Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Jared Taylor? I think this guy is great...

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Jared Taylor? I think this guy is great, and if he was born in the USA I would totally want this guy to be president. I see this guy as our (whites) real leader. Though, no one seems to know who he is! Why is that?

Attached: JaredTaylor.jpg (183x275, 5K)

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Don Zion is seen better by a lot I guess.

Because white nationalists are only a tiny minority and are irrelevant.

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Good questions, but at least I can get my beliefs out there so everyone can get a little context to my posts.

I worship and praise him

>Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Jared Taylor?
Do you mean on pol or outside of it?
A lot of people on here seem to dislike/distrust Taylor because he does not try to blame anyting on the jews. But I agree with you that in a better world he would been elected president instead of Trump

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He’s not terrible. I find some of his ideas reasonable—such as a country for whites, a country for blacks, etc. Like him, I don’t particularly care what non-whites do. I don’t necessarily want them killed. I just don’t want them in my country let alone as neighbors or fellow community members. They can all fuck off and create their own countries where whitey isn’t around to “oppress” them. Sounds like a good deal for all involved.

If it doesn't name the Jew their message isn't true.

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It’s naive as fuck. You think multicultural USA is going to give up their white paypigs peacefully lmao

He's a fucking weeb weirdo

Amren website (they keep track of a lot of other news outlets for anti-white stuff and articles concerning diversity)
His youtube (watch it before it gets banned)
the channel called ''australian realist'' also has a lot of speeches and interviews with Taylor, as well as others like Brimelow, Rushton, Pinker.


Of course not. If the changes we want made are to happen it will be at a cost of great bloodshed. But the idea, in and of itself, is not a bad one in that I’d rather whites and blacks go their separate ways amicably. Is that realistic? Hell no, I get that.

he is still a natural born american citizen
because his parents went to japan on missionary work, that is why he was born in japan
he, thru his parents citizen status, was born an american citizen
he technically is eligible to be president if he were to run

Jared Taylor is not even a Fascist or even a Quasi Fascist. He is a sad conservative jew larping as a National Conservative with no exact stance on Race.

he’s reasonable and speaks with a decorum thats lost on most people these days.

so this makes him weak bait for jews use, it would make them look bad. so they shill all these shit “e-celebs” instead. this helps make the right look like a “crazy bunch of incels”

Do you have the right stuff Jow Forums?

Nationalism is empty without blood at the core. There are only two sides: globalism and ethno-nationalism (although the word ethno is redundant)

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Carl Jung wrote somewhere that ''no matter how many zeros you add up, they will never amount to a one'', or something like that in German.
not only are these mass shootings not helpfull in any way (there is an endless supply of diversity which can be imported to replace whatever damage someone like Roof does), it is the most secure way to ensure that normies look away in horror any time the encounter anyone defending anything even remotely white nationalist.
I'm not even sure whether you are immature, mentally ill, or a paid agent, but this kind of larping and here worship gets us nowhere.
Jared Taylor on the other hand is an experienced journalist, the textbook example of a gentleman, and actually condems calls for violence as he understands lone-wolf attacks to be immoral and counterproductive.
No number of dyllan roofs will ever amount to one Jared Taylor. Taylor is the best spokesman you will find, and memeing him into relevance could actually be helpfull.

At least the resistance will be remembered in history books unlike you

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On Jow Forums it's hard to talk in positive way about anyone, because shills will attack everyone so relentlessly. And usually the cucked mods also delete such threads for no reason at all.

Ironically, the reason Taylor got into white nationalist advocacy in the first place was because he wanted to ''leave a record'' so that future generations could see that not all white people had foolishly gone along with milticulturallism.
If everything truly is hopeless, why waste your time on tactics that certainly don't work?

The way forward is blood. Optical solutions alone are not sufficient

>optical solutions
you mean like glasses?
sometimes things take time, and taking the easy way out seems more attractive

He's named the jew quite a few times He just doesn't keep waffling on and on about. His goal is to wake the racial conciseness of whites.

He loves Jews

Banned by Poland from eeurope

I understand. What I meant is that Taylor is more concerned with the question of why white people inflicted diversity on themselves, with his answer being pathological altruism.

"american renaissance has always had jew members and speakers"

america is fucked. he totally dismissed the issue of jew's double talking.
no matter what you choose the jews will always be behind. you are fucked and so do we. after the defeat of WW2 this can be considered the century of the jew.

"Based Poland"

I wonder who is behind this post?

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He has named the Jew.

>jews look huwhite to me

He's not wrong tho.