His election was the last flailing of whites. He’s gonna lose in 2020 and the republicans will never win again.
The war of republican vs Democrat has ended. The war between democrats and other democrats will begin soon.
His election was the last flailing of whites. He’s gonna lose in 2020 and the republicans will never win again.
The war of republican vs Democrat has ended. The war between democrats and other democrats will begin soon.
Trump is pro-white?
Yeah, I remember when GW was elected too. At least Hillary won in 2016 and there was never another Republican president.
Democrats thought Republicans would never win again after Obama. Why do you think Reid went nuclear? Nobody holds power forever, especially in this country
>His election was the last flailing of whites
I know you have to believe that to be able to sleep at night, but no, he wasn't. He was the very first punch thrown. He will not be the last, and he will not be the hardest hitting.
Another clueless demfag. When will these fucks get a grip on reality?
I totally agree.
so the whites move away. Don't follow us this time. Thanks.
Dumb as ever, OP. He doesn't represent us whites. He's a fucking kike-convert. You cannot call them white from the get-go.
Women shouldn't even be allowed to vote. Change my mind.
Who is going to beat Trump? Since the Dems dumped Tulsi, they have no one to run against him except faggots
where to?
i voted for him bitch
as a conservative leaning guy.. I think you're right.
I think we made a huge mistake betting it all on him, because in the end he over all took us backwards, and gave the left a caricature to point out and say "see, we told you theyre hypocrites, we told you theyre dumb enough to believe anything, we told you theyre racists"
the smartest move would have been to let Hillary win, and expose her as often as possible
>Who is going to beat Trump?
A woman, any woman, most likely. Shouldn't be very difficult.
Yep, America is over. Sorry boomers and gen x, you initiated the fall of the second rome at the request of jews, and there's no way around it. Good job.
No, the God Emperor is going to win for life. Dues Vult!
and this certainly doesn't help, the fact that he lied to us and used us and ended up sucking off the neo cons and Israel.
lots of people will lose belief after falling for the big con.
As long as Andrew Yang wins the Dem Primaries, yes. Trump will lose. But if it's up against Biden? Trump might win again.
>the republicans will never win again
This faggot thinks Trump is actually a Republican.
Ahaha, Commisar Wang vs Chad Emperor Trump?
That's a wrestling match I want to see.
All depends on the influx of immigrants, 100% more immigrants means demicrat power forever...end to immigration the battle will continue as it should...people are still sick of pc culture and the destruction of the middle class...the fight is long from over
All presidents have served 2 terms since Bush sr... why would they break that pattern after 30 years? Honestly this country needs to quite flip flopping every 8 years and get rid of the Presidential role and focus on a checks and balances system without someone whos sponsored making biased decisions.
>any woman
Like clinton? White woman didnt vote for a white woman. You're not going to do better with a brown woman.
So you admit that the left eat their own OP?
Token MAGA!
This user also makes a good point. Bush style Republicans are fucking dead and buried, 100%. From now on, we've got the Republican (white) party, and the Democrat (everyone else) party
>white guys vote Republican
>asian girls vote Democrat
W-what happened to wmaf?
>His election was the last flailing of whites
fight me when the unrest begins, pussy
Name one thing Trump would've done differently from Jeb.
Trump will win 2020. Screencap this.
if trump is a set up for god-emperor yang to take the helm and lead us into a new golden age, it would have all been worth it.
>c'mon guys, vote GOP, it's pro White
Jews aren't white
I dont see any jews in that picture
Jow Forums: Do you hate niggers, wetbacks, kikes, and sand niggers?
Trump: No
Face it Jow Forums, your former president, before you denounced him for not being redpilled enough, is only a racist in the minds of the easily lead useful idiots of the left.
He doesn't need to be president to do that, and his tweets were better when every other tweet wasn't something about israel
The most horrific times the world has ever seen are coming.
