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Give the the QRD

its 83 pages

Comey did nothing wrong

>he's a good goy even if he did something bad

Begin quote
"We have previously faulted Comey for acting unilaterally and inconsistent with Department policy.103 Comey’s unauthorized disclosure of sensitive law enforcement information about the Flynn investigation merits similar criticism. In a country built on the rule of law, it is of utmost importance that all FBI employees adhere to Department and FBI policies, particularly when confronted by what appear to be extraordinary circumstances or compelling personal convictions. Comey had several other lawful options available to him to advocate for the appointment of a Special Counsel, which he told us was his goal in making the disclosure. What was not permitted was the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive investigative information, obtained during the course of FBI employment, in order to achieve a personally desired outcome.
"The OIG has provided this report to the FBI and to the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility for action they deem appropriate."
End Quote
Comey is accused of a felony.

Yeah I'm not reading the whole thing. The conclusion seems to be yes comey violated FBI policy but we aren't going to do anything about it so fuck you proles.

Report out- Comey dindu nuffin
I'm going back to bed

>but we aren't going to do anything about it
It was so predictable

20 bucks says nothing happens.

Not sure why anyone gives a shit, another person getting away with crimes that'd get us 20 plus years, and if you speak out publically you are a tin foil hat conspiritard, if you speak out here you are put on a watchlist... Fuck this gay world

>The OIG has provided this report to the FBI and to the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility

If I was an FBI agent and did what Comey did I would be lucky to get off with 10 years in prison.

wonder if they will sieze his book revenue. you cant make money off a book you wrote about a crime you commited.


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Former FBI Director Lanklets on suicide watch


We have previously faulted Comey for acting unilaterally and inconsistent with Department policy.103 Comey’s unauthorized disclosure of sensitive law enforcement information about the Flynn investigation merits similar criticism. In a country built on the rule of law, it is of utmost importance that all FBI employees adhere to Department and FBI policies, particularly when confronted by what appear to be extraordinary circumstances or compelling personal convictions. Comey had several other lawful options available to him to advocate for the appointment of a Special Counsel, which he told us was his goal in making the disclosure. What was not permitted was the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive investigative information, obtained during the course of FBI employment, in order to achieve a personally desired outcome. The OIG has provided this report to the FBI and to the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility for action they deem appropriate.

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You are really wondering about this? Well then let me answer this for you. OF COURSE NOT
That's not what happens to people like Comey. You still haven't learnt this lesson yet?

time to string comey up in a public square

No they will probably give him a bonus check from your tax money.

>he doesn't know about the untouchables rule
wew you're so delusional it hurts

they will throw someone to the wolves. Comey did piss off Hillery and has been suicide free for like 3 years.

hahaha, all this is BULLSHIT because Trump won't ever do SHIT about it. He will shitpost about it on Twitter and then post about how great Israel is.

Biggest fucking FAGGOT ever in the White House.

>they will throw someone to the wolves
That someone can't be anyone who has information that can fuck them over
Basically they can throw the janitor to the wolves, that's about it

My bad Posted the wrong law This will be one of the charges
18 U.S. Code §1905. Disclosure of confidential information generally
Whoever, being an officer or employee of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, any person acting on behalf of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, or agent of the Department of Justice as defined in the Antitrust Civil Process Act (15 U.S.C. 1311–1314), or being an employee of a private sector organization who is or was assigned to an agency under chapter 37 of title 5, publishes, divulges, discloses, or makes known in any manner or to any extent not authorized by law any information coming to him in the course of his employment or official duties or by reason of any examination or investigation made by, or return, report or record made to or filed with, such department or agency or officer or employee thereof, which information concerns or relates to the trade secrets, processes, operations, style of work, or apparatus, or to the identity, confidential statistical data, amount or source of any income, profits, losses, or expenditures of any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or association; or permits any income return or copy thereof or any book containing any abstract or particulars thereof to be seen or examined by any person except as provided by law; shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and shall be removed from office or employment.
End Quote

What is the official explanation why the DOJ declines prosecution of Comey?

Surely a Clinton operative will be charged with a crime this time.

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No scandal, he did nothing wrong, go back to your TV, Jeff Epstein is dead.

Why is this only about the handling of the gay memos? What about his signature on the FISA apps? Is Durham handling that?

The inspector general can't indict people so it wouldn't bring charges against Comey. It doesn't say that they're not going to do anything about it, it's following the procedure and giving it to the Justice Department to act on it.

We need to completely dissolve the FBI and the CIA. They've proven by their unwillingness to police their own and selectively ruin the lives of people that this is unfixable. Fire EVERYBODY. Completely shut it down. Rebuild. This happens with badly-managed chains. Corporate will shut it down, fire EVERYBODY, and then start again.

its not a crime, it's a "matter" goyim , he served under obama honorably & had to break the law to stand up to orange hitler. if you disagree youre a racist anti semite.

The ultimate form of justice! It’s even better than justice!

Hence the Q of QRD.

not gonna happen, especially the cia who has a blank checkbook to do whatever the fuck it wants.

They didn't decline to prosecute. This is the IOG's report of his investigation.


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Fox News says what I said

>he didn't intend to break the law
Same way they let Shillary off the hook.

DOJ attorneys did decline to prosecute Comey saying it wasn't a close call. None of these people will be brought to justice.

RIght, and DOJ just declined to prosecute. Comey is above the law.

he is guilty of mishandling

And yet they will not be prosecuting him. Really makes you think.

Comey isn't getting indicted because he has dirt on everyone. Sloppy Steve BTFO


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The report dropped on Thursday but no indictments yet....
Does this confirm that FBIanon is real or a larp?

