>when you take pol into the real world

Why is pol so scared of violence but advocates it when it's safe.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off Mike Brown looking Trayvon Martin ass nigger

ill fight any negroe in my weight class

We are a board of peace, my dark skinned comrade.

allahu akbar brother

For what?

Attached: Civil.png (1942x1442, 66K)

I like the punches hat boy gets. Not that I don't hate niggers, but that looks kinda satisfying, cause I don't feel bad for a bunch of faggot 'bros' who probably hang around with niggers too.

>when you're a nig and gang up on people because you can't fight 1 on 1.

>gets sucker punched by a nigger
Probably shouldn't be hanging around with niggers

classic thugs can't fight one on one so he suckerpunches you while his two friends hold you back and try to distract you.

as always, one gets sucker punched and the other wasn't even expecting to fight, clearly both were trying to defuse the situation while the niggers were chimping out. Its the problem with white people today, they are to scared to fight.
And when we bring pol out of the internet we usually enslave entire continents.
Maybe this next time we finish the job the way we should have finished 200/100 years ago and kick the devil out of this world.


They made the mistake of thinking they were civilised and things could be worked out. One look at the negro told me he was.going.to attack and needed a slap.

They do this thing with their mouth like monkeys before they attack.

Fuckin pussy ass nig couldn't even ko a guy who just letting him wail on his face. What a faggot lel

kick the devil out of this world


Damn that's a spectacular graph.
Spectacularly poorly designed.

We don't advocate for violence.
Jow Forums is a board of peace.

First time I've noticed that basically both guys were sucker-punched from side ... What does it teach us?

>beating the guy trying to separate the fight
do niggers really?

the mayo boys that lost in this video are taller and heavier looking than the black man and still got annihilated yet you guys think you'd win against one in your weight class? lmfao you delusional virgins having been living online for way too long. you're losers because you're weak, no internet roleplaying will change any of this. suffer like the genetic filth you are.

Niggers, not even once

We have something to lose. If the white guy throws a punch he loses everything.

What else did you expect from Orcs, Yitzhak?

i played football in school (half persian) and i knocked out niggers left n right like jerry rice

how much time in prison will a nigger do for assaulting a white man?

dropped charges; dog bless america

Huh. Weird. It's this thread again

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All this cope

Oh look it’s another episode of a nigger sucker punched someone.

Those white guys were fucking pussies though. Just stood there getting the shit beaten out.

Says the rat who snipes children on the beach

Heh, played football too this nigger tried messing with me.

helmet to helmet hit him as hard as i could during drill. knocked flat on his ass.

that stopped that.

>in my weight class
what are you? too beta to take on people bigger than you?

More like you are a liberal and expect niggers not to sucker punch you.

seething muzzie

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Wrong, but forever grateful I'm not a smelly kike like yourself

Another violent negro, nothing new.

>swing 50 times at chads that dont even want to fight
>can't even knock them out
birng back lynching

lmao love it how white boys flap their mouths like it means something. Throw down or gtfo, no one wants to hear pussy talk


explain mouth thing

Cope with what? Niggers are a joke.

Sucker punching niggers?
Color me shocked.

Fuck you, nigger.
None of you survive what you've created.

Umm what? Just because they BOTH didn't hit the ground doesn't mean they weren't dazed and not able to defend themselves. Tall chad couldn't even walk and the redhead had no idea what just happened and needed a hug.


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This I’m 6’2 and I got into a fight with a taller and wider Mexican man

He wasn’t prepared for my Rasengan.

Reminder this is the only way to deal with blacks. Never turn your face or get within punching range.

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How pathetic. He learnt the hard way that you don't argue with niggers. He brings shame to the white race

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>they’re here too

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>westerners complaining about sucker punching
xaxaxaxa you absolute fucking autists you either fight or you don't nobody gives a fuck about fair fighting
>hey man i challenge you to a fair duel let's fight
xaxaxaxaxa fucking idiots

also if someone outnumbers you pull out the brass knuckles or knife this is just how it is you westerners have to learn this

Shlomo, you've been absent for some time, did you get caught up helping Rabbi Mohel sodomize baby boy's?

Attached: zzzTalmudCC.png (482x354, 96K)

>pussy talk
>what is the entire Hip Hop industry?

cheap shot!

Attached: 1562948183371.png (644x942, 97K)



dont worry whiye bros we will deal with the nigger menace

so according to the video, we try to stop a fight, still get blamed, get hit multiple times and slouch a bit?
>implying pol is violent
>using an grugshit punch-up to diagnose society

>that smooth sucker punch to blend-into-the-crowd

Niggers are the Jews of fighting.

