/OAG/ Fuck this shit I'm going to Greenland continues

Operation Asgård General

See previous thread Forked threads:

Plan in a nutshell:
>up to a couple of dozen people moving there the legitimate government approved way
>getting as much access as possible too land like
Quote from site:"In Greenland, there is no individual land ownership. Allotments are granted for each plot or “open land”, w rights to use the land for a specific usage.
>proving ourselves worthy enough to get rights to build in an abandoned site
or any place where we are not in the way and land is good
>repeat across nation
>arm ourselves as much as legally allowed
>boosting the economy thus improving their quality of life
>do until 50%+
>vote us into power
>leave the natives be w great offers to join or to move to Canada if igloo nigger

Real plans are much better,I wont post a book
I know Discord is SJeW site. Planning on bridging to other sites. Fuck infiltrators like happened in SWEG(ufile.io/p030t9a2) Theres vetting to keep stuff like that from leaking anyways

Some news:
>No better place on earth to begin an ethnostate. Inside the US is impossible as the government would never give us independence. Greenland already wants it but lacks resources we could help them with by boosting the economy.

>Food plans. Fish and seal is nutritious and abundant. Farming is more than possible. We could build personal greenhouses bc of the long days in summer and this youtube.com/watch?v=C3OhrWiVZrk later on. Yes it is possible to build greenhouses in tundra.

>Political plans including redpilling Danes on how they could become a safe haven for whites all across Europe and earn sick stonks on it.

>Trees grow there. Dependence on trade decreases significantly.

Thread themes:

Attached: greenland banner.png (1200x703, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=f to c&atb=v109-1&ia=answer

looks like a cool idea, bump.

Out of all the "lets all move here" threads over the years, this has to be the least thought out ive seen and sounds like it was written by a 16 year old.

>Nords can pretty much just move there and get citizenship if they're good bois.
>Takes 10 y for citizenship for others. Oof. But that can change and it's required you live in the kingdom of Greenland a couple of years anyways. Moving there isn't much more of a problem.

Attached: Asgård Frenland.png (1186x1500, 1.72M)

Maybe bc I can't fit more than 2k characters in a post and bc the idea is young. Idk. Maybe it says "Plan in a nutshell:" for a reason.

Attached: greenland over usa.png (858x669, 145K)

There are huge deposits of gold, gas, oil, diamonds etc under there. It's just more economically profitable for companies to go elsewhere. Massive potential stonks.

Attached: greenland, more like homeland.jpg (1200x800, 229K)

See old plans. Want to combine them with new:
>Send out a few dedicated whites to get citizenship and start a town in Greenland
>Get 500men & 500wifes/gf move to create a whole town
>Movement is on
>Build youtube.com/watch?v=C3OhrWiVZrk, ski resorts etc and business booming
>After a while we are majority in the country
>Vote ourselves into power
>Leave the~57k"natives" alone.
>Full autonomy from Denmark
>We are 150-200k heavily armed white ethnonational autists who just want sovereignty.
>What is Denmark gonna do? Invade? lol. Especially when most their citizens can still go there because they're white.

TXT from old posts:
You think you can just go out and create a white nationalist revolution in ALL white countries, let alone your own?
We're hated everywhere. Even the people who just want strong and minimal immigration laws. What then? Kick millions out?
How long will it take, just to get the idea into the mainstream? How many decades to actually get an ethno state in the US? Just one state?
Make Trump buy it against the will of the "natives" and drag all the problems of the US w you?
How about starting small, fresh? A safehaven for white people all over the world. All this talk about Greenland and it's giant potential N.resource reservoirs.
The plan is to take it for ourselves.
The more you look into it the more you realize we can actually do it.

Attached: always the sun greenland.jpg (674x960, 207K)

It's chilly but bearable there. A good nigger replant.

Attached: greenland temperatures.jpg (1400x807, 150K)

Those names need to be christianised asap.

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Checked rareflag.
Yes. Deus vult! But I've noticed Norse mythology fits very well too. The brave warriors of the west can after their battle seek refuge in Valhalla, the white refugee center and governing body of Asgård.

