Why are some slavs here pro Hitler? Because of Hitler we all ended under communism and he viewed us as subhuman, big portion of my family was murdered too.
Explain this to me
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some people belive he was killing jews so wrongfully consider him lesser evil
I don't understand it either. Especially poles. I understand supporting national socialism, but not Hitler.
War times, many people died.
I'm not a slav, all my neighboring countries are slavs. He also targeted gypsies... so yeah.
Also he never killed or planed on killing jews. Just removed them
Slavs are true aryans, he was right he just messed up r1a with r1b
Also he was pro poland at first, no? He ever mourned the death of Piłsudski. Also in official nazi race documents it says poles are bro tier and can fuck german girls.
i mean your people viewed Germans as sub human and as soon as you got the land you treated them like dirt . . . im sure if it had been a peace full transition the German generals might not have gassed you with Jews. Also i believe it was mainly because the ruskies fell to goymunisim he thought all slavs were like that.
>Because of Hitler we all ended under communism
fucking subhuman IQ lmao
...and we're suppose to be proud you shitheads are nationalistic
>big portion of my family was murdered too
user, I...
>Especially poles
There are no Poles that support Hitler, the fuck?
it was solely because of him.
we would easly defend europe with Romanians, Finns and some foreign support. Problem is he sperged out, allied with them, then betrayed them and turned everyone possible against Germany while sending most of the army to die out in famous Russian winter. leaving europe with 0 defense
>muh good intentions
he didnt even kill fucking jews
Today we possessed an information that needs to invoke a feeling of amazement in Poles. According to the United-Press agency, the U.S. authorities found in one of Frankfurt's secret bunker the Hitler's memorandum addressed to Himmler dated 4 March 1944. In this memorandum, discussing the affairs of nations shattered by the Third Reich, "fuerher" wrote about Poles:
"Poles are the most intelligent of all the people with whom Germany came across during the war in Europe... Poles in my opinion and basing on the observation and reports from the General Government, are the only nation in Europe that combines high intelligence with the incredible cleverness. They are the most talented people in Europe, because while living in extremely difficult political circumstances, acquired the great sense of living, unparalleled anywhere.
Based on recent research made by Reichsrassenamt, the scientists came to the belief that Poles should be assimilated into German society as a racially valuable. Our scholars concluded that a combination of German orderliness with Polish imaginativeness would give excellent results".
Forced by the bankruptcy of its policies, the testimony about virtues of our nation made by the greatest enemy of Polish national identity is worth attention.
you fuckers wouldnt have never fought with Germans and you know it . . if England had been honest then maybe but you guys thought of yourselves as invulnerable, i cant blame you with the 3 biggest empires backing you pity they had cucks in charge.
>fucking subhuman IQ lmao
Ironic since you’re a mutt and Americans have IQs less than 80
>..and we're suppose to be proud you shitheads are nationalistic
Who’s “we”? You don’t speak for anyone, kike.
Explain the murder of intelligentsia. Hitler didn’t just murder Jews.
divide et impera
>Hitler gave a speech in Berlin on 26 September 1938 and declared that the Sudetenland was "the last territorial demand I have to make in Europe".[5] He also stated that he had told Chamberlain, "I have assured him further that, and this I repeat here before you, once this issue has been resolved, there will no longer be any further territorial problems for Germany in Europe!"[5]
>The 1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania was an oral ultimatum which Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany, presented to Juozas Urbšys, Foreign Minister of Lithuania on 20 March 1939. The Germans demanded that Lithuania give up the Klaipėda Region (also known as the Memel Territory) which had been detached from Germany after World War I, or the Wehrmacht would invade Lithuania. The Lithuanians had been expecting the demand after years of rising tension between Lithuania and Germany, increasing pro-Nazi propaganda in the region, and continued German expansion. It was issued just five days after the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia.