Only on Jow Forums is Trump made out to be jewish. Everywhere else trump is painted as Literally Hitler. Its almost like people want us to turn against him.
Democrats are inept, they could easily blow it again in 2020.
And I'll tell you why, because their minority base isn't aware of who the candidates are. I'm talking about the immigrants. The only person they know of is Joe Biden, and they don't know much about him or are showing much interest in him. They'll still vote for him blindly (confirmed) and things could change but as of right now Dems are weak.
There's no passion and to be honest, immigration is as lax as it's ever been. I think Trump will get a second term, because the economy is good and people want stability.
It's a confusing presidential running for everyone here, Trump is a zionist and Gabbard the only sane democrat is being cheated out of contention. Everyone else is loony, homosexual, radicalized and are textbook establishment cronies.
Who the hell do you support?
It's a lesser of two evils presidency once again.. both sides are going to be Israeli shills either way. Democracy is all theatrics.
Nigger please. If they run Biden all it will need is a mix tape of his creepy behaviour.
>what about hillary
That was before women knew what a piece of shit trump is. He's going to need some serious support, compared to 2016, to make it to 270 in 2020. I just don't see it happening this time around.
Keep making this and everything about race.
You will be destroyed by your own and the victimhood groups you have championed.
Ok, I'll ditch the subtlety, since it it will only confuse you:
The GOP is pro jew, not pro white.
This 100%.
The average democrap has no idea of his creepy ways. The things that circulate here, the masses know nothing about.
Remember most of this shit isn't covered by MSM.
Best thing to do is to keep that one in the back pocket or they'll change their strategy
Trump actually fought against lopsided trade deals that fucked over the US while giving billions to China and the transnational welfare corporations.
Jeb would have signed the TransPacific Partnership which would have allowed trannies (transnational corporations) to sue the US if they weren't making a large enough profit margin.
Trump did build the border fence and it isn't much, but at least he won't give illegal immigrants amnesty and a pathway to citizenship (and a voting ballet to vote a straight Democrat ticket) like Jeb would have.
Though they would have one thing in common: Dems and SJWs would also be calling Jeb a racist anyway even though Jeb would be bending over backwards giving them anything they want just to prove to them he's not a bad white guy. Hell they would probably be calling him racist even more since they would be getting lots and lots of concessions from him.
>Women didnt know
>The MSM didnt blast "grab her by the pussy" for 6 months straight
My almonds...
The question was: what has he done that Jeb wouldn't have done?
The answer: twitter and dogwhistling.
>Only on Jow Forums is Trump made out to be jewish. Everywhere else trump is painted as Literally Hitler. Its almost like people want us to turn against him
Good point
>Trump did build the border fence and it isn't much
Trump let everyone in so don't even bring up immigration.
You're mistaken. Trump is not our last chance. He's yours. Trump was your opportunity to reconcile with us, to meet in the middle. You've spent the last three years throwing a fucking tantrum like a two year old and obstructing him at every turn. You've spent the last three years cutting off every opportunity for peaceful reconciliation. Every time we reach out to you, every time we try to debate, every time we try to express our grievances, you shut us up. You doxx us, get us fired from our jobs, expelled from our schools, socially ostracized, harass us in restaurants, threaten our families, shut down our websites, and do everything you can to shut us up. You're doing your best to rig all future elections and turn America into a one-party nation and shut us out of politics entirely.
This will not end well for you. When you make it clear that you intend to reduce us to second-class citizens at best, and that you intend to do awful things to us once we are powerless, we do not intend to accept that. When you make it impossible for us to vote our way out of a bad situation, when you make it impossible for us to talk, debate, negotiate, or use any other peaceful means of avoiding enslavement, rape, humiliation, and murder, you leave us no choice but to resort to violence.
Trump isn't our last chance. He's your last chance. Your last chance to avoid kneeling in front of a ditch with a bunch of commies, faggots, and niggers and getting a bullet to the back of the head.