Attached: valhalla.jpg (1536x1026, 1.27M)

Also from older thread:
Think about it. Millions of white nationalist, millions of white refugees (SA, Swedistan, UK etc) world wide, and only 57k to get a NATIONAL majority. Sovereignty would be the easy part.
Just behave, plan well, don't be a fucking sperg and you will have your ethno state.
Read the previous threads, preferably some of the discussion and let's see if there's anything to this idea.

Attached: make your ancestors proud.png (996x1289, 1.36M)

>Swedish guy
>Listens to Cuckbaton

Ok. Suggest something better. Or anything actually relevant to the operation.


Good start. Bit too screamy.

This is an awesome idea and I am with you. I also have the means for transporting people and some cargo up there...

I'll join the discord later.

>I'd rather run away from the conflict than stand my ground and fight.

No honour.

You can join now. There's a vetting process before you get in. So you can hang out in lobby.


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Use Telegram

>I'd rather live in continual oppression and never have the balls or intensive to do anything instead of having a safe haven to work from which lets me do as much as I want without being thrown into jail and/or killed.
Dude it's not like our current citizenship's would just dissiperar.

Attached: bruh3.jpg (753x724, 58K)

We will. Join the server for now.

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Damn it wrong invite: EqUWsH7

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Hey it's me the guy that told you about Danish nationality law, your discord server link is not working.


>itt: childish dreams

Your shit hole country will be next, fren.

Wow, there is even quite the activity on the server. Awesome...

You are next faggots.
Got some actual points? Give me a beter place to start an ethnostate. Do it. There isn't. If you believe in an ethnostate this is our best shot.

Attached: moving a tree.jpg (640x601, 57K)

gg. ppl are just too lazy to get vetted.

>Join the server for now.

You should create a matrix server before you get banned on discord

gg. now do the quiz

Attached: angry pepe as hell.gif (516x402, 628K)

This is me Honk Honkler, swen

Oh cool. I'm Russian too btw. Kak dela? Ty ot kuda? Nas neskolko ruskih jest v servere.

>I'm Russian too

Attached: 1564774879166.png (1000x1000, 37K)

How about you keep your semitic christ kike shit out of greenland you spic subhuman ?

Well I live in Siberia
I thought you were Swedish
You were born here, or moved here

Born in Sweden. Russian mother. I'm a cocktail.

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How about people practice what they want on their property and let everyone else be huh?

Attached: take one step closer and I'll make mussolini look like a memeber of antifa hoppean snake libert (500x278, 76K)

>Born in Sweden. Russian mother. I'm a cocktail.
Kek. No, it's alright, user.

I'm more interested in taking back the nations of my ancestors from international economic interests than fleeing to the tundra.

I did a DNA test and one of my ancestors was Swedish, kek

> Gave away, no paid the jew to give your dna to the jew.
I always wanted to check but until I can do it at home offline I ain't.

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Gospodi, U nas jest Polurusskih v Jow Forums??

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Ty tjo, tozhe v shvedsyi i ruskij Oppa.

Attached: greit musik pepo.png (354x286, 28K)

Rename it to Vinland.

t. ahmed

Are you Crlowman?

Attached: crlowman language.jpg (1834x2166, 1.05M)

Vinland will be the colony we make, as we retake America after it has collapsed

If renamed, it should be Ultima Thule...

Why after the asteroid?

Ah. I like that better.


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Net ya ne Russki, Ya finny iz Karelia/nemets.

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Your “plan” is shit OP.
You know nothing about infiltrating an Inuit population.
There are very few who have...

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Aga. Ty igloo neger? Tjo ty delajesh v shwedsiy?

Ok. Provide some actual fucking arguments confident man. Like we haven't already planned or talked about any problems you might have with the plan. Nothing with this is impossible. It's just difficult and no shit it is. You have to fucking go and do something to see it happen. If not you then who? If not now then when? If you believe in an ethnostate there is no better place and way.