>On 31 March 1939, in response to Nazi Germany's defiance of the Munich Agreement and occupation of Czechoslovakia,[5] the United Kingdom pledged the support of itself and France to assure Polish independence
>On 25 August, two days after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, the Agreement of Mutual Assistance between the United Kingdom and Poland was signed. The agreement contained promises of mutual military assistance between the nations if either was attacked by some "European country". The United Kingdom, sensing a trend of German expansionism, sought to discourage German aggression by this show of solidarity. In a secret protocol of the pact, the United Kingdom offered assistance in the case of an attack on Poland specifically by Germany,[3]
Because contrary to popular belief stemming from mostly Stalin's propaganda, he didn't hated Slavic people, he didn't wanted to remove them somewhere to Siberia or something modern propaganda claims, nor he had any other genocidal plans towards them (or anyone else, while we are talking). Most of the Slavic peoples were considered Aryan under Third Reich law. Those who didn't were usually Asiatic mutts that reside in Russia.
>Because of Hitler we all ended under communism
Nonsense. Soviets would have invaded anyway - you are for some reason ignoring the fact that the same day Germany invaded Poland, Russia invaded along them - after prolonged war with Finland and territorial claims to other countries.
>A Judenrat[a] (German: [ˈjuːdn̩ˌʁaːt], "Jewish council") was a World War II Jewish-German-collaborative administrative agency imposed by Germany, principally within the ghettos of occupied Europe, including those of German-occupied Poland. The German administration required Jews to form a Judenrat in every community across the occupied territories.[1]
>Judenräte were responsible for the internal administration of ghettos, standing between the Nazi occupiers and their Jewish communities. In general, the Judenräte represented the elite from their Jewish communities. Often, a Judenrat had a group for internal security and control, a Jewish Ghetto Police (German: Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei or Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst). They also attempted to manage the government services normally found in a city, such as those named above. However, the Germans requiring them to deliver community members for forced labor or deportation to concentration camps, placed them in the position of cooperating with the German occupiers.
For some reason I had memeflag on, my apologies.
Who are the bigger sluts, polish girls or German girls?
Germans never gassed anyone.
Their concentration camps were similar to the ones US had for the Japanese.
i am are wannna kill
The allies didnt do shit to help Finland so why poland thought they would help them idk. Also you guys had some of germanys most cultural cities im pretty sure everyone expected a war when the allies created you.
I love it when people from a different continent talk about the war. I live in a rural area. When I take a walk in the woods, I can still see the remains of the trenches. My father's generation used to come upon undetonated munitions all the time. My grandparents actually experienced the whole thing firsthand. For you it's something completely abstract, so you believe all kinds of bullshit. You're probably even more detached from reality than the American SJWs, at least in this regard.
No, the Germans weren't treated badly. In fact, unlike Jews, they were allowed to have political representation, which was probably more meaningful than what they have now. The Jews were completely segregated as far as public life goes. In fact, we valued the German culture, and the German army was used as the model for our own forces when we regained independence. Also, we respected Danzig's independence, but simply refused to change its political status - and why should we cave in to that, when we had a fucking treaty to guarantee just that?
by because we ended under communism i mean
because of his stupid decisions not to ally with poland for example, we ended under stalin after war
Polish girls sell pussy for cash.
German girls give it away to arabs and blacks.
new zealand girls
Okay, let's say Hitler doesn't existed and Germany stayed Weimar. Now instead of 40s, you are under Stalin since the 30s. Congratulations.
>his stupid decisions not to ally with poland
Wasn't it perchance the opposite? Poland not accepting - rather rational and mild - German offers? Repeatedly?
We ended up under communism because of jews, you know that. Communism is a kike made political system.
thank god that we are not slav but thracian
99-100 isn't bad after losing 1/3 of your population, with smart people being targeted above dum-dums, and being subjected to five decades of communist negative selection after that.
Wanna talk about California, user? I think the situation there is more dramatic than in Poland, and remember, you faggots weren't invaded, you did it to yourselves.
American stormfags make it really easy to understand why older Poles tend to look down on your culture. It's still mostly unwarranted pride because of your amazing constitution and the unconquerable nature of your country, but holy shit, the dumb Americans really are fucking dumb.
i love it how my family got chased out of their ancestral home land and their nation striped away and some pole thinks that only his country was effected by the war, fucking hilarious. You guys have the biggest ego of any European i have met which is weird because without the English and french you would be speaking German or Russian. Im just lucky after my grandmothers family fled to the Netherlands and didnt have to see Prussia destroyed.
