Boys overly attached to their mothers

So I’m at a clinic with my mom and couldn’t help noticing how the children behave depending on who they’re with.

The little boy pictured was with his mom and acting like a little girl: clinging to her, looking down when walking, very shy overall. The mother, a 35ish+ woman was definitely domineering over him. She handed him a cellphone and let him play, consenting to his every wish.

Not pictured, however, is another boy of about the same age. He came out of the consulting room running and playing, very much like a boy his age; behind, came his dad, encouraging his playfulness.

Never before had I seen such stark contrast between moms and dads.

So in short, if you have a son, make sure to guide him and don’t let the mother turn him soft. Likewise, don’t turn you daughters into tough, butch-like creatures.

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if you think being a child being attached to their mother a bad thing then you are retarded

Fake, These people seem fair skinned. There is no white people in Brazil. Its all mutts

Fuck off you retarded shit. Your mother clearly never loved you.

Read the fucking sign.

Fuck off with your bullshit. It's not our fault you'll never have children that'll love you

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Sounds like someone is jealous that the kid gets more love than you ever would've gotten.

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Mothers treat their sons like puppies/girls because having children gives them purpose in life and they're loathe to let that purpose go (aka, letting the boy grow up). There's also a chronic lack of strong fathers in boys' lives. Fathers either work all the damn time and never see the kid, leaving him the care of his mother FAR too much, or they just don't have any interest in raising them. If you're a man and you have a son, you need to be doing manly shit with him during his formative years or he'll wind up acting exactly like his mother and be a beta, passive, wimpy little kid unprepared for life.

Hard facts:
Women get through life because they have a cunt. They don't need to be prepared for anything. They can get by on their emotions and basically just being a human blob conforming to whatever their situation is.
Your boy will internalize all of that behavior, but can't get away with it because he doesn't have a vagina. So if you're not active in his life you're setting him up for ruin.

>Hurrr durrr Brazilians are all monkeys lol

Go read up on Oedipus complex..

some parents actually pay attention to their kids instead of putting them in a basement with a computer and chicken tendies

There's been a solution to this for thousands of years

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ITT a bunch of illiterates.

my mother never did this sort of stuff with me and it definitely fucked me up in some ways
But yeah I think by seven or so boys shouldn’t really be interacting too much with their mothers and the father should be taking over more

It's normal. I see the same happen with kids in my family.
Their attitudes change entirely depending on with who they are.

Sometimes they are here without their parents. And then they just play. Mom comes home and they start crying and become very dependent. And if daddy comes they start behaving very wildly with their dad riling them up.
If there are multiple kids they become less obedient. If they are alone they listen very well.

There are probably tourists or diplomats, smth like that. Have you ever seen Brazilians during carnevals or on stadiums during football matches? They are no whites there.

Cool blogpost Satan.

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Also, if they want something they listen to me. Try out their dad, but listen eventually. And start crying with their mother, because they know she will give in.

dont know why everyone disagrees but your right

dads are not taking an active role nowadays

>Have you ever seen Brazilians during carnevals
>All Brazilians live in Rio

>Not pictured, however, is another boy of about the same age. He came out of the consulting room running and playing, very much like a boy his age; behind, came his dad, encouraging his playfulness.
You have no idea what their situation is. He's just a little boy. It's a super over analysis.

boy #1, the mommas boy, most likely abused in some way. probably depressed from a passed away father. maybe he ate toothpaste and feels very ill.

boy #2, happy go lucky kid

you never know whats going on in someones life so mind your hearsay.

Numbers confirm bitches ruin everything.

Growing up mainly without a father I can say I know about this sort of thing from experience, and I agree.

Yes, boys should have close and caring relationships with their mothers, but look at this kid. Boys need to be pulled from their mothers at 6 or 7. They can't constantly use them as a pacifier, leaning on them like this.

If the boy is sad, if something unfortunate happened? Yes.
If the two share an endearing moment? Yes.

But this shouldn't be passive behavior. Spartan boys went to the agoge at age 7. I think it's safe to say boys at that age now shouldn't need to be physically attached to their mothers.

I was raised by a single mother and I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to many things. I also never really played outside, I almost exclusively played with Lego alone for hours on end.

