Why are American mass shooters always White?

Why are American mass shooters always White?

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It’s America it’s a white man country

There were 2 niggers a few years ago sniping random people.

> shooter looks exactly like the robot from the new Terminator movie
Completely not fake, goys.

you made the exact same thread yesterday, which proves you're a shill not interested in the truth and see your thread as a form of attack, fuck off


DeWayne Craddock killed 10+ people earlier this year but that got memoryholed immediately.


IDF is white

Because the FBI doesn't hire niggers

Literally who compared to white boi's KD

not always, not even mostly

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All part of the plan

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Kek, was just gonna post this

Because planning a shooting requires intelligence

>this kills the narrative

Expect OP to abandon thread, if not already.

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Despite what (((they))) want you to think, they're not.

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checkmate idiot

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Niggers are 13% of population, doing 19/113 = 16.8% of mass shootings.
Whites are 72.4% of population, making 64/113 = 56% of mass shootings.

And again, Dindus are the more violent

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I wonder what he looks like without the hair lol prolly like shit

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White is might, kikeroo

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Because we are not quick to violence, but when we finally get violent the ground shakes.

> blacks don't shoot people with assault weapons

Okay, roo fucker.

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BC they have nowhere to go.

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only school shooters are white

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D.C sniper was a nigger

Omar Thornton, Aaron Alexis, Jeff Weise, Micah Xavier Johnson, One L Goh, Chris Mercer, San Bernardino Shooters, Omar Mateen, D.C. Snipers.

All non-white. Many of them decidedly anti-white. And there are many others.

obviously the best.



OP is a one post shill motherfucker... What a surprise

gang violence =/= mass shooters

Because whites dominate every profession, including the career path of the Mass Shooter.

They are better in planning ahead instead of chimping out for whatever stupid reason

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Why are most criminals blacks and Jews?

Blacks, its high levels of testosterone and low IQ. Contributes to impulse behavior, which is linked to criminality.
Jews are more of an organized criminal clique. Its an evolutionary strategy to extract resources from productive labor, industry, agriculture.

They aren't

Because niggers can't manage to kill more than one other nigger before getting caught or killed themselves.

Except those that have served in the US military. Often have some discipline and weapons training and it shows. The BLM killer in dallas murdered 5 cops. Dornier in california. Several examples of veterans.

4 mass shootings by blacks in the first 2 weeks of August in Chicago alone...

"ItS aLwaYs The wHiTEs"

Fuck off with your anti-white bullshit

A little discipline goes a long way.

Why is it always men?

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Its a shame he was killed by an explosive R2D2.


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>mass shooter
It only takes 4 deaths for it to be labeled a "mass shooting". Such a prestigious title for such a low score

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The brown shooters get swept under the rug

Calm down Branden, fer sure check ur stats dawg, sheesh.

It's tough...

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The majority are black but the "Niggas shoot 5 niggas in Chicago again, just like last week and the week before...and the week before.." is boring.

Now HWITE FOLK shootin people!? Thats BIG RATINGS goy!

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woke af

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You beat me to it! That image is the truth.

Why are literally all criminals niggers?

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Explain the difference in detail.

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Except most "mass shootings" are just that. Whenever someone throws out the bullshit stat that a mass shooting happens every day in the US, they're using all these inner city gang shoots. They only conveniently leave these out when they want to demonize white people.

In the grand scheme of mass shootings Blacks, Asians, and Jews are statistically over represented. Whites aren't.


They arent. Mass shootings are 3 or more people. That happens 5-6 times or more every night in the nigger communities.

White people are just better at it and tend to have the higher kill counts.

cause niggers can't even plan for next week

nooo noooo how dare you. HOW DARE YOU. non-based blacks and antifa are the real violent people with berserker rage. we are just scared little cucks who wouldn't hurt a fly as our country falls apart. Dems are the real racists. Praise Israel and fuck Odin.