So basically your entire connection to the whole thing is distant family members who managed to dodge the hardest part and were butthurt that their country lost?
Thanks for reinforcing my point. You aren't immersed in European culture, faggot. You don't know jack shit about this place. Your opinions on our history are worth about as much as my opinion on abbos. Deal with it.
kek one family loses their entire connection to the land, the other side lose all the males in the family except for 2 sons fighting because you faggots wanted to to suck the dick of the English. You guys choosing to suck English dick doomed Europe. Truly only the allies could have sown together a country as devolved as Poland. Great fighters but not much else.
Germans sent more help than soviets did and also we Swedes and Estonians sent some so they had enough to easily win this.
we've got allies support in war against soviets you uneducated fuck
Nigger-tier mentality. If you invade a country, expect to be invaded in response. And no shit this can have dire consequences.
even niggier tier mentality is waving around someone else dick.
Im guessing the part of the allies doing nothing to support you while letting you die for them during ww2 was part of the plan ? How did the warsaw uprising go ?
Forget to turn on your memeflag you projecting nigger? You kikes have been active on here for the past 4 hours shilling.
>even niggier tier mentality is waving around someone else dick.
That's rich when you remember how your beloved Reich teamed up with the fucking USSR for the invasion that started the whole fucking thing, you utter fucktard.
>How did the warsaw uprising go ?
It went better than the Battle of Berlin, fag.
they couldnt help us against soviets because luftwaffe and u-bots kept destroying their transports
Never said i loved the Reich they fucked up as much as anyone else during that war, if not more. . only a retard tries to build mega tanks when he is low on steel. Plus he didnt commit to the StG 44 which i think was stupid. Just that Poland also had its shares of fuck ups.
A shame the allies didnt send the war support you said you had.
The Allies
> Didnt help the tsar
> Didnt help the finish
> Didnt stop any demands
> Didnt help you the first time
They were never going to help you it was obvious. . .the only country they helped was Denmark when they blew up a water plant. They broke as many promises as the germans did ffs.
I think that getting backstabbed by your unreliable allies is still less painful than getting backstabbed by your own elected leader.
"The armed forces have lied to me and now the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people has not fought heroically. It deserves to perish. It is not I who have lost the war, but the German people."
According to Hitler, your family was basically traitors and deserved to die, and you didn't even deserve to be born. And yet here you are, a proud faggot fighting an internet battle for nazi Germany in 2019. Good job, idiot.
Unfortunately the (((victorious))) write the history. Of course I respect the Führer. I recommend first to watch one documentary it's called "Hitler's war- what historians neglect to mention" and to read his book - Mein Kampf so you can have a glimpse into the situation of that period.
Dunno mans, I'm not a nazi supporter but my elders always told me that when Germans occupied us, they actually respected the people. No raping or stealing or messing with local folk unless we revolted. However the soviets raped and pillaged when they came so maybe that has something to do with it. Either way both nazis and commies are scum ideologies.
Because they experienced communism irl.
It's always funny how 16 yo internet nazis always neglect to mention Zweites Buch, which clearly demonstrates how batshit insane and detached from reality Hitler really was.
Cognitive dissonance.
Even when you're a subhuman slav you can still see that Hitler was right and that the world would be a much better place if he had won.
Can you actually quote?
Yes, he was clearly right about Germany being incapable of feeding itself on its own because of industrialization. That's why you faggots all starved to death some 50 years ago and this post was written by a ghost.
Oh wait, none of this happened - and this was Hitler's only reason for the war in the first place. Also, he caught a Rotschild and released him, just like that. But them kike shopkeepers had to die, you see.
Jesus Christ, you're so fucking pathetic.
>"...was not published in his lifetime."
it's called a hitpiece
Get off your lazy ass and read the fucking thing.
And the brits still sold you out to the USSR.
I have the book in printed version, it was released in Czech few months ago. I just want you to quote those "batshit insane" and "detached from reality" parts.
Lol so saying the poles should have been nicer to Germans when they got the land is defending Nazi Germany. As far as im aware both sides had elements that viewed each other as sub human but no im sure it was all the Nazis and the polish people didn't hurt any Germans at all.