I wish I had had a father to do male things with.

fpbp. This kid looks like he's 6-8 and likely didn't want to go to the doctors for a shot or some shit. Nothing bad about this picture. Now, if he were a teenager than yes I'd started questioning heavily why he's still acting like he's a kid.

Agreed. Spend too much time with mommy, whether she's affectionate or not, you won't learn how to survive in the real world and enjoy being a man.

>woman was definitely domineering over him.
> consenting to his every wish.
Yes, kids act differently with their Mums than they do with their Dads. Its almost like you need a Mum and Dad for different things.

how the fuck do you know #1?
my father died when I was about that age and that pic was very familiar.

Mothers try their hardest to break/tame their sons into being the subservient "good boys" they wish their husbands were. You can always identify men raised by single mothers without much focus or effort. Women ruin everything they touch when left unsupervised.

i'd rather see this than what i usually see, kids ignored by parents who are busy on their cellphones.

Too much affection is toxic yes but not even close to too little.

While i can without a doubt classify OP as both fake and gay, he does seem to have a point.

Overbearing mothers (especially single)== weak men

The digits make a good point.

The anecdote could be disregarded but he isn't wrong about the premise.

Boys raised without a father tend to be weaker and more feminine. They need a father figure to emulate otherwise they'll become more feminine. Emulating a woman.

Glad we all agree.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if many manchildren here and other boards have had mothers who were too motherly to them past a particular age hence why you have so many parasitical NEETs who wish to live off of them until they die or see the government as their surrogate mother that provides them autismbux and tendies.

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When you're at a doctors office waiting, you have the kids sit there in one spot. Don't let them touch anything, don't let them put their hands in their mouths.
Because every single fucking time they do, they get sick and then its 2 weeks of hell as their noses run, they cough, they can get shitty nights of waking up a lot etc.
My boys will sit there and generally do like pic related honestly since they are bored as shit and lean on you.
Then afterwards we go to the shop next door and I buy them a chuppa chup each for behaving so good at the doctors office, saving me and my wife the pain of dealing with them getting sick.
When they leave the doctors office they go back to their usual awesome selves of muckin about.

fuck off filthy kike

You do know that the men rape the boys, right?

Today is nothing but a never-ending slide of D&C threads.
The Left and China have really corralled everyone into this Demoralization Box and is now plowing as hard as they can.
>don't love your mother

Yeah, read the sign, man. Clearly states 'Codependent used - up sluts abusing their spawn as a pseudo - incestual emotional substitute rectifying the lack of masculine presence in their lives' is welcome here.

He’s in a clinic, dude. He’s probably sick or scared and looking for comfort.

Hey user... I understand your ideas but it could be that this lil guy and mother are visiting dad who is really injured or sick.
Or perhaps the little guy is sick. You probably don’t have kids— but I do and this is exactly how boys act until about 6/7 then they try to emulate their fathers

>satan's trips
>has a problem with children being attached to their mothers
It all makes sense.

White Europeans do not know the meaning of family anymore like Arabs still do. White parents literally leave their newborn babies in a dark room by themselves to cry all night until they stop. Sometimes it takes weeks but they do it because the (((TV))) told them to.

During this time imagine that small little baby brain just a few months old enduring screaming, fear, terror. No wonder they grow up to be anxious and depressed little fags even though they literally have every opportunity in the world. Just look at how apes rear their babies. Babies never leave the touch of their mother or relative for a long time.

You mom died because of favelas niggers, you never experienced a real mother love. I did when i was a kid and its the most awsome thing ever.
Your just fucking retarded

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there should be a balance between the two parents, which is why most single mom/dad (dad less so) kids are fucked up


Practically glowing

Oh god it’s this memeflagging faggot again.

I said, CAMP for YOU

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>if you think being a child being attached to their mother a bad thing then you are retarded
hes brazilian what did you expect

He's a little boy, let him be
if he was 12 or older and doing that I would be concerned

Fuck off with your pedo shit faggot.


i just think those are people who are grateful towards the woman who gave them birth, fed them and took care of them sacrificing years of her life over nothing and they realizing that one day those women will die


Wow someone had mommy issues

>implying you can be a superhero after dulling your blade with all that other bullcrap

Uh, this is perfectly normal stupid.

