Ex-Nazi Karl Münter charged in Germany for Holocaust denial

is Jow Forums still relevant? this is your chance


>An ex-Nazi soldier was charged by German prosecutors on Wednesday for blaming Holocaust victims for their own deaths and denying that six million Jews were killed in the World War II genocide.
Prosecutors didn’t name the former SS soldier, but he is understood to be 96-year-old Karl Münter, who was previously convicted in France for his role in the murders of 86 people in the village of Ascq during WWII, according to Agence France-Presse.
In an interview with German TV-station ARD last November, Münter said those killed in Ascq were to blame for their own deaths.
He also disputed that the Holocaust claimed the lives of six million Jews.
“The accused did not dispute giving the information to journalists but he said he did not know that the interview was recorded and would be later broadcast,” prosecutors from Lower Saxony said in a statement.
If convicted, Münter faces up to five years in jail for the charge of incitement and two years for the charge of disparaging the memory of Nazi victims.
Prosecutors said the accused “did not view his statements as incitement and therefore thought he would not be liable to prosecution.”
Münter was a 21-year-old member of the Hitler Youth SS division when, on April 1, 1944, a train carrying some 50 soldiers of the division was derailed by an explosion, in an act of sabotage by the Resistance.
As revenge, the troops shot 86 men in the nearby village of Ascq in northern France — the youngest of whom was 15 years old.
A French military tribunal sentenced Münter to death in absentia in 1949 for his role in the mass killing.
He was pardoned in 1955 as part of the post-WWII French-German reconciliation efforts.
German prosecutors sought to reopen the war crime case against Münter — but they dropped the case last March under the legal principle known as double jeopardy, because he’d already been convicted in France.

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bump for justice

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Kind of autistic that they're applying 1940s legalism to the modern day.

There are US soldiers who got away with killing civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. because it was just labeled as "collateral damage".

The answer is leftist and kikes run the media, so they're constantly looking for a Nazi boogeyman to lynch.

Wouldn't a nazi want the Holocaust to be real and be proud of having been part of it?
If this guy says it was fake I feel like I should believe him.

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The side that commits the most violence and wins is immune to war crimes. Remember this as they are committing wholesale genocide against the European races.

its like an US soldier denying that the D-Day happened. why would he do that. shouldnt he take pride in it? what is his reasoning? there are many questions to be asked and the german government apears to be hiding something when they put everyone in jail who only dares question it.

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>If this guy says it was fake I feel like I should believe him.

The whole thing is fake. War is fake. It's all just about protecting the Genocidal Ruling Class. That's all.

Miles Mathis on Fabricated Fascists:-


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i say, justice fopr karl münter. imprisoning possible whitnesses of the time for stating something that disagrees with the common narative, is more the suspicious.

Being arrested for your opinion.

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>The holocaust is so unquestionably true, that you have to jail people who say otherwise.
Most of Europe is a joke.

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reminder the allies literally tortured ss members with genital mutilation to force them to admit they were killing kikes

This radicalize me.
This tells me that i in the future conflict I should take us much enemies with me as possible, don't spare nobody and that I should not be taken alive.

I think that if the holocaust had actually happened then he would just say so in order to avoid jail. The fact that he's sticking to his guns over this is pretty convincing evidence that it didn't.

This. Atleast 30 cases of crushed testicles of German Officials.

yo, argentinia im gonna open a diskkkord server,. justice for karl münter. im gonna look for some cover up name so that they dont emediatly find us

You can came to hide here in Argentine whenever you want cousin.
Just bring some kraut and beer with you.


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doubly true given the fact that in the original interview he praised Hitler and when prompted said he would have welcomed his return given that The Noble Wolf took "Vigorous action"

Ill try to find the vid

I reject this vision of the future, my SOUL compels me.

I recall this report and another that was over 80% out of ~130 officers during Nuremberg, goddamn evil running this world. STAND UP MEN

diskkkord server under production

bro Im op and I just met a half spanish half german Argentine man, I would actually like to visit South America can you email me at [email protected]

fuck it lets do this boys

diskkkord glows perhaps telegram??

>B-b-b-b-b-but muh holocaust must be real because ACTUAL NAZIS always say it happened


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your mind is correct

it works. dont fuck things up right off the start ok?

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dont worry Im the only OP Mr Wolf

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Apparently the testicle torture devices were being mass manufactured. And they weren't being used on Jews.
I wonder how many unsuspecting young German boys these sadistic jewish torturers were let loose on. Many, I guess, since the whole purpose was the Genocide of Europeans, to stop any more Europeans being born, and we know how they like to give their genocides a poetic-prophetic flourish.

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Literal thought crimes. What a shit hole every country but the United States is. Burgers don't know how fortunate they are for the constitution.

> Hitler youth
Trained bombed by resistance.
Shoot resistance.

> what is problem? Don’t blow up train in occupied territory.

Also Hitler Was A Jew.
The 'Nazis' were ALL jews.


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thats some dark shit.
fucking jews

hey guys I think this thoughtcuck is trying to send tell us something? whats your coded message thoughtcuck?

speak up and tell us little guy

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This guy wasn't involved in the holocaust, but in reprisal killings (which he didn't even deny, lol)

>Shoot resistance.
They shot up a bunch of random people.