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Because niggers are always black... And Jews are always Jewin'...

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changing the language to fit your argument =/= winning the debate

>virginia tech shooter
>naval yard shooter rampage
get rekt faggot


It would be a white country if you wouldn't accept jews in it.

American mass shooters aren't always white, but they're whiter than average for Americans for two reasons.

One is economic. Guns aren't cheap, gun training isn't cheap. The people capable of pulling off a mass shooting, therefore, disproportionately come from the middle or upper classes - and the upper class is disproportionately white in America.

The other is ideological. Mass shootings aren't always organic - there is a dedicated cadre of Nazi-aligned shills who try to convince disaffected youth to commit mass murder for their cause. Look at the Tarrant threads and see how many people are openly sucking the loser's cock. Nazi ideology is a lot less popular among nonwhites for some reason.

>bottom right: Text for ants.

One potential limitation in your methodology is the fact that American news has been shown to report black crime at a higher rate than the actual incidence.

Other perturbing factors - political killers often include suicide as part of their plan, so they won't LIVE to be arrested or charged. American evidence standards are lower for blacks and hispanics, so a larger proportion of the blacks in the lineup will be falsely accused and a larger proportion of white criminals will be walking free because the evidence wasn't good enough.

>Chris Mercer,
Half white, manifesto contained white supremacist content, people who knew him reported he was very racist against blacks.

He's a good example for the fact that the problem isn't RACE, but rather IDEOLOGY.

Most white supremacist crime is gang crime. See, for example, pic related. If you just read the headlines, it just seems random.

>Blane has numerous tattoos on his arms and hands, police said.

But the fact that the stories wouldn't tell me WHAT the tats were made me suspicious, so I dug and eventually found that they include a fucking swastika. They don't mention the fact that the cops say he's an Aryan Brotherhood 'associate' unless you play videos.

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Social programming. Men are encouraged to solve our problems through violence in a way that women are not.

Why are mass shooting done by a white person more news worthy than a black person or a mexican?

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>acting like school shooters aren't criminals
>complaining about OTHER people's low IQ

Pic related. White, tried to steal wages from his freelancers.

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Holy shit, look at that mental gymnastics.


Kikes are enemies of truth.

American mass shooters are always white because only whites can become american. Everyone else is an invader.

>Le 56%

Blacks in America are too lazy to get anything done

So black lives really dont matter? Odd choice considering you're some kind of leftist shill who probably believes dindu stories.

To be Fair, its not a bad argument; there is a difference between gang violence and random mass shootings, but the media decides to ignore that difference when It fits their agenda. We shouldnt do the same.

It depends entirely on the definition of mass shooting. They can be disproportionately represented or underrepresented depending on what definition you use.

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>makes 4 the number to qualify as a mass shooting so (((they))) can say "look there were 432 mass shootings last year, this is terrible!"
>turns 360 and says "gang violence doesn't count"
This is peak jewry

Are innocent people not caught up in gang violence? Do gangs not threaten the poor in their city and neighborhoods? Do black lives not matter? Do robberies and random acts of violence perpetrated by "gangs" and criminals not count?

Why is it "different"? Surely you realize the media's goal is to smear and malign all white people as violent racists and bigots? Why does violence committed by white "count", but violence committed by blacks dont?

>inb4 context

No, killing is killing. Just because demographics and poverty might play a part in gang related violence, its also cultural whether you like it or not. Black entertainment celebrates criminal behavior, and even if it's only "gang related violence", you cannot dismiss it because that shit spills over on innocents just like all the other mass shooters.

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because the commies that drive them to that end are a bunch of upper class douche bags and brown people that they upper class whites send to close in on the normal population. stop cornering people and we'll stop making it clear we dont give a fuck. how about that?
why are all ghetto democrat run cities filled with blacks that commit way more hand gun crime? why are those stats then swept under the rug?


The issue is that whites aren't over represented under any definition of a mass shooting.