Gas the mamzers

My sister is a single mom and her kid is such a pussy.

Hes nearly 8 yrs old and cries and runs to mommy by the sligthest thing I do to him

When I was a kid I would sleep on my mom's butt. It is natural. Boys will grow up and mature and become men. Stop taking pictures of little boys man.

OP made this thread as an excuse to post a picture of proving there are white people in Brazil lmao

everybody on Jow Forums knows what your monkey country is like, get out of here with this desperate ass cope huenigger

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Stop touching your nephew pedo.

There's nothing more that a Jew hates than seeing a white mother and son/daughter in pure blissful solitary from the rest of the worlds degeneracy.

Nice try anyway OP

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Maybe he doesn't feel well. Maybe he thinks the other kids there are weird and would rather stay by his mom. Or maybe he just loves his mom. We don't know.
Either way he's just a kid and there's nothing wrong with this.

>sick little boy leaning on his mom bugs you
Consider suicide.

Depends on the age. When my son was that size he was all about mama. My daughter loved me best. That’s just the son/daughter dynamic. Now that they’re both in their early teens my son would much rather hang out with me and my daughter would rather hang out with my wife, generally speaking. It’s totally normal and healthy. Don’t make good things out to be weird.

>So in short, if you have a son, make sure to guide him and don’t let the mother turn him soft
Of course, the best thing you can do for your child is to guide him towards independence, Satan.

so thats why i'm a neet

Plot twist:

Single Mommy is bringing Johnny boy to the gender clinic to become Jane.

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Mothers do more harm than good when raising children after the age of 10. Teaching children to be independent and individuals is vital for their development. Western Women use to have 5+ children so they developed a large nurturing instinct. Focusing all of that maternal care on 1 or 2 children is going to prevent them from growing up .
Of course, women who are obliviously self aware victims are never going to admit this

The digits check out.

Hail Satan

I am trying Satan, but it's so hard sometimes when the boy is almost 5 years old, and I am not even the bio-logical father.

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Exactly this is why we have a generation of beta males. The men all gave up because they're too scared of letting the women get mad at them.

Already planning on taking them with me to go hunting, flying, camping and hiking one day

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toxic misandry and promotion of toxic feminist view points. thats what youre describing.

You're picking on a five year old. You should reflect on the psychological pressures that drove you to photograph him and mock him online.


Aren't all you people attached to your mummies?

Dad's should be at work. Moms take the kids to the Dr. appt. WTF

no you mentally ill nazi reject, people post on here for more than your schizophrenic delusions.

oh so you're a child molestor?

The mother is just doing her job of giving emotional support and nurturing, the reason why the boy will most likely turn into a beta is bec the lack of a strong, dominant father figure. This is also why most westerners are such pussies, the fathers usually let the mothers do the upbringing without having a say init or else she'll get mad... ive lost all hopes for whites, maybe islam invading us isnt such a bad idea

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this. OP is a kike and wants to divide families.

>immediately I began to hate them

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single mothers are worse than the holocaust

There is whites still left in brasil?

This is creepy as fuck. Did OP leave XIFF data? Can we find where this guy lives? You're talking secret pictures of children and saying shit about how it's so awful a boy loves his mother.

Also your digits confirm you're Satan.

Why do you say that? How is he wrong

So you're admitting that you have mommy issues?

Being this paranoid.

I see your point. And being a father, you should know.

Don’t be a pussy. Their faces aren’t even showing.

reality is always more horrifying than fiction

>t. didn't grow with a shit father satan whorshipping sandal wearing brazillian


Boys should be removed from their mothers care at the age of 7.

I hope someone sees you taking pics like this, and you get your head kicked in for being a weirdo.

mind your own business nigger

Most boys are attached to their mom at a young age. Mothers are nurturing. As a boy ages he will gravitate towards his father. Also, why do doctors promote leaving your child alone? Let them sleep alone, etc. That's not natural.

this rapists need to die

I have seen too many young men ruined by an ignorant mother. They have the wrong type of empathy for a boy to develop into a man. They encourage the wrong characteristics and then wonder why their sons are useless shitbags.