A hitpiece that was verified by Eher Verlag employees? What are you going to say next, that the moon is made out of cheese?
>and this was Hitler's only reason for the war in the first place
Wrong, retard.
>he caught a Rotschild and released him
Oh really? It's spelled Rothschild btw.
>But them kike shopkeepers had to die
>Jesus Christ, you're so fucking pathetic.
Jesus wasn't real. Even you poolacks will understand that someday.
Just quote and it will be the end of the horror.
so them employees memorized the draft and testified on it years later?
Everything he wrote about economy was basically debunked by what happened after 1945. His idea was to start a war to make Germany self-sufficient and to maintain its racial purity. After losing the war, Germany quickly became self-sufficient (a massive export economy), but didn't maintain its racial purity because the moustached retard-in-charge poisoned the well for the next 100 years.
The Germans had political rights in Poland. The Jews and the Ukies didn't have political rights in Poland. Poles didn't have political rights in Germany. Danzig's independence was respected by Poland. Germany wanted to alter its legal status despite the treaty.
I think you should get the picture by now.
>no quote
>b-but he was b-batshit i-insane, trust me!
Stop pulling things out of your ass.
Actually to add to this, Serbia never actually wanted war with Germany we wanted to be neutral, the eternal angloo payed our military officers to revolt and overthrow the government which actually signed a non-aggression pact with germans beforehand. Croatians are the scum that did the most vile things to us actually and it's the ustase that most serbs hate the most, not germans. Germans killed jews and gypsies but croats killed their own brothers, the absolute scum of the earth, even Hitler himself despised them but used them for his own gain.
>Polish girls sell pussy for cash.
>German girls give it away to arabs and blacks.
Romanian girls fit both of these
Bulgaria is one of the oldest Slavic nation’s and was first who created Slavic alphabet
lol holy shit you guys held danzig captive wtf even russia recognises your attitude to both countries as a catalyst for ww2. I wasnt aware poles had no political rights in germany so thanks ill have a look into that.
Here come the retarded poleshit threads
Here’s a hint, maybe he didn’t consider them subhuman you dumb nigger
I can really respect Serbian ability to conjure hate towards Croats from any topic possible.
>Jesus wasn't real. Even you poolacks will understand that someday.
No legitimate scholar would ever agree with you
Shut the fuck up polish trash. You thought you could abuse the German minority in Danzig and then the British and french would save you. Then when you get your shit pushed in you want to cry. Then you have the nerve to deny the whole thing happened. This is why no one likes poles
I'm not going to quote the entire Chapter 9, it reads like a fucking joke, especially with hindsight.
Hitler tried to ally with Poland so that he could get at the Soviet Union and you faggots just snubbed him with the delusional belief that Britain was behind you.
It's Cyrilic, not slavic. Bulgars are uralic.
Held hostage? It had its own paramilitary units and police force. We couldn't do shit there even if we wanted to.
>You thought you could abuse the German minority in Danzig and then the British and french would save you.
What sort of revisionist bullshit is this? In Gdansk, the Germans were the ones treating Poles like shit. Not vice versa.
Poles in the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany before 1939:
>Weimar Republic revoked Polish minority rights in 1930
>not allowed to vote
>not allowed to own property
>not allowed to teach Polish in schools
>Germans persecuted and slaughtered Silesian Poles
Germans in the Second Polish Republic before 1939:
>German minority received minority rights in 1918
>allowed to vote
>allowed to own property
>allowed to teach German in schools
>Germans had own representation in parliament
Stormfront wehraboos:
>and genocide of the German volk trapped inside Poland
No, FUCKTARD. No such thing happened before the invasion.
>i-it was real in my head
No you nigger, you claimed that bullshit because you hoped that no one (will) read it.
Yeah well after we welcomed them into the Yugoslavian Kingdom, gave them equal rights as serbs and even later giving them land and a country that belonged to us in the first place, the backstabbing that they committed cannot be forgotten. Not to mention the fact that they were never punished for what they did to us in ww2 and they even did similar things again in the 90's.
Don’t feed the troll
mein kampf says otherwise
Can you shut the fuck up about Croatia for once?
Danzig wasn't Poland. Germans were the majority there. Everyone responsible for your education system should be lined up and shot.
