimate dissent as simple "crazy antisemitism!" or "crazy racism!", or "islamaphobia!".

alex jones is a rhetorical truth teller and this little "Adam Green" fella is the proverbial LITERAL WHO NOBODY shyster. this kid can get back to us after he has crashed a Bohemian grove party or protested outside a build a bear meeting.

thye both are shills
the fighting is a LARP
KMN is suppose to usurp alexs followers who found out alex is a shill
its all one big LARP

Im surprised that of all people, HE survived the youtube purges

there's no shortage of material on other power groups, so I don't mind if he focuses on one group because lots are scared of that group

is that the weirdo who rambles about jews going to build the 3rd temple even though it's a group of like 500 people who actually care about it?

>How do you do, fellow gentiles.

>hurrrrp de hurr durrrrrrr le 500 people
Kushner was president of the Harvard friends of Chabad organization, Chabad Lubavitch and the Rebbe run Israel. Netanyahu's party was started by the guy who blew up the King David Hotel.

>"Rep. Ilhan Omar literally sounds like David Duke crossed with Hitler" - Alex Jones

>George Soros funds the Nazi EU

>Sheik Down: How Arabs Own Everything by Alex Jones

>Alex Jones Visited by Mossad Agent

>Alex Jones: Muslims Run the Federal Reserve
Longer version:

>Alex Jones: 'UN a Nazi movement'

>"most of these anti-Israel people are Nazis"

>Alex Jones Disrupts Pro Gun Rally

>The Chicoms are behind Jeffrey Epstein's blackmail network

>Alex Jones Shills for Jared Kushner

>Palestinians are trying to take over your political process

he's a kike, just look at him

> not the jews
Checks out. All fields.

Saudis are just another Zionist pawn.

China is its own thing, but there's not much we can do there. War with them is almost a certain.

adam is the best

fuck off

oh yeah, you know those C H I C O M S are behind jeffrey epstein!! just like alex jones said!! just like the "arabs" control hollywood

>doesn't mention boomer conspiracies
>mentions group with documented and identifiable influence on the world.

Why would anyone do this?

The people who want to build the 3rd temple in Jerusalem are a tiny, fringe group and have zero power to pursue it. That's why it hasn't happened, and won't ever happen. Chabad is a minority sect within the ultra orthodox community which is a minority in Israel itself. "the rebbe" has been for 25 years.
Keep getting your schizo fix from youtube videos by american dropouts.

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has been dead*

>Vatican and the Jesuits, Freemasons and Illuminati
All of those are just different brands of kikery.

>why dose he not talk about the scarecrows and only the farmer.

I wonder.. hmm

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>Watch Cernobitch
Nah. Cernovich is defending Dershowitz and Epstein by suing their victims. He's definitely Mossad.

Some people are only 'anti-Zionist' and not anti the broader Jewish agenda of white genocide because they aren't pro-white.

>if you want to know who rules over you, find who you are not allowed to criticize. you are allowed to criticize the jews, but not the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati. think about that
this but unironically. the "da jews" and "wyte people" memes are pushed by the actual global, cosmopolitan elite as red herrings used to shut down any and all legitimate dissent as simple "crazy antisemitism!" or "crazy racism!", or "islamaphobia!".

alex jones is a rhetorical truth teller and this little "Adam Green" fella is the proverbial LITERAL WHO NOBODY shyster. this kid can get back to us after he has crashed a Bohemian grove party or protested outside a build a bear meeting.

Brainlets and midwits latch onto a single group to scapegoat. It's either black or white, right or wrong, bad or good. They're binary thinkers; thus, they're unable to see the more nuanced complexities of the situation we find ourselves in. They can't fathom that there are multiple groups working in tandem to accomplish their goals, which in more ways than one, comes at the detriment of Western civilization. Yes, Jews, particularly zionist Jews, play a large role in all of this, but they're not the only group at fault. Hell, there are numerous Jewish groups with conflicting endgames within the global establishment. But your brainlets and midwits can't see that. Instead, they place all the blame on this one group screwing us over, making fools of themselves and give of cringeworthy, Nazi-LARPing vibes which ultimately works against themselves in the long run.

>Chabad is a tiny minority and don't represent the majority of Jews
Except they're the ones with their hands on the levers of power in the US and Israel. Kushner, Netanyahu, Likud leaders.
You're right, it will never happen, but not because "they're a tiny minority".

That's it!

the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati are the zionists

last time I checked it wasnt any of those others flooding your countries or running your media and banks rabbi.

nice try tho.