>Ty igloo neger?
Tak tochno haha.
>Tjo ty delajesh v shwedsiy?
Nu, ya rodilis zdes i u menya jest Finnskiy i Shvedskij grazhdanstvo.

Padazhdi toest ty tolko polo belyj?


Net ya 100% belyj.

Neger jag är vitare än dig. Jag fan i mig lyser i mörkret.

Aha. Prosto zhyl v ih teritorii? Ja imeju vidu rasa. Race.

Attached: Karelia map.png (349x599, 74K)

du är polack neger, neger.

vitare än dig för mitt namn är odin odinsson

du är en såndär abdulla

why is this glowing

Ok. Vart bor du då? Malmö?

Attached: wow vad vit du är.png (1062x596, 28K)

Because it isn't faggot. We have vetting against that. Including for me.

Attached: cia glowniggers.png (170x250, 86K)

jk i joined


Attached: glownigger.jpg (474x460, 26K)

You know what Karelians seem white. I imagined them as eskimo niggers similar to Saamis.

du glömde mina mellan namn din dummer

Behövs inte. Skulle visa ändå.
Om pic related är du så kan du inte stava ditt egen namn.

Attached: odinn odinsson.png (1108x565, 38K)

jag ber till dig slav neger snälla doxa inte mig nu ;((((

polack neger

Jag vill bara att du ska fatta vad vit är. Om du inte förstår att slavs är vita så är du fan dum i huvudet.

It is the worlds end, all the way north. A fabled island, possibly Greenland, if I am not mistaken

Also, Thule society was a secret society of nazis, before and during WW2. I believe they are connected to Black Sun, who used the logo you use in your artwork

aja hitler var säkert helt dum i huvet din jävla mongolid

Hitler var alliert med USSR/saverene for/i begynelsen av krigen. Mye politikk som styrte raseteorien og, må du huske på...

What language will be used in the ethnostate?

If they simply say "no" you will have a fight on your hands and then they will be screaming genocide and then by that time an army of American mestizo mutts will be flown in to destroy the "new nazi order" and you will be "liberated" by the globalist commie world order.

ja såklart han var allierade med ryssarna eftersom dem just hade delat upp på polen men den vänskapen brann upp snabbt

There are rules and regulations governing these things, so there would be no need to fight any snowniggers over this.
Just bring plenty of booze, glass beads and carpets

Ja, men det viser imidlertid at det ikke var noen ideologiske barrierer mot å samarbeide med slavere

jaja fren

>Operation Asgård General

i saw a boat approaching Greenland :p

Attached: destination-Greenland.jpg (1500x900, 664K)

>good nigger replant
I'm starting to believe there is no such thing. Chicago and Detroit get really fucking cold and they're full of niggers.


Yeah except we are not niggers and will boost their economy to space and beyond. They should want us there.

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>no honour
Idk about eurobros, but it's all over for us. It's not anything worth saving over here anymore.

> Chicago and Detroit get really fucking cold and they're full of niggers.
> -10 to -20 every winter average temperature.
> Max 10 to 15 average temperature in summer.
Boi. Go to duckduckgo.com/?q=f to c&atb=v109-1&ia=answer

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The current generation of new-borns are majority people of color, so it looks fucked, yes. On the bright side, whites are superior, intellect-wise, so if you organize as a 30%-40% minority, you can take the country back, and then some, easily. The jews managed to do this as a much smaller minority and, contrary to popularized lies, they do not have a higher level of intelligence than whites...

Greenland needs to be taken over by the United States, as well as Canada. North America shall be ruled by the white race.


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Nig nog! Wake up call!
>Why be tied to all the corruption, nigger tax, kike tax and BS laws?
>Why not just move there now? Why wait for it to be bought by US? Greenland is already semi autonomous so if a bunch of us moves there we can quickly get a majority vote and after a few years vote ourselves into power and become independent. We form militias if necessary. wtf is Denmark gonna do? Invade? lol.
The USA is the best country on earth and at the same time shit. Really says a lot doesn't it?

Attached: touch up enough gadsden don't tread black eyes.png (5552x3720, 724K)