'He's only after the money!'

Mention Leave and Mogg and relatives will harp on like he's a mustache-twirling villain that only supports Leave because he'll somehow make a financial killing even if it impoverishes the rest of the country. What's your take on this soundbite and his general character?

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OP, your thread is at the end of the board and about to die. Seems like nobody is interested in it, or maybe it has just been overlooked.

Nevertheless, thread marshal Flora has decided to give your thread a second chance.

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Why do remainders hate democracy so blatantly?

Good lad

I think there's a significant portion of this country that have severe comprehension issues. It's not just Mogg but a lot of people will listen to him speak and are actually incapable of understanding him.

I can't explain it any better than that.

I enjoy the angry ladies calling into Nigel and going ballistic and that We Got a Problem youtube channel has got some funny salt too.

He refuse to change his childrens diapers/nappies, because he proudly says it is womens work.
This man won't even dirty his hands for his own children, he can't run a country.
Just another effete privately-schooled Jewish faggot who never did a days work in his life and has no balls, fortitude or ability.

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Because most people only view issues in a binary manner. There is no grey, there is no middle ground, there is only right and wrong.

"Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep until noon."

Basically, if you go around and tell everyone that you're virtuous and care about people then enough of them will actually believe it. They won't bother to check what the outcomes are.

You were raised by a single-mother, weren't you?

More ability than you, basedboy

Am I the only person who gets this when they type s o y bo y?

He's Catholic

Nobody is saying that he should run the country, he has ruled this out himself previously and provided good reasons.

He started his career in Investment Banking. If by "days work" you mean, monogoloid shelf stacker or road sweeping duty then no he hasn't been wasting time with that.

It shouldn't be a bad thing to be well educated and from a priveleged background. We should be judging them on the quality of their character.

I come from a working class background with a disabled parent, I grew up in poverty and I have no ill feelings towards the rich. If you work hard in life eventually you will get out of it. There isn't a conspiracy to keep the working classes poor.

He might be sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, islamaphic, racist or whatever else you want to call him. None of that matters because he says the stuff we all think but aren't allowed to say without our reputations being destroyed.

He can get the message across effectively without damaging himself and now he is literally "Leader of the House of Commons"

Jacob is based, a class act, and a true gentlemen. You sir, need to rethink yourself carefully.

Yes you're the only one. When I type it I get gay faggot limey newfag

How is he going to make money if your economy is destroyed like the remoaners keep yelling.

they are right. the fact he stands to make at least several hundred million pounds on Brexit and that he has consistently voted for the laws that most aggressively thieve from the poor and give to the rich taxes, austerity measures and every law that would enrich him and impoverish others is proof enough.

a cunt. a real nasty blue waffle cunt.

they don't. the majority int he UK want to remain.
the original vote was suborned by lies and dark money. the country did not vote for a no deal or even a really bad deal as on the table, Brexit. it is anti democratic to try to force that deal, or no deal on the country.

Hmm... sentence with no facts, just a personal attack on a guy based on finances which again, has no evidence to back it up. Pretty shit job OP you are fired.

proof enough of what? he wants to impoverish the British monarchy? Good. America knew those cunts needed to fuck off 300 years ago and now Britains are getting that they need to fuck off.

>There isn't a conspiracy to keep the working classes poor.

That's an oversimplification. Almost of the oligarchs don't have a problem with INDIVIDUALS in the working classes being able to better themselves, but some of them do think they benefit from having a large exploitable poor population. Most of them also prioritize their personal success over that of the working class, which means that in the instance they're asked to make a decision where one option harms workers and helps them and the other option helps workers and harms them, they are very tempted to choose themselves. Not necessarily because they actively want the working classes poor, but because their currency bets will make them millions or billions of dollars when the pound tanks, and if that means your gran can't afford food? Not their problem.

>he says the stuff we all think but aren't allowed to say without our reputations being destroyed

Not buying that one. If we're ALL sexist, why would being known as a sexist destroy your reputation?

Are you saying the vote was ... rigged? The majority wants out.

>t. naive brainlet
No wonder the elites think of you as cattle.


fuck you, furfag

No, try harder.
How would you know, i'm not publicly parading myself desperately for attention like Mogg, am i ?
Another grateful peasant ready to suck the syphilitic dripping dick of his betters. He is a twiglet-wristed gay. And a fucking Christcuck lol, you hold that as a merit ?

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In the short term, shorting UK stocks and GBP could both prove immensely profitable if the economy tanks.

In the medium term, a position in government allows the possibility of steering contracts to companies he benefits from - this can happen without a crash, but volatility makes it easier to justify emergency actions.

In the long term, if we suppose that brexit immediately wipes 99% of the UK economy away, but the economy then recovers to 5% of the pre-crash value, that translates to a 500% PROFIT for someone who buys a representative chunk of the economy at 1% of 2015 valuation and then just sits on it until it's back up to 5% of 2015 valuation.