I suggest you start playing nice, because desperate, angry people will not.
>Only on Jow Forums is Trump made out to be jewish.
This is what happens when you've been away for too long. You have no idea what's going on in the states.
Not only on Jow Forums.. on MSM too! It's all over his twitter feed, there's no secrecy when it comes to his goyishness
Name one thing he's done that Obama wouldn't have done. Acting like a fool in the public eye doesn't count.
The infamous Access Hollywood info wasn't made public until a week or so prior to the election, and wasn't broadcast 24/7 until after he was president-elect. Then came all of the Daniels shit, then trumps lies, then individual 1, then the truth, followed by payoffs, then greater details where he fucked a nasty pornstar while his wife was pregnant with his son.
This is just one chapter, all of which will be rebroadcast by the media over the coming months.
>no effect on women voters
Get the fuck outta here.
Fortunately your feelings mean nothing without facts to back up your empty claims.
No you moron, I mean the MSM, dems, and everyone who opposes trump appeals to the percieved biggest evil - nazism, rascism, sexism, etc - to discredit trump. So, it is not shocking to me to see shills call him the biggest percieved evil on Jow Forums - jewish, kike, boomer, etc. But good on ya for keeping up appearances.
>His election was the last flailing of whites.
Said about every single Republican president.
Are you ok OP? Did the miss take the kids and leave again?
>Gabbard the only sane democrat
That's relatively speaking. Compared to the other fuckwits, she's the lesser of them but still...
She did co-sponsor the Jayapal's Medicare for All legislation which would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants (and bankrupt a nation already burdened with taxes, inflation, and a massive national debt).
She is also pro-green(shit) new deal and would put a moratorium on new nuclear reactors which is the only source of carbon neutral source of energy by besides hydroelectric (which libtards also hate) that isn't dependent only the time of day or weather and not limited to location and would set back the US's technological progress for decades.
Trump was accused and sued of sexual misconduct through the months leading up to the election. The media called him sexist in the same breath they called him racist every single night. Women knew who they voted for and will vote for him again.
Weird. I wonder what ever would make Jow Forums think that and why the uninitiated and Zionist media would not agree.
It's an absolute mystery.
So you're saying they are constantly attacking and trying to destroy the guy who is serving their every whim? Gonna have to pipul me harder on that one.
>Look at me goys I touched a Jewish wall, I must be a jew then.
>Being Jewish by touching A FUCKING WALL.
Nothing can stop me from cumming. Nothing
I mean why is Jow Forums always wrong.
Everyone knew about it man, here's the thing though.. normal people, they're not as deeply progressive as the media portrays them. The whole boys will be boys thing, the men just being men, the cheating on their wives here and there, the objectifying women.. we can look beyond that.
Remember the Bill Clinton scandal, you think the public seriously held that against him. Pfff I bet your dad screwed around, did you and your mom banish him from your lives?
America will crumble and fall by 2050.
All turned on him like the goys they we're programmed to do. Tell me why you think it's ok to sleep at night knowing this?
Trump didn't let anyone in. The obstructionists to Trump's immigration policy did. Trump is still limited to what he can do as president plus this opposition practically staged a hoax (Russian collusion conspiracy theory) just to get Trump impeached, removed from office, and imprisoned on trumped up charges of treason (no pun intended).
>As a demoralizing kikel and a massive niggerfaggot
FTFY, bud. We see right through you.
2 scoops, 2 womps, 2 terms. Get fucked, Dem faggots.
Ah yes I am the jew, right. It's not really splitting hairs if it's the absolute truth.
It has nothing to do with the wailing wall and everything to do with the billboards all over pissrael that say "Donald Trump friend of Zion.".
>His election was the last flailing of whites.
>He’s gonna lose in 2020
>and the republicans will never win again.
Did they? Lat I checked he's still president. What is controlled opposition?
Not married a goblina troll.
