Pyschotic Highway twins

Are they just crazy? Mainly though why are female cops so terrible? Is it solely just because women are weaker? They don't really run after suspects, they cant physically stop anyone, so why is it allowed?

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sauce on the cutie in pic

Spanish police woman, thats all I got.


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Power tripping females are a pox. The solution is to chain them into the kitchen and rape them into submission.

>those uniforms
>the vehicle paint job
European aesthetics give me cancer.

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It is allowed as a form of control of the male police officers. Think of it as a wall between leadership and boots on the ground. She's polishing administrative knob while insuring her own advancement.

... who has the dick now?

alien hybrids

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>why are female cops so terrible?
For several very simple reasons. The most obvious is physical strength even a physicaly trained female can be beaten by your average make, just look at the women's pro football team vs highschool boys. The second is due to aggression and intimidation the only two things a bigger suspect understands. For a police man he's got to have the right mix of both, not to kill the prep but to physically subdue them or make them back down n surrender.

When a woman can't physically threaten you and lacks the aggression for fighting initiative it's a cocktail of fail. She might get beaten and raped or the prep gets away. Women shouldn't work Frontline physical jobs.

Your police literally has a black and white Masonic color scheme you stupid fat ignorant Amerishart. Europeans use functional colors.

>functional colors
you mean colors that make europeans look like fags haha
dude you talk like a fag

It depends which one. Last one I interacted with had a grey short sleeved button-downed shirt and black slacks. Had secret service style earpiece, but not really any other SCARY equipment.

Others do it all in black so they can hide 1000 pieces of kit all over because they have to deal with situations that might involve a nigger or a crazy person.

You have to be over 18 to post here.

Yeah some have the Masonic black and white checkered bullshit and other stuff.

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Ever look at the design of Washington DC? There was a surprisingly decent documentary called Riddles in Stone that I wasn't prepared to take very seriously at first.

5 men just to catch 1 woman, what a bunch of pussies

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A lot of men listen to women police officers because they are women.

thats a funny way to spell "eye sore"

That awkward moment when government mind control using people as meat puppets becomes front and center via the mainstream news but nobody understands what they are looking at so it continues to go on unrealized...

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>ok symbol

yup, this one's going in my cringe folder

do bong cops not carry handcuffs?

fuck that's scary. How can you be a bootlicker in 2019 knowing this?
Yeah i respect the police, same way i respect a hand grenade. theyre both dangerous and can go off and hurt you unless you're careful.

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Everything about your failed state of an excuse for a nation gives the world cancer

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its worse than that they have AI implants. I'm a victim of this and experienced this in real life. They can wirelessly make people stronger than they should be or weaker. They can alter consciousness and force you to do anything or think anything. Its the worst torment ever to actually lose control of your own body and be remote controlled and then realize
1 no one will believe you
2 you cant go anywhere for help
3 the police and the medical system are in on it
4 your complete sense of reality breaks down because things you percieved as safe become dangerous and everything has no meaning you start learning about mind control involving symbols and satanic imagery and you suddenly become aware of the massive deception people unknowingly take part in and simultaenously are filled with horror and disgust.

That's some /x/ shit, terrible cops aside.
Like they're doppelgangers not twins.

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The size of the hands
The hip to shoulder ratio

The dont carry guns either. Not all of them even got a taser until recently. They had to call in a designated taser officer.

Does the 'G' in all of those stand for 'Goyim'?

They're standing on the side of a busy highway why wouldn't they want to be as visible as possible you dumb fuck

Damn those British cops are useless

>why is it allowed?
Women are needed to cavity-search female arrestees and women can talk down a situation, although every female cop I've witnessed do this is so fucking bad at it it's hilarious. They still try.
The rest of it is old-style Republicuck pretending everyone is equal when we're not.

Spanish actress named Patricia Montero

generative principle... sperm aka the life force

Oh thats just what they wear when they are on the side of the highway?
Fuck are you are grade b retard.