Have you ever wondered why Illuminati puppets in the music industry, whose lyrics promote promiscuity, materialism, foul language, drug use, criminality and violence, wear crosses and use the all-seeing eye symbol?
They are Jesuit coadjutors working for the Vatican. They are promised fortune and fame in exchange for helping to tear down traditional moral constructs in order to socially re-engineer humanity for the establishment of a Luciferian New World Order. Their job is to help the Jesuits collapse America from within by destroying the family unit and morally corrupting the youth. They influence the youth to oppose Bible-based morality by making everything that is anti-Biblical appear "cool" and "progressive." All of the Jesuit agents in the music industry wear crosses and use Catholic symbolism to show their allegiance to the Jesuit Order, not because they are Christians.
The man in charge of Viacom is Sumner Rothstein, who is trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University; another Jesuit-trained Zionist. Viacom's Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Thomas E. Dooley, is Roman Catholic, trained at the devoutly Roman Catholic St. John's University.
I went to a Jesuit school and I don't recall them being crypto-Satanists. In fact I credit them with instilling in me the love for Western civilization that motivates me to oppose the poz
As a Hebrew National Hotdog who's grandparents survived over 9000 Auschwitz poolside BBQ's, this is the sort of Antisemitic slander that really chaps my buns.
Jonathan Gutierrez
This is really morbid. Have an energy drink or summit.
Tavistock is also Jesuit-run. Jesuits work with kikes in the entertainment industry. "Western civilisation" as they say is just Greece, Rome, and papistry* which is by far the worst of them.
> it was the jesuits It's the jews, and their servants.
Brandon Flores
Lol jews trying to divert blame to the Jesuits
Brandon Ross
Ah, yes, the "Jesuits". Who would've thunk it?
Leo Baker
t. Gail Chord Schuler
Noah James
If you or your kids still watch MTV, you fucked up.
Carter Perez
oooooooh not just the Jesuits, tons of IRL (((them))) organisations that nobody pays attention about, Luciferian doctrine is something that alot of these organisation hold aswell, DO you also see the many subliminals lately about God being a bad guy ?
This VMA performance is concrete proof the Robert Bowers did nothing wrong.
Ethan Taylor
No MTV for me I only watch pewdiepie
Andrew Moore
>"Western civilisation" as they say is just Greece, Rome, and papistry* which is by far the worst of them. no that's christian culture ever heard of liberalism
Robert Harris
I think this performance is proof we are now in end times if we don't clean up the filth of the earth.
no need to differ between a jesuit and a catholic, they both under the headship of a pope.
it the reason why you see the smaller denomination dressing like catholics, reflecting the mother of denomination the catholic church. soon to gather under it, by a federation of churches. american has been evaded by this devils, but the younger generation know nothing about it.
but you are correct op and am glad you can see that the system of Catholicism, his of the devil and the biggest threat to the west.