No, everyone needs to know what happened until they apologize and stop acting the way the do. They are still war mongering scum to this day, driven by hate towards the serbs.
Actual laws of the Third Reich say otherwise. NSDAP political handbook says otherwise. Stop shilling, especially in this lazy and gay manner.
Based hate-autist.
Kek bullshit. Nationalist Socialism is the best form of government the world has ever seen. There has never been such a period of self-made innovation and individual enrichment in the history of nations. What made the Nazis so evil? (((The chosen people))) temporarily lost power and resources. The world witnessed what a modern nation looked like that was free of (((them))) and it was so beautiful they used every trick in the book to wipe them from existence and have only amplified their efforts since then. If your family were murdered they would have been parasites or dissidents.
The German Nation is less in a position today than in the years of peace to nourish itself on its own territory.
All the attempts -- either through increasing land yields as such, or by cultivating the last fallow lands -- to
bring about an increase of the German production of foodstuffs, did not enable our Folk to nourish itself from
its own soil. In fact, the Folk mass now living in Germany can no longer be satisfied with the yield of our soil.
Every further increase of these yields, however, would not be applied to the benefit of the increment to our
population, but instead would be completely spent in satisfying the increase of the general living requirements
of individuals. A model living standard is created here which is primarily determined by a knowledge of
conditions and of life in the American Union. Just as the living requirements of rural communities rise as a
result of the slow awareness and the influence of life in the big cities, so do the living requirements of entire
nations rise under the influence of the life of better situated and richer nations. Not seldom a people's living
standard, which thirty years before would have appeared as a maximum, is regarded as inadequate simply for
the reason that in the meanwhile knowledge has been acquired about the living standard of another Folk.
I could do more, but I think that's enough. This can basically appeal only to Greenpeace-tier ecoretards and low-iq white trash whose ambitions are limited to seizing the gubmint gibs from niggers.
Hitler wanted to ally with Poland, but Poland thought Germany was so weakened by ww1 that they could take it down. Poland was the aggressor here and what happened to them is their own fault.
Russia would have expanded anyways, which is why they invaded Poland in the first place. Hitler wanted to end communism and he actually took actions to do so. The USA and Britain on the other hand talked about it but never even tried. They left you hanging and let Stalin do his thing, yet they are your allies?
Either way my work here is done and I won't bother this thread anymore, have a nice day brothers
What the fuck is it with a dozen "slav" threads every fucking day?!
Who is behind these retarded slide posts?
This place is dead.
>quote is completely rational review of the obvious facts
What kind of moron you are?
Enjoy the rest of the day too, Serbro.
>Why are some slavs here pro Hitler?
exactly this. fucking nazi larpers dont understand that they would be exterminated under nazi. i support ring wing but hitler never
>imagine actually believing this drivel as Ukrainian of all places
Go home, dumb smelly vatnik.
Imagine being (You).
Slavonic, which means speaking a Slavic language. English is the official of Nigeria but they're not Anglos.
This is the most correct opinion. We are horse steppe niggers.
>big portion of my family was murdered too.
Jew, commie or (((resistance)))?
>was to be represented abroad by Poland and was to be in a customs union with it
> German inhabitants lost their German citizenship with the creation of the Free City, but were given the right to re-obtain it within the first two years of the state's existence. Anyone desiring German citizenship had to leave their property and make their residence outside the Free State of Danzig area
Considering it was kept from German citizens i would say it was held hostage. If the chinese came into nz and took over auckland and revoked our nationality unless we leaved auckland it would look like we were held hostage.
>quote is completely rational review of the obvious facts
Maybe if you don't know anything about economics. Hint: it's not a zero-sum game. The problem you face is that most whites won't buy your crap because our average iq is too high. So you'll always be an irrelevant, marginalized movement of white niggers.
Forgot to take off troll flag again.
slavs you fucking mutt
maybe things change because we have better life while you are becoming fucking minority
nice pic you got there. maybe you can give me some sauce. read mein kampf. hitler was bitching about slavs destroying austria and wanted to get rid of us.
you are retarded shit. fuck you and your country
>not being a Croat
I laugh at my fellow Slavs. Felt so good to kill these Serboids in camps.