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Straight from your married to a kike shabbos goy overlord:

How come this guy NEVER talks about the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati
But only the Zionists?
Why is he a one trick pony?

Each group has its place as a proxy warrior for the globalists who are Zionists!

How come Kikelex Jones is a Ziocuck circumshill?

Wait, he's Jewish?


No and he actually traveled to Palestine and shot several videos there, having a Palestine stamp on your passport = Pissrael never lets you in.

Hes no owen the second Benjamin

>Only talks about Zionists
>Hes a one trick pony
You mad, kike?

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>the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati
None of those matter.
>the Saudis
They actually do matter, and they are allied with the zionists.

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Plus look at him. Undoubtedly one of them.

He hates Alex Jones, constantly groveling in the gutter before him - the lib banners are extremely pleased

The guy's a fucking legend, even if he is a one trick pony. If we had more one trick ponies as thorough and motivated as this guy, but in other areas, we would be winning

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He's catholic

Am I going mad? I saw this exact thread with some of the same replies the other day.

>go watch cernovich documentary

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>Because hes paid off by qatar

>go watch cernovich documentary "blood money" on powerfull qatar lobby in america.
LOL ((Cernovich))


Because the final redpill is that the only problem in the world is Jews. You're clearly not there yet but keep researching.

Fuck you user, I'm posting a bird.

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Never heard of the fucker. Not going to waste time checking him out.


Alex's first response
no, really? that's what Adam was saying for like 5 minutes

>queue 45 minutes of Alex yelling his head off about Irael and kikes

Friendly reminder that MUH JESUITS are a distraction from Jewish power.

Have an excellent day!

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Who cares if it's Jews or Jewsuits? We can cross that bridge when we get there.

It's the other way around. Both jews and Jesuits control the west and the east, yet nobody calls out the latter.

He totally pwned Alex Zion Jones!
really hip and cool guy who is down with the memes and our culture.
Green is amazing

That's because he's a simpleton who can only see the world in one dimension.

reason for complex problem = muh Israel

It's to be expected.

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there are laws against telling the truth about jews but you can say pretty much anything you want about anyone else

wow Alex Jones was right again!

>How come this board NEVER talks about the Saudis, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the ChiComs, or the Freemasons or the Illuminati
>But only the Zionists?
>Why is it a one trick pony?

What's the one thing you're not allowed to talk about? Why be boring?

>What's the one thing you're not believed to talk about? Why be conventional?

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Oh, another thing that by sheer coincidence ISN'T THE JEWS

Jow Forums went through that shit for over a decade, it led to the jews.

>meme flag
>muh Saudis blah blah blah
>paid qatar, what thernovich
>it's totally okay to openly criticize jews in the west
>what do you mean laws against boycotting Israel or denying the holocaust?
full fucking retard

Strange how the top posts all support "look over there goys", really makes me think

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Jews are scapegoats.
Yet you think it's weird for a house people *really* don't want intruders in to have a massive amount of locks on the front door---nope, must be the door that's the motherload.
But whatever.

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The first house I rented was within a friend's family and they fucked up so he had to call a locksmith so we could get back in and I installed the new locks. He made a joke to the guy about if it would be easy to learn how to do that while he was picking the lock. It takes a male to give that level of stinkeye.

You Jow Forumstards have no clue.

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Because he tells the truth and doesn't talk about overblown cover-up fake conspiracies

Fuck the Queen and fuck the UK

>Another YouTube idiot
Never even heard of this cunt. Fuck off.

Cut off the head of the snake. Everything else is just machination of the zog machine.

I wouldnt say Zionist controled as they are active Zionists

Zionism and Bolshevism is all controlled by Luciferianism/Sabbateanism

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>None of those matter.

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I don’t always agree with some of adams guess, but for the most part he does a good job of exposing Zionism and Israeli influences. I know it’s you AJ go back to suckin off mossad.

>How come this guy NEVER talks about the Jews, the Jews and the Jews, the Jews, or the Jews or the Jews

>How Israel and its hi-tech industry are winning the US-China trade war

>In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to ‘marry Israel’s technology with China’s capacity’

>Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel

>U.S. Senate Warns Israel Over Deepening Ties With China, Citing 'Serious Security Concerns'

>How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China

>Why is Israel outsourcing its national infrastructure to China?

>Israel and China Take a Leap Forward—but to Where?

nailed it. Yeah, Adam Green focus fires on the Jew, but we NEED people focus firing on the Jews, as they are the single most destructive element on the planet.

>t. jew
Fuck off rabbi.

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So just because there are other problems you shouldn't talk about the main one? How convenient for the perpetrators. Sound like Alex Jones when green called him out.