If anyone is aggressive to you and gets within punching distance its 100% your fault.



Being too trusting of the good nature of others isn't the same as being scared. That's the real problem whites face. But I doubt those two will make this same mistake again after this incident.

Why have I never seen this and why is nobody noticing this post?

You must not know any niggers.

the 2nd dude would of whooped his ass for sure. all those punches that nigger threw and couldn't take him down at all.

I mean most of the blacks think their skins and women are ugly. Blacks are even more self-hating then lefty whites.

Yup, niggers are violent. Don't relax around em.

what is there to know retard if someone gets in your face like this you immediately knock him out you don't sit there and argue lmfao dumbass

just came back from snipping American goyim.

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also literally flat footed no guard no stance i have beat the shit out of niggers they are only a threat in sneak attacks or when thy have numbers if you know how to fight you will quickly see the black fighter meme is a meme who won the heavyweight ufc title? learn to fight dont stand with your hands down and your feet flat being a target also gas the kikes

absolutely fucking based

These white bastards fold like a cheap card table.

Americans can't fight for shit. That's why they are so obsessed with guns.

Took multiple hits like a champ tho. That first big guy got knocked with 1 punch, this dude took several of those same punches and still stood.

You can only get sucker punched without time to react when you stand too close to negro niggers when things are about to escalate. If you are in hit range you have to hit first. Those potato niggers lack any sense of fight insticts.

don't need anything else really, europoor with your bad b8

And never fought back. White punching bag.

Why is it always chalked up to fear? We're mostly confident we'll be OK and cops or security will take the stupid bastard away. It's just fucking annoying. It makes everything more expensive and more difficult.

>want to have a community event?
too bad, now you need to organise with cops and private security for public gatherings, some creepy fucker is going to show up and try to kiss kids or start a brawl anyway.

>want to go to a comfy school?
too bad. now everything gets dumbed down to the lowest common denominator and there's security guards everywhere because over time the odds some grotty fucker is going to make some kind of mass threat the administration needs to action is about 100%

>want to put your head down and work?
too bad. now you have to hold the hand of some dumb fucker that makes everything take twice as long, doesn't want to be there and steals shit from the office and food from the break room.

street violence and fear aren't causing social conflict anything like the tedium, banality, and meaninglessness of everyday life.

>We don't advocate for violence.
>Jow Forums is a board of peace.

these white guys have been cucked their whole life and have been told to treat people with respect. I doubt they'll make the same mistake twice, nothing like a redpill to the face.

come to bulgaria or any country in east and southeast europe and you'll turn into a brown cum rag little faggot lmfao

Post the gore pics

he hits the guy like 10 times in the face and he's still standing?
niggers be weak af

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You haven't been in a fight huh? It's not like tekken. Sure, he stayed on his feet but he wasn't defending himself at all. If the nig stayed to throw more punches he could have caused permanent damage.

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Why do gay white guys do that? They just got their asses handed to them but they'd rather caress each other instead of getting revenge.

Its cope.
I'm sick of seeing white guys afraid to fight.
I'm sick of seeing white guys who can't throw a decent punch.
I'm sick of seeing white guys who look like they've never played a sport or lifted a weight. And instead look like they spend all their time on anime and porn and video games.

Time to wake up guys. Things are only going to get worse. Time to put down the porn and video games. Go to the gym, play a sport, do something physical. Get in touch with your bodies. And make sure you have decent T levels.

Let go, this isn't a fucking game here.
I'm sick of seeing this bullshit. That big white guy should have taken that nigger but he was acting like a c.uck. Once you start talking shit, be prepared for them to take a swing. Don't be caught off guard.

>first guy gets sucker punched in blind spot
>second guy distracted and gets sucker punched
Wow so tough.

>White boy with gym muscles and liquid courage gets lucky. News at 11.

Jow Forums is a board of peace. Ironically, the savagery promotes our cause.

Cheap shot niggers will hang


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fucking pathetic, take a fucking chair and stick it up the nigs ass

He relaxed.

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I fight with weapons

I would have given them a medal

NigNogs are the lowest of the low.

Sad twisted reality..

All you niggers act tough till Dylan Roof shows up

Because they were trying to defuse things not actually fighting. It's pretty obvious they weren't serious about it and the black was.

Floyd isn't a real boxer and his fights are all boring