Why would you replace a word created to describe this very specific process? Would make sense in "Biology for dummies", otherwise pointless.
Landon Long
>He thinks a rock changed into a monkey ok, merlin whatever you say
Brandon Thompson
the word evolution means "spiraling outward"
Kevin Cooper
Why do they say "species" instead of "animal"? Also, why we are on the subject why do they say "millions" instead of "lots"? Most importantly, why do they say "OP" instead of "faggot"?
Brody James
It's called nomenclature.
Ryan Peterson
Evolution doesn't make sense.
Nolan Gutierrez
evolution can refer to a set of mechanisms natural selection is perhaps the term you're looking for could be mutation, could be family size, or more detailed epigenetics, or other modern terminology... ever more specific >its just words, don't let the language jews confuse you or take your money
Leo Howard
user, I know I'm not going to sit here and explain to you the function of words and language. I understand that you can ask questions in the moment without thinking about it, but come on, you don't need a thread for this.
Connor Collins
>american education
Oliver Russell
Because it isn't just change, it's change due to random chance to better suit the environment around them
Jason Lewis
Because that's what evolution means? From latin ex (prep.) "out" + volvo (vbt.) "to roll": to roll out, to unroll; (math.,med.,gen.) ext. to grow to full form; unproperly used referring to Darwin's theory of "descent with modifications".
Lucas Gray
In biology it's called "descent with modification" and "natural selection". Evolution was discarted by academics by the time Darwin wrote. He used the word only once in "The Origin of Species".
Luis Allen
Hunter Turner
This is a very intelligent question, finally on this board full of retard. Exactly this term is something that gave birth to many misconceptions and rethorical expressions ignorant people use. Because evolution, as a wod, instrinsically has a positive meaning. But in real, darwinian evolution, there is no positive nor negative meaning, just forms surviving or perishing. bacteria are more successful than us.
Grayson Martinez
as a word*
Jayden Evans
Change is the driving force of evolution. A change in environment causes a species to adapt->evolve over time
Gavin Ward
Evolution has nothing to do with “science” It’s a convenient story and isn’t a theory whatsoever