Learn the difference. It could save your life

Learn the difference. It could save your life.

Only East Asians are an insectiod slave race.

Steppe Asians and Southeast Asians are based

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Lol, spotted the SEA diaspora

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Steppe Asians aren’t tall, matter of fact no Asians are

>women thicc
prove it

have you ever traveled?

Asians are the same height as most countries in the world that arent White

they are even taller than Latin Americans

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You forgot about mountain asians. They're based too. Nepalese, and the various Stans seem breddy good.

South East Asians aren't really based, but the Phillipinos are an exception.

god tier:
good tier:
neutral tier:
bad tier:
Insect tier:
>Han chinese

Indian isnt an ethnicity retad

Tamils are based.

Hindustanis are shit

>no Asians are

>laughing Yao Ming

I hope most of the people here make ironical posts about Asians, otherwise the incel low IQ butthurt is real.

they are all 5'6" though

Nepalese isn’t an ethnicity. It’s divided between Indo-Aryans and Tibeto-Burmese populations. Pic related are upper caste Khas.

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Koreans and north Chinese are actually taller than Mongols.

In fact Mongols are famous not for being tall but for being wide in torso. This gives them functional strength and makes them good wrestlers.

And that why those Mongols will easily beat up those Koreans on top.

Attached: 4DAfOU4.jpg (1565x991, 206K)

>high body fat

>Thinks going to gym makes them strong
Only manlet goes to gym, Mongols literally train in wrestling and hunting to be strong.
>Thinks Phillipinos is base

Does Mongolia lack mothball technology?

I see a man doing useful fork and a man dressed like a dancer in a gay bar.


Fuck off back to Jow Forumsasianmasculinity chink.

imagine using a basketball player to justify that your instectoid race is even somewhat tall.


You have been visited by Laura Dyatlov.

This thread is currently reading 18 replies (not great, not terrible).

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Being slightly bigger than a toddler doesn’t male them tall...

Digits are thru the roof tho.

Hmongoloid sea chink detected

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I think that's loserbernd, he posts on Jow Forums too.

This is a really bizarre psych op

based and mongol-pilled

You guys know that after the mongols conquered everything east asians were interbred with mongols, right? Especially the koreans who became more or less a willing vassal nation.

Comparing the few top bodybuilders of korea to average common mongolian wrestlers. Doesn't prove anything.

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to be fair northern chinks and south koreans are pretty close to the western average.

First off. AZN don’t claim Indians/Stanis. The subcontinent can just fall into the ocean. If you’re an Asian mutt like me, that is the only way you’re tall and/or muscular. Naturally, Asians are the most racist people so I get death stares from every jap/chicom/koryo. It’s like being a 90 IQ Nigger seeing how stupid his brothas are.

honestly mongolians look way more manlier than the korean faggots you seem to like

inbred child rapists
>bothers to list pashtun
found the pathannigger.