Cool answer. Glad you've cleared up the cognitive dissonance of how jewish people vote overwhelmingly democrat and donated almost exclusively to Clinton during the campaign and also run the MSM which are currently dedicated to tanking Trump's presidency and destroying America, but also Trump is a jewish puppet because he fought ISIS.
i get that they wanted a nigger to take the pic because WOKE! but couldn't they have at least had the chick in grey take it rather than the monkey looking niggress?
>I mean the MSM, dems, and..
MSM dems have to report on his goyness because that's all he's doing and their stupid investigation is over. What else are they going to report on?
Where do you think everyone here supplemented their suspicions from? From MSM news, they're zionists themselves. They aren't attacking him as much as they used to.. you don't know any of this, you're not here.
Trump is a New York liberal you absolute brainlet.
So i have to physically be in america to read/watch American news? What an incredible revelation.
Also cool double post.
As around 2% of the population it doesn't matter how they vote. Now what is important is who and how much money they donate to candidates.
They still donate the most money to democrats and literally to clinton last election.
>never accused of being racist
except for the time he was sued because his apt building wouldn't rent to niggers
Cool being in the dark about our current events.
You are aware you're in another fucking country right? Are you so arrogant that you think everything will stay the same or that you'll just know things without being around it
They control both parties you absolute retard. So this actual pilpul isn't going to fly and doesn't counter the fact that regardless of what others say it doesn't mean that he isn't a philosemite that married his daughter off to the kosher nostra.
YOU CANNOT dictate what CONSENTING ADULTS are allowed to do behind closed doors. ACCEPT THEM, NOW!
its funny watching trumpfags cling to the fact a bunch of american sjw kikes supported the dems and act like that means trump isn't hugging israel's nuts
What you usually hear is "Democrats will never win anything again". Either way, fuck both (((parties))).
You are trying to change the argument to be about my location, not the content I have argued. Handle that first.
Okay, so Trump behaving in a manner directly opposed to their overall goal for America is part of them controlling him? And your solution to to elect the people who are openly and unabashedly FOR the destruction of America? All because someone put up a billboard in a different country?
>the smartest move would have been to let Hillary win
I still disagree with this. While I despise seeing Trump perpetually in the news and hearing racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, Islamophobe, etc, etc I truly think the world would be worse to have the US indefinitely kissing her ass like her shit is literal gold and diamonds. Her loss, no matter who it would have been to, needed to happen.
If the dems keep making this about demographic they will end up losing. The nominee WILL be a white person so you lose enthusiasm among the blacks and hispanics.
If it is one of them is a male the men hating harpies in the party stay home.
If you keep telling everyone they are special and super important when they find out you lied they get upset.
If the dems lose to Trump in 2020 the dem party will cease to exist.
while you sit in front of your old ass laptop collecting Trump's connection to zionism and israel, i hab 1000 seks everyday. you beta male antifascist communist kike shill must hab seks like me.
Nice strawman. I never said any of that. Stay on topic please.
>Muh 4d chess
>He isn't in iran yet so he is secretly taking down zog.
>honorary asian jew replying to just regular mild-intensity kike shills
go out and hab seks.
oh no here we go again
guess you guys really stopped calling them "MIGAtards", right? what happened?
I remember Chris Matthews gleefully predicting after Obama got elected the shifting demographics would cause the Republicans to lose power everywhere and never hold the House, Senate , or Presidency ever again.
The only thing keeping Republicans alive is the Democrats. Nobody wants Trump to be President. He is just better than whatever clown the dems throw out there.
>the smartest move would have been to let Hillary win
Yes, allowing Hillary to get 2-3 SCOTUS judges would have been great.
>You are trying to change the argument to be about my location
That was always my point dumbfuck. How can you be so blind about what's going on? I blamed it on your location, now I'm seeing it's due to your low IQ
You're a sycophant. Don't take our word for it.. go check out his twitter page.