Don't believe him, research the evidence and you won't have to "believe" but you'll know it's clearly a (((fake)))

idk what you guys are doing but use riot.im

Kill all g*rmans, good thing the Niggers of the Europe will be gone in 30 days.

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I mean years, years...

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>two years for the charge of disparaging the memory of Nazi victims.
How DARE you assault memories!

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they resisted being shot tho

She's not white

86:0 is a good KD

There's no justice these days. Thanks for your service Karl.

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You can read, can't you?
I ask because although you've now made 9 posts on this thread, the words don't seem to be in any particular order. On the other hand your 'thoughtcuck' concept is an original creation of yours isn't it. So that's something.

Try this reading comprehension test and get back to me. Take your time.


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oh yeah you better add that to the database, thoughtcuck for your "british flag" you traitorous pile of shit

What's next for the holoHOAX junkies? Start disinterring WWII era German soldiers and put the rotted corpse on trial for something or the other?

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your website is 90s html trash and the pdf takes 30 seconds to load I dont trust your domain go fuck yourself

Hitler ist WOTAN

youre either out of your gord or a glownigger

Stop derailing this thread and stand up for this mans freespech, do not let shills distract you or slow you down

I would recommend this great man kill himself.

>and two years for the charge of disparaging the memory of Nazi victims
is this a joke?

Why do Burgers always use meme flags?
fucking embarassing

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And the award for today's least convincing crypto-jewish 'Neonartzi' goes to (((screen name 'Donald Jr'))).......

Thanks for the lulz.
Get a better internet connection. One superfast enough to handle .pdf files.

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He is litteraly immigrant from österriech. And no fucking poster was able to prove that holocoast was fake.

The slavs aren't higher in the race hierarchy

No, but you should die anyway


Litterly standard practice for occupying armies until 1945.


I don't believe he is.

top kek

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but ahcmed, all germans are nazis . . didnt you know ?


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America is one election away from jailing people for 'misgendering'


>Doctor to parents: Congratulations, its a healthy boy
>Parents: Did you just assume the babys gender you fucking bigot??

It will take more than one election cycle to disarm enough people to be able to pull that one off.

>claim somebody killed jews because he was a nazi
>he denies it
>arrest him for holohoax denial

Imagine having a narrative so fragile you have to imprison a 96 year old for saying otherwise.

All germans are nazis.
But not all nazis are germans

>If this guy says it was fake I feel like I should believe him.
He's a literal nobody. How would he know anything about anything any more than any other random pleb? He was just one pawn doing what he was told in his small corner of the world.

Anyway, let's be brainlets and pretend millions of Jews just magically disappeared from Europe without any Nazi policy of extermination. It just happened! They just disappeared! It was like *woosh* and they were gone! Maybe they went and built an underground Jew world and their descendants all live there to this day! Or maybe they live up in the sky!

Nothing quite radicalizes someone like watching jews jewing

>when something is so true that you need to imprison people for questioning it

nazi comes from NSDAP which literally means German National Socialist Worker's Party

What's up with Italy? Is it legal in some parts and illegal in others?

My jewdar is off the charts looking at this "nazi". Slug lips, neanderthal noses, caveman forehead, soulless eyes, grown earlobes. It's like other >>>imprisoned

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All polacks are retarded, but not all retards are polacks.


Can anyone pay him a visit and ask if Hitler took hormones?

Fucking great! Hope that nazi fuck dies starving.

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no shit

I'll guess it's a fucked up representation of the Holy See and San Marino.

Those are the microstates of San Marino and Vatican City.

>t. kvetching jew bitch

Nice freedom of speech germans have

“Incitement” lol they have a law where if u trigger them u go to jail?

There are hardly even any Jews in this country. The only one I've personally met was a prick admittedly, but on the other hand almost all Jews I've got to know outside of this country have been pleasant people.

It's telling that practically 99% of all rabid Jew haters on the "white" front are low-IQ, ignorant, and/or delusional. The intelligent exceptions are more interesting case studies, but usually a close look reveals a dishonest thought process stemming from some kind of fundamental rottenness of the soul like say in the case of Irving.

The only benefit of getting old is not giving shit. He know the government cannot really do anything against him, because he does not have much longer anyway.

well, Americans made the laws so you should know

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No one actually believes in the holocaust, at least not in my family, its just a taboo topic. Many friends of my parents also don't, as I've found out recently.
"I don't have Facebook, I got banned years ago"
"holocaust denial/revisionism"
"what? but the holocaust did never happen"

The problem are not jews, IT IS ZIONISM!

Mate you have a pedophile ring kidnapping teenagers to work as sex slaves to fuck old rich elite and often jewish men that basically rule your country and who openly murdered the dude that could have exposed them all but nobody picked up a gun against the criminal system covering up it's crimes.

If you think enforcing some more tranny delusion is gonna be the breaking point that'll enflare the American right-wing into a revolt you're delusional.

>fucking embarassing
Why do niggers always feel embarrassed on behalf of someone else?

jesus fucking christ, Everyday I feel a bit more pissed off with this world...

>She's not white
You see, that's the kind of thinking that made Hitler lose.

No doubt there is Zionist propaganda. That however doesn't change the reality that millions of European Jews were wiped out during World War 2. Pretending there was no policy of extermination is silly. On the other hand, using the Holocaust to guilt-trip people in the 21st century is also silly.