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The demoralizing shills are at level 9000 on this topic. How much money are they burning on trying to shape the narrative here?

DOJ has declined to prosecute so what did they larp say?

Figured it would be something like this.

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Do you live inside this statue?

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I hate this clown world

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Lol at the tabs. Heres your (you)

pg. 33

May 9, 2017
of Comey
as FBI Director
On Tuesday, May 9, 2017
, at 5:03 p.m., President Trump
as Director of the FBI.
Comey was visiting the FBI's Los Angeles Division when he
was re
He returned to Washington,
on the FBI aircraft that night, and
at approximately 2:00 a.m. on May 10, 2017, Comey's protective detail drove him
to his home.
Comey reported to Rybicki that he locked his FBI devices and
materials into his SCIF
at home around noon on May 10, 2017, and took nothing
out of the SCIF.
FBI witnesses told the OIG that, as part of Comey's
, President
Trump directed that Comey not be allowed back into FBI Headquarters.
complied with that directive and, ac
cording to
, “made sure [the Director's
office] was locked down
” the evening of May 9, 2017.
Comey told the OIG that, when he was
as FBI Director, he had four
2, Memo 4, Memo 6, and Memo 7
—in his personal safe at home.
He stated that he did not notify anyone at the FBI that he had retained these
He told the OIG that he had “
had them there for quite a while,
” and
that because he viewed them as personal documents, like his will or his passport,
it “never would've occurred to [him]
” to give those back to the FBI. He also stated
that he did not seek permission of the FBI to retain these Memos, because he did
not consider them to be FBI records.
Comey told the OIG that the day after his removal, or
“very shortly
” he retained attorneys Patrick Fitzgerald, David Kelley, and Daniel
Richman to provide
“advice and counsel in connection with [Comey's] termination

as FBI Director and any post-
termination legal issues that might arise.

>steal classified information from the FBI
>post a joke on Jow Forums
You're under arrest incel scum

>reality is demoralizing
pop some more blue pills goy

They haven't declined to prosecute yet you disgusting clownnigger

>the glowniggers haven't declined to prosecute their own yet you glownigger


Sorry sweetie, i know you don't want to believe it but this IS clown world.

so what? when the epstein shit came out true, no one did anything and now it's been slid under the rug

you goons let (((them))) do what they do. will you ever stand up and act?

I believe that is the “main” ongoing OIG investigation. This was a special investigation into this particular issue (Comey mishandling classified info).

Faggots like you allow the 'untouchable' rule to exist. If people actually rose up and rebelled we could have these cunts hanging from lamp poles in two months at most.

They declined to prosecute for violation for statute violated in this report... I reckon this is because the severity of violations pertaining to FISA abuse are much more egregious, easy to prosecute, and a more severe crime... Either that or he is cooperating. I believe Barr doesn't want to give the Fake News and Obama's goons the chance to claim "political attack" by charging for Petty and questionable crimes. He needs to go for the slam dunks like Sedition, Espionage, and perhaps Treason

kill yourself you useless bitch. you are fucking pathetic,.

Imagine still thinking Barr is going to do anything other than protect the deep state.

This. Too bad we're surrounded by domesticated retard cattle.

>Glownigger traitors in DOJ decline to prosecute one of their own glownigger traitors.
I, for one, am shocked.

Yeah, this is just smoke.

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>go fight & get killed by badge niggers & smeared by the kike media
no u



RARE! Are you native?

5d chess on a toilet bowl

lazy cunt, is reading 83 pages really too much to ask? your voting rights should be stripped from you because you're too lazy to read for a bit and be well informed about an important part of your government.

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for 20 bitcoin, I'll take that bet.

Likely not, true justice is dead so it doesnt matter

Nothing at all will happen. No one involved with spygate will ever see a jail cell.

DOJ isn't indicting him so really what's even the point of reading the whole thing. He got away with whatever he did.


didn't he leak to his friends but then had to hire them as his lawyers so they couldn't testify against him? pls explain

those bookmarks can only belong to someone mentally unstable

that was before Barr. it clearly says they just referred it to DOJ. ass


I sincerely hope your digits of truth are valid, user

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>No one is above the law.

Grow up. It doesn't matter what they do.

>The report dropped on Thursday
Today is Thursday. It literally just dropped a few minutes ago, of course he hasn't been indicted yet. If they do, which is unlikely, it won't be today.

But they already did decline to prosecute, even before the report dropped.
The elites don't respect the people and to be honest, why would they?
The people let them get away with murder, literally, over and over again without a peep.
If we let them why wouldn't they?
They killed Epstein (and other people) in the open, with barely any cover up and they won't prosecute anyone that is untouchable. The question is : are we going to just take it and bitch online about how we just took it?
The answer: absolutely yes. We will let them get away with this and more, until, maybe, one day we realize who the real enemy is and stop squabbling between each other and move against the untouchables. Until that happens nobody is going to get punished and it will just get worse and worse.

How was it before Barr? It's breaking news right now. DOJ will not indict him.



Except they already said no indictment for Comey.

>Yeah, this is just smoke.

it's always darkest before the Don

It's a cut and dry article user.

>what's the point of reading the whole thing
How much are you paid a day? Because honestly, I'd love a job where I lie on a Venezuelan Hominem Appreciation board all day. I'll even tell the lies, I'd just love to get paid to do it.


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if someone puts themselves above the law to be wicked, then string them up higher than the law itself

Didnt even notice. Kek

Yeah, no.

What a bitch nigga

there's articles dating a month ago of the doj saying that even if they wanted to prosecute it, it's a gray area & is effectively unenforceable, I doubt they've all of a sudden changed their position.