In the OTHER long term, many leftists speculate that a major motive behind brexit was that EU anti-money-laundering/anti-tax-avoidance regulation is scheduled to take effect soon (THIS YEAR, I think). If someone's been evading taxes and they expect that the new regulation will catch them, they have a very personal interest in making sure the new regulations don't take effect.

To really tell his motivations we need to understand where his money actually is. Do we have any hard data on that? Futures contracts, corporate ownerships, Panama Papers or similar leaks?

An user who got ahold of stolen brexiteer investment plans could make a lot of money... but that's illegal insider trading, and if you're the ONLY non-brexiteer taking action based on those investment plans you'd probably get caught. If, on the other hand, you posted those investment plans publicly, nobody would be able to tell whether your investments showed that you'd stolen the data or just that you read Jow Forums...

All of the mps we have went to Eaton, the best private school, give all the jobs in parliament to their family and diversity hires only If they weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth

We have more mp's in our parliament than America, that's corrupt af we dont need them leaching off our taxes

>the majority want to remain

Having faith in the media despite a vote and direct evidence is how you get into heaven.

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>thieve from the poor and give to the rich taxes
lmao how backwards
reducing tax kn the rich us not stealing from anyone. taxing the rich to give to the poor is stealing from the rich
the poor arent entitled to other peoples' money

Opinion completely discarded

Mogg cut his teeth in finance. He knows that the EU is a loser's game and that he can do a lot better by staking the UK out on her own.
He isn't perfect, but he's better than the alternatives by a far sight and It's nice to see most Brits agree.
I find his public persona fascinating. He models himself after a gentleman of a bygone age, and larps it so well that he forces everyone else to accept it (or at least coach their dealings with him suitably). Nobody would bother asking what Mogg thinks about the latest circus for the masses, and I think that's to his advantage immensely: lets him distinguish himself from the noise, and make his occasional commentary that much more poignant for its infrequency.
The logical behavioral opposite of the populist pop-culture knife-fighters that are the POTUS and PM, I look forward to seeing Mogg-styled conservative men in other countries over the coming years.

No need to be mean to the friendly thread bumper, user.

I would like to see the term 'Stockholm Syndrome' replaced with 'Brussels Syndrome' from now on, to describe the condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity

For an ignorant welp such as myself, suggestions of how I go about educating myself on the whole thing, the REALISTIC predictions for leave with no deal (i.e. neither the land of milk and honey nor a post-apocalyptic hellhole, I imagine). Wouldn't mind reading your take on the whole thing either and what we can expect from a non-EU UK that leaves with no deal 5 years from now.

Poor people who can’t make any money in life always assume people who have money’s only motivation to do anything is to get more money, not realising it’s just projection because their only motivation to do anything is to get money. For example voting left wing just to get Gibs

He's a good guy. Fuck the lefties and schizos who think that being relatively posh and eccentric means you're worse than satan. That's what this country was founded on.

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>constantly spamming your shit coutries threads in a US forum that wouldn't even be allowed to exist in his country

sure you don't bud

Calm down, kid.

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Didn't mean to chime in here, but..
Yes, absolutely. This guy is the first foreign politician I've really liked, and the reason I started looking at British politicians.
>>inb4 American brainlet
Yes I know, shutting up now

Cause he and Boris understand the importance of having a character/persona. I don't care if he had the most sound policies in the world, Hunt, for example, as fucking wet compared to Boris and that doesn't play well in elections.

Is there any UK MP that's ex-military whose whole persona in public is being steely and intimidating as fuck alpha? Closest I can recall to that is this frontrunner for Labour leadership in 2015. Dan Harmon I think was his name.

>I come from a working class background with a disabled parent, I grew up in poverty and I have no ill feelings towards the rich. If you work hard in life eventually you will get out of it. There isn't a conspiracy to keep the working classes poor.

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Personally like him, he stand for classical British and democratic values. Socialists and commies only hate him for the same reason they hate anyone who has more money and status than them. Just bitter people whining about not getting their free goverment hand outs and sitting on their asses doing fuck all expecting people to support them despite that add or offer nothing for society. Maybe you don't like Mogg for his beliefs but he's done more than any limp wristed faggot Cobrynite well ever do. Namely got a job.

Fucking based mate

Watched a few interviews with Mogg, and everybody seems to loathe him. He takes it with stride, or is unaware because this is what he experience the entirety of his life.

don't expect any logic, it's literal retard-level cope from people who will shrug off Goldman Sachs, the IMF and all the richest elites inside and outside the country supporting EU Membership. they never explain how Rees-Mogg is going to make all of this money, nor why all of these others will not do the same

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I like how unflappable he is. Although he's a decent orator too when he's speaking at a crowd rather than doing a back and forth with a BBC interviewer. Look up his Oxford Union address from 2013 where he goes on about EU being anti-democracy. Good speaker, deals well with the interruptions, gets in some jokes here and there, etc.