No more Injustice for women per Emma.
Emma Watson - Western Nations MUST Impose Laws To Protect Women
Yea I'm sure China will get right on it.
Dumbass bitch
It says western nations. China doesn't count.
with clinton in power she might actually get the equality she wants, by getting enlisted in the army
i'm not going to read an opinion in the guardian, and certainly not emma watsons opinions, but from that headline, aren't they wanting western countries to attach women's rights etc as conditions for foreign deals, so that if shit countries want to do business or buy shit from the west, they have to let girls go to school etc.
the problem is that it is fucking stupid as a foreign policy
kek getting diddled by weinstein for 10 years really took a number on her.
We all know Western Nations have the worst human rights records. They must pay.
she wanna make sure weinstein can get some rice milk
It says G7 countries, meaning Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
What the fuck do feminists want that they don't already have? What is she even nagging for now? Fuck I will forever seethe over how they couch their unreasonable and unwarranted demands in terms of victims of oppression struggling for basic rights. Die roasties die
China is not in the g7
Emma Watson is worse than Miley Cyrus, to me anyways. She’s so untalented and so irrelevant and has no fucking clue what she’s doing EVEN WORSE than Miley Cyrus. Not to mention she thinks she’s hot like Miley Cyrus but she’s overall trash and no decent man would ever touch that with a ten foot pole.
Took a toll
Did a number
>countries that actually allow rights to women
>not arabic countries or israel with thriving sex slave trades to this day
women need to be circumcised, just cut off a piece of a tongue, or in this case, her fucking fingers. i'd do both for emma
>women are equal
>but need special treatment and laws
I don't know of ANY laws that affect women in a negative way.
There are tons of marital violence, cat calling, discrimination, positive assertion, paternity, laws that are directly negative to men.
She's an idiot.
Give an inch, they take a mile
Women are adept at sniffing out weakness
I propose a law to protect women: ban the Muslims, Jews, niggers and spics who rape them.
Emma makes more money
What western nation doesnt allow women to work or vote?
(((I think we know why)))
>Women are equal
>Need laws to protect women
I pray so hard she’s violently gang fucked by 45 niggas and beanas
We do, they're called Laws.
That's the point. The laws don't give women special, superior treatment, therefore they are sexist, by the feminist definition of "sexism."
Women already get special treatment, now they want more? Fuck off.
Plan to protect women:
>ban women from the workplace, except for traditional feminine jobs such as secretary, nurse, waitress, housemaid, etc.
>ban them from even those jobs once they become pregnant
>ban women from going to college
>school education should focus on teaching girls how to balance a checkbook and manage household finances, cooking, cleaning, and childrearing, all things to prepare them for marriage and motherhood
>banning women from workforce makes mens' wages go up, so they can once again support a family on a single income
>ban women from voting or holding public office
>interest-free government loans for newlyweds, allowing them to buy a house and furniture when just starting out; they don't have to make any payments on the loan for the first five years of marriage, and for every child they have, 25% of the debt is forgiven; having four children means they don't have to repay any of it
>if they divorce, they're each responsible for 50% of the remaining debt
>end no-fault divorce
>media campaign to encourage motherhood with 'mother of the year' awards, special privileges for having as many children as possible (such as going to the front of the line at the grocery store, bank, etc.), show marriage and motherhood as highly desirable in tv shows and movies, etc.
>tax breaks for having children; after four children, a woman is exempt from paying taxes for the rest of her life
>government subsidies for having children with blonde/red hair and blue/green/grey eyes to encourage people with those traits to reproduce more
There, woman are safe and secure within society, the birthrate crisis is resolved, and there can be no argument about immigration to 'fix our dwindling population' anymore.
lmao fuck laws
>I want more privileges!
>*votes for islamic migration*
impose this dick lmao
They do though, in france it's illegal to do a paternity test, how that's not targeting men ?
Gender motivated violence it's only applicable to men in actual court, and a woman can always plead self defense or psychological damage beforehand, a man is never granted that.
There are institutions catered ONLY to women in pretty much most countries, and governamental funding only for women (shelters, child aid, credit).
This girl is just a sheltered idiot that was groomed to be a mouthpiece.
Remember when she sucked off Weinstein so she could be a star?
Do as I say not as I do.
she looks like a girl, it's legal pedophilia
oy vey
It'll be a stretch to make western countries even more gynocentric than they already are. Pampered, entitled, western white wamyn belong in the trash. They're an utter disgrace.
>Gender equality
>Push for laws to protect only women
Seen this too many times
>woman receives abuse from some man
>lashes out on all men that aren't her abuser
>the abuser continues doing what he does to the applause of the female
She wants the west to impose womens rights on other countries, like the middle east and African countries, who I'm sure would be super receptive
The attempt to make a woman happy is the road to damnation. Giving a shit is the first mistake. What they think they want and what they biologically want are 180 degrees out yet it makes PERFECT sense to them.
>the abbusser aka the bad boy keeps getting prime tail while the whores punish "good guys"
>white countries
why does this person
who never graduated high school
think her opinions matter?
All this because of pic related
5 stages of PC authoritarian encroachment 1)Tolerance 2) Acceptance 3)Celebration 4)Forced participation 5)Punishment of dissenters.
Ah yes, a woman more privileged, rich, well off than hundreds of millionsecryting us about about hard being a woman is.
Give me a fucking break, she’s just spouting that crap because she’s getting paid to do it. She couldn’t give a fuck personally.
>ditch discriminatory laws
But that wouldn't benefit women at all. Name one law that discriminates women from receiving some sort of service or benefit.
Wrong reply m8? I didn’t say anything about ditching laws
Someone is in need of some heavy grooming...
She needs to be violently raped
We must push for women equality by lowering the entrance standards for all women just as we have done for minorities so they have an (((equal))) chance of getting into men dominated fields. Lowering the standards is the